The sum of 1 plus 1 is 11

Submitted into Contest #261 in response to: Write a creative nonfiction piece about something you're grateful for.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

Life can be a tricky process. Appreciate the positive aspects and stay in your magic.

Tailed Flower, a girl, she moved to London with a scholarship to study. There, she developed the power of listening and observing the world. She came from a homogenous country. People were a little bit racist and with an absence of activism. There, she also evolved and changed.

"You need to understand the British jokes", her classmate said, and she giggled at her friend.

The city was radiating below grey clouds and rain showers that she loved. She loves to dance with her friends in the rain.

Everybody was well-dressed, elegant, and affluent. The city was glowing in her eyes. She studied engineering, but her favorite coffee place was at the Tate Modern Gallery. It has the best and most amazing views, and the coffee tastes deliciously.

"It has a graduate fair; would you like to join us over there?" a friend from school said. "My accent is awful; how will I get a job with this accent?" She responded, smiling. "You will practice with us; there is nothing to worry about!" She looked at her friend from the university with sparkling eyes and walked towards her, ready for her first job-seeking attempt.

There is nothing more precious than self-trusting your choice of worth-reading companies.

Her world was slowly glowing in one of the biggest economic centres in the world. She evolved and changed while being grateful for the opportunities such a glowing city had to offer and overpower her. Soon, she started working at the university as a teacher while pursuing her PhD- she had a flawless lifestyle. She was fascinated by a permanent life among those multicultural beliefs. She spent a decade in London to become knowledgeable, competitive, successful, and exceptional, and to connect with people like her. She was every day grateful for the opportunities this city gave her. She would not stop at nothing to get her dream job in management consulting.

As a mathematician and a PhD graduate, she had perfect problem-solving, analytical, and research skills. She even developed the ability to articulate her jokes and to inspire her students to study mathematics. "Could you please find the sum of 1 plus 1?" "It is 11!" "It is the new numerical of non-sense". "Nothing to worry about. You will get there!" she said to her students.

As a scientist, she achieved her dream goal. She made an astounding discovery in mathematics. She developed her own multidimensional system of equations and solved them to find the optimal solution. "The equilibrium!"

The hell broke loose!

Some businessman from her own home country was after her patent and he was craving for money; Her money, her hard work! He is her old boss in her home country. She worked for him for four months, but she left to study for an MSc in London.

Too many lights in London to remember the dusty Greece. That year 2012 Greece fell into a strict austerity program and everybody became poor.

Her world is being slowly stripped away in a fake life in which no old friends identify her values because of him. Revenge and hate surround her. The incentive to steal the patent and make it better was high. They were looking into converting it to a communication protocol and solving it more precisely. Everybody claimed to be the smartest and most capable and to make it even more unique and get the Nobel. No one from her old social circle does not appear to be who they were.

She could not stand the pressure and she commits suicide but survives. And then a family that gave her everything that she ever wanted, now stripped her away from London by imprisoning her in a crazy house for almost a year. Despite her working so hard for professional and personal development success never came her way as her patent got stolen by him, at least that was what the rumor was saying. She never found the truth.  

However, despite her wounds, she stood up and dived into visual art and creative writing. It was her hobby while living in London. Notting hill is well known as the alternative with an artistic lifestyle village in London. Notting hill was the village where she lived and loved. 

She received five small awards in visual art and within four years she became recognised as a professional visual artist by UNESCO, VAI, and IAA. People from the social media world gave her the first two awards. In particular, she received the Public Choice awards from the Biafarin Art Platform which were accompanied by loads of great comments on her visual artworks. She was also a nominee for plenty of other international art awards. She travelled her artworks around the world; Vienna, Moscow, Venice, Canada, USA. Each artwork tells a story, a Dada story, through which she sends a message to society. It is a Dada message mirroring viewing within each human's light. 

Pablo Picasso said: "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life!" Tailed Flower accompanied one of her best artworks with the below text: "I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my life to make myself happy not to impress others; My paintings are my soul, and attempt for eXisTence! XT"

After a long time, she heard that he failed to make a sale and implementation of her mathematical patent. However, she left it behind her and stayed in visual art.

"Think seriously and think honestly." A poem writes.

I had a great life as a student and teacher in London. I learned a lot about diverse industries and made my own mathematics: DATRA Mathematics. This mathematics, that no one can steal, is Tailed Flower's PhD thesis. She knows someday someone will recognise it. The purpose of life is to be yourself and love what you do!

Every beat of her heart is an equation of her math’s; likewise, is a rhythm of her soul! Her life will be consistent with the infinity she created with her numbers and symbols; symbols in mathematics and coloured canvases.

August 02, 2024 06:51

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Graham Kinross
19:05 Dec 21, 2024

I like how you wove art and mathematics together so well. Especially the last lines show the beauty of the two working together.


Stefania Katz
00:27 Dec 23, 2024

Thank you so much ! :)


Graham Kinross
15:25 Dec 23, 2024

You’re welcome.


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Robin Owens
21:53 Aug 07, 2024

I am a math teacher! You make math sound exciting and beautiful, which it is.


Stefania Katz
15:22 Aug 08, 2024

Thank you so much, I studied maths as well! As a poem says: Life without Maths is a ship without sail!


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Mary Bendickson
22:18 Aug 04, 2024

Best wishes to you. All sounds fascinating. 🙏 Thanks for liking 'Thank You Reedsy'.


Stefania Katz
15:32 Aug 05, 2024

Thank you so much!


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Stefania Katz
09:23 Aug 04, 2024

Tears filled her eyes, but she is still alive!


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