An Unplanned Adventure

Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in a small town.... view prompt

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Come on mom, I am getting late. Shanzah called her mom the third time.

Coming. Shanzah listened knowing that her mom meant two more minutes.

Shanzah was a lively girl of 21 years. She was going to her friend's sister wedding with her cousin and crime partner Sarah.

Here is your lunch basket. Her mom Alizah came with a basket full of sandwiches, snacks, pasta and some other eatables.

What is this mom. Shanzah was looking surprised. I just asked to make some sandwiches for me and Sarah.

Don't give me orders. Take it you may need it. Her Mom Alizeh said.

Okay mom. Thank you and good-bye. Saying this Shanzah took her bag and went outside. Her mom followed her.

Take care Shanzah. Her mom said and stood beside the door where she can see her going.

See you soon. Shanzah started her car and gave a smile to her mom telling not to worry about her.

Soon she was out of sight. The guard closed the main gate and her mom came inside the house.



After twenty minutes, she was outside Sarah's house.

Sarah came outside with her bag and sat in the car.

Now both were on their way to their friend's town.

Sarah and Shanzah were close friends. they were in same standard and in the same university. Both have been best friends since their childhood. Their likes and dislikes were also the same.


Shanzah was driving and Sarah was on the front seat.

Oh my God. Here is the real treasure. Sarah announced looking towards the basket which was on the back seat.

Shanzah smiled because she knew that Sarah was fond of eating but Shanzah was very strict about her diet. Only this thing could distinguish between the two. But the irony of fate was Shanzah was chubby and Sarah was skinny.

You are again on diet? Sarah asked with a taunting tone.

No. Shanzah said grabbing a sandwich from her hands. 

Be fast. Sarah reminded her after some time.

Slow and steady wins the race. Shanzah replied with full confidence.

It’s not a race. Sarah was active in replying.

That is the reason I am slow. Shanzah smiled at her.

Whatever. Sarah opened juice. Now she was focused on drinking.


It was around 3 p.m. when they left their city. Around 7 p.m. they should be at the wedding place.

After drive of one and a half hour, their car stopped with a jerk.

What happened? Sarah asked.

Let me see. Shanzah stepped outside to check the car.

The front Tyre of her car was punctured. Shanzah said to Sarah who was still on her front seat.

What? Sarah went outside to check it.

Now what.Do you have another one? Sarah asked.

Obviously. Shanzah replied with some hesitation and opened the hatchback door of her car. Not. She then said it with a down voice.

How you can be so irresponsible? Sarah shouted at her.

Now what we are going to do? Shanzah seemed tensed.

I don’t know. We are all alone here. Sarah was about to cry because the place was uninhabited.

Where is my mobile? We can call someone. Shanzah said.

There is no network here. Sarah said.

Are you sure? Shanzah was surprised.

Don’t be silly. Do you think there will be network in that deserted place. However you can check. Saying this, Shanzah showed her the mobile.

We are stuck here. Noticing no network , Shanzah became more sad.

Just because of you. Sarah blamed here.

We have no time to blame each other. Think of something to get out of here. if you want to fight, please post pone it. Shanzah said.

We should walk. Maybe we can find some shop to fix our car or a place to stay. Sarah suggested after a pause of some seconds.

Ok. Shanzah said, locked the car and both took their hand bags and started to walk.


What is the time? Sarah asked.

Its going to six. Shanzah replied.

We have been walking for one hour. It is going to be dark. This place seems a puzzle. The same place, the same scenes having no start and no end. Sarah was becoming more afraid with time.


After some time, they find two men were sitting on a bench having some snacks with their seems they stopped there for taking some rest.

They were left with no option but to ask help from them. But the girls didn’t know it will become their most horrible mistake.


Excuse me? Sarah said with a loud voice. The men noticed both girls with a meaningful look which was not noticed by Sarah and Shanzah.

How can we help you? One of them asked.

Sarah explained them briefly.

We can’t help you in this regard. It is dark here and there is a forest nearby. We are going to our home; we suggest you to come with us. You will be safe there.

After some time, Shanzah and Sarah agreed, because they were left with no other option, but this decision was going to make them repent soon.


Their car stopped. It was a small town.

The car entered the villa. All of them stepped out.

Come this side. One of them guided the girls.

Sarah and Shanzah followed him, while looking at the environment of house which was not less than a villa.

There were male and female workers. Female ones were covering their faces with a large piece of cloth draped over their heads and shoulders.

They entered drawing room and sat on a couch. The man left them there and returned to his fellow.


There is some unusual thing Sarah, we shouldn’t have come here. Shanzah was sweating with fear.

It is too late now. Sarah said.


Zaroon and Amir called their two female workers.

Now listen carefully. These two girls are our prey. You have to mix this liquid in their water and they will sleep soon and will awake when it will be too late. Zaroon said.

Yeah. We have called our friend who is expert in this regard. We will take out their kidneys and when they will be of our no use, we will kill them. Amir laughed thinking his fool proof plan.

Now go and remember, one fault means you are dead. Zaroon said and they left.


After some time, the female workers came with juice for the girls.

The girls were very thirsty because they had walked for so long.

Take this and then we will call you for dinner. One maid said.

