It was a slow afternoon in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. You can tell it’s slow, since the stray dogs aren't even barking at the squirrels and no one outside mowing. The Henderson’ three children are staring at the old grandfather clock, watching it tick away.
" I can't stand this, I'm gonna go find dad!" Alex huffed as she stomped her way to the office. The two younger siblings followed after her, telling her to stop.
" Dad said not to bother him, he's in a meeting." Luke said with urgency, while Tanner pulled on their older sister's arm. That didn't stop Alex from barging into the office, where her father was currently on the phone.
" Dad we're bored!" Alex sighed loudly to get the man’s attention, which was still glued to the phone. " Dad!" she increased her volume, this time it earned an irritated sigh.
"Give me a second," the man put the phone down on the desk, " Alexandra, didn't I tell you to stay out of the office?" His voice showed that he was angered at his daughter’s ignorance.
" Well, yeah but-" she was cut off by a finger on her mouth to quiet her. Lucas gave Alex a glare telling her to leave, without using words. Alexandra huffed and walked out of her father's office, but she hung her head low as she did so.
" I know something we could do," Tanner said sitting up rather quickly, " why don't we take the iPad and some snacks to the tree house to watch Disney movies." His plump cheeks stuck out as his smile grew, so did the two other siblings.
Alex was tasked with stealing the iPad from the office, which will be no easy task. As she slid into the mid-sized room, she didn't hear her father talking rather he was tapping. ' No, he's using the iPad!' her mission just got harder, ten times harder.
" Uhh, dad?" her voice was low trying not to anger him any more than he was before. He tensed but relaxed as he picked his head up. He hummed in response to his daughter, " I know we're still grounded from the iPad." Lucas can see where this is going as he looked at the small girl twiddle her thumbs.
" No, you can't use the iPad." He looked back down at his work, trying to find his place again. Before Alex raised her voice, her father spoke, " No that's the final answer." Lucas was not in the mood for arguing, definitely not after a grueling meeting.
" No wonder mom left, she hated that you're all work, no time for you kids." After that Alex snatched the iPad from her father, and stormed away. Leaving Lucas on the verge of tears for his ex-wife.
The three kids climbed up the ladder, trying to avoid getting splinters. When all three were up there they checked everything, when they forgot pillows. " We forgot pillows," Luke said looking everything over, " and bug spray, I'm allergic to bees." he frantically waved his arms around.
" Well if you stopped waving your arms around, you wouldn't need to worry." Alex said getting ready to descend into the chaos for pillows. And bug spray.
The twelve year old bolted into the living room for pillows, then the kitchen for bug spray. As she entered the kitchen she saw her father sitting there with a bowl of scrambled eggs. He looked up at her with a smile, the same one he puts on when the kids are sick.
" I called for you three 5 minutes ago, I looked outside, to find you and the boys climbing up the ladder." he laughed looking back at his bowl, " There's some eggs in the pan for you guys." his voice was low, too low that Alex didn't even hear him. She went about searching for the bug spray, having trouble she then spoke up.
" Do you know where the bug spray is dad?" she looked everywhere in the kitchen, by everywhere I mean not where it was.
" Honey it's on the counter," He held it up in the air to show her. Alex grabbed it then ran back out through the patio doors. her father sighed as he picked at his food, 'what are they up to?"
" Okay I got the pillows, and the bug spray." Alex handed off the items to her brothers. " do you have the iPad set up?" she asked as the boys pulled the curtains, and turned on the ac unit. " now this is life," Alexandra sighed in pure bliss.
" sure is big sis," Tanner agreed with her as he too relaxed in the cool air. " Can we watch Aladdin, I'm a sucker for Jasmine." they laughed as Luke put on the movie.
It was early afternoon when Lucas heard his children laughing hard at something. ' I'm gonna investigate what those children are up to.' He sat up from his work and trekked out there to the backyard.
It came apparent that they were watching movies, as he heard the familiar Disney opening song. As he reached hearing distance from the kids he shouted, " Hey kids!" all three children poked their heads out the small window.
" No adults allowed," Alex yelled down to their father. In response he raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side with a grin.
" Fine I'll just go and eat an entire chocolate cake by myself." Lucas turned on his heels to head back into the house.
" Wait Dad, you said chocolate cake?" Luke asked, rubbing his chin, contemplating what his father's answer was.
" Why yes, I could bring it up if you let me come up there." her father was striking up a deal, trying to get the kids to let him up there. " I'll gladly make milkshakes as well," The deal was getting to irresistible.
" Alright dad, you can come up here if you make milkshakes for all of us!" Alex hollered to the man below them, " Oh and don't forget the milkshakes!" The last bit made Lucas laugh at the tiny kids in the tree house.
"Okay here's the chocolate cake and milkshakes," Their father placed the desserts onto the tray to be carried up. He himself climbed the ladder, while avoiding splinter as well.
" Everyone comfortable?" Tanner asked snuggling against Lucas, they all hummed in an agreement. They spent the entire afternoon in the tree house, being together, being a family.
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