Ok. Shanzah said and they both drank the juices.

Just five minutes and we they will faint. The maid said after leaving their room.


Amir and Zaroon were in lounge waiting for maids to bring a sort of good news.

Look they are coming. Amir smiled at Zaroon.

Is everything according to our plans? Zaroon asked.

Yes. One maid replied.

Now go and all other servants are in their quarters. No one should come here. Amir ordered.

The maids nodded their heads and went away.

We will get the double price of their organs. Zaroon laughed.

Yes. We are about to get what we want. Amir said.


Amir and Zaroon were brothers and they were the head of their small town. The rules of the town were very different for everyone. Maids cover their faces, Male workers have to wear black dress all the time.

Both brothers were involved in crimes but they were never caught. The main reason was the loyalty of their workers because the worker knew that if they tell the truth, the brothers will find a way to get out and when they are free, they will kill that person. This villa had many unseen scenarios, unspoken truths and a list of riddles no one could ever solve.

Once a worker tried to flee from their villa and the brothers caught him, kept him in a basement in a dark place for two weeks and then killed him. He was crying and begging for life, but they didn’t give him a second chance and shoot him in front of everyone to make them realize that no one can go from here.


Let’s move to the next step. Amir said and both went to the rooms where the maids were to keep them.

They entered the rooms and went towards the was natural to get shocked at the scenario.

The girls present there were their maids. Their hands and feet were tightened with ropes. They were on the chairs. All the rooms were sound proof so there was no use of trying to speak and their door was locked from outside as per the orders.

What is this? Amir shouted with anger.

Zaroon opened the knots of ropes.

Sir they ran and tightened us. Zaroon slapped her listening it.

You have to pay for this. Saying this both went out to search them.

The searched outside. They were not at their home.

Come on. they will not be so far. Saying this Amir moved towards their car.

Shit. The Tyre is punctured. Zaroon said.

They moved towards every car but every car was punctured.

Sarah and Shanzah made their mistake their achievement. The same Tyre puncture brought them here and the same scenario they created to escape from here.

Amir called out her servants and they went to search them on the bikes. During this,they didn’t notice their one car was missing as the car had tracking system.


Sarah and Shanzah were in the car, travelling to the place their car was.

It is risky to travel in their car for so long, they might have trackers in the car. Shanzah said.

Yes. Drive fast. Sarah advised while checking out the documents in the dash board.

Soon they were near their cars. Shanzah opened the hatch box and took out the tyre and necessary tools for tyre changing.

Hurry up. Sarah said while Shanzah was changing the tyre.

In the meantime, Sarah pushed the car to the forest and opened the lock of their car.

Come on start the car. Shanzah was successful in changing the tyre and sat quickly in the car.

Now Sarah was driving the car. Both had a mixed feeling of anxiousness and thankfulness.

Be fast Sarah. They will be searching us. Shanzah said.

Yes. Keep praying. Sarah said.


I want to go to washroom. Sarah said while they were sitting in the drawing room.

Go and check washroom yourself. Shanzah said.

And when she was looking for washroom, Sarah listened all the plan, told it to Shanzah and then they devised their plan.

When the maids came with juices. They showed that they drank it but they just emptied their glasses. And after it,acted like they have fainted when the maids came and when they were about to tie them with ropes, Sarah and Shanzah stood up and attacked. The maids who were not ready for it, became helpless and both girls succeeded in their plan.

They went outside from the backward door. They came in garage. When they just entered the house, Ali gave the keys to driver which was slipped from his hands unintentionally which no one noticed but Sarah.   

They punctured every Tyre and, searched for the keys and now they were in the car.


Amir and Zaroon were wandering here and there. They also found their car but its tyre was also punctured.

 The boys had to return empty-handed because the girls had reached their cities and were safe. They went to Shanzah's house.

The next morning, Mom came to their room.

I thought you will stay there for one or two days. But its good you returned. Mom said.

Yes Mom. Shanzah replied.

Now come for breakfast. Mom called them.

Yes, we will do breakfast together. Sarah said.


It was evening and both were sitting on the couch. The coffee was waiting for Shanzah and Sarah who just saved their life after a horrible adventure and were discussing the scenario they encountered.

I thought I will not be able to taste coffee again. Sarah said as she took a sip.

I knew that death is going to perish me. Shazah said.

Both felt a cold wave of terror in their bodies.

Notification bell of phone made them afraid. Sarah might have slipped the cup if it was not tightly held.

Shanzah opened the message and looked at her crime partner who was going to be her death partner.

What is it? Sarah asked.

It’s my friend’s message. Shanzah replied.

What message? Sarah was curious.

Why u didn’t come to the wedding. Shanzah said and both looked each other for one or two seconds.

Then a loud laughter from their room was listened by mom watching T.V outside.

It was for sure that at least in this life, they were not going to forget this adventure and not going to tell this unplanned adventurous secret story to anyone.


Still now, years later they discuss the story with some more additions in a dramatic way. Girls are so talkative but still this secret remained a secret between them.

















September 28, 2019 03:56

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1 comment

Ifrah ZahidButt
07:25 Jul 20, 2020

An extremely successful first try dearest hajira. Keep it up.😍


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