
We were practising again today. All the experienced ones started calling out and we answered. We all sat and watched the Great Ones for our cue. And then all of a sudden they rose up as one and my family and friends and I followed. We seemed to be dancing through the air. I could feel a magnetic pull as we moved side to side, up and down. It felt so exhilarating and powerful to be part of the group. There was so much noise and air flowing around us and then, just as quickly as it had started, we all landed in a tree again and sat quietly. This practicing has been going on since the air has been cooling. The Great Ones tell us we are going on a long journey.

It seems like a long time ago now that I learned how to fly. It wasn’t always so easy. But let me go back to the very beginning.  I was born in a tree in the meadow on a quiet day in the spring. My first memories are of our grass nest and my parents bringing my siblings and I morsels of food all day. My first view from the nest was the clear blue sky through the soft green leaves of our family tree. It felt very safe in our nest. Sometimes it was light and warm, sometimes it was wet and sometimes it was dark and cool. My parents stayed close to us and kept us warm, especially at night. It was hard to lift my head at first but soon I learned to look up and open my mouth just like my brother and sister and use my voice to ask for more. The better we lifted our heads, the more food we got. It seemed like a very long time that we lived in the nest. But one day my brother, the bold one, pulled himself to the top and sat looking out. He told us there was a lot to see out there. A huge world with other trees and other creatures! He was very excited and wanted to find his own food. Our parents had been telling us we needed to open our wings and fly. I didn’t understand about wings yet but I started spreading out my arms to see how it felt. There wasn’t much room. My brother kept opening his wings and taking up too much space. But today he was at the top of the nest and suddenly he disappeared! My sister and I were worried. We didn’t know what had happened to him. Had he fallen to the ground? Was he flying? Several moments later he was back and he told us he had flown! He was very excited and was carrying some food probably given to him by our mother. It was one of those red berries that I like so much. He disappeared again. That night I thought I had better try getting out of the nest too. If getting out meant so much excitement and extra food, I had to try it. I would miss the security and warmth of the family nest but it was getting too small. In the morning I pulled myself to the top with great effort. I didn’t feel that strong yet. My sister kept asking me to be careful. I felt kind of sick to my stomach as I looked out into a great void with many colors and moving parts. I opened my arms and felt the air pushing up under my feathers. I closed my eyes and jumped. I was sinking downwards! Opening my eyes, I flapped my arms which pushed me back upwards. I was flying! A very short time later I stumbled onto a branch. I continued practising all day. My parents rewarded me by bringing me bits of food. I flew back to the nest to tell my sister all about it. She had already pulled herself to the edge and was looking out. I showed her how to fly too and soon we were practising daily together. We met other ones like us and have made new friends. Since that day I’ve been flying better and better every day. I’ve found the places where our food grows. At night we huddle together and sleep on a branch. At first I really missed the family nest but after several days I got used to it.

The days have been getting shorter and the air is cooler. We have been practicing flying as a group for several days. We have been told we’re going on a long journey to a place where the days are longer, the weather is warmer and there is more to eat and some exotic foods.  We’ve been eating lots of seeds and insects to gather our strength. I feel stronger and more graceful every day. My voice is getting clearer and stronger. I've been practicing talking like the others. And my feathers are growing longer making it easier to fly.

The time has come! We are waiting to go. Many more have joined and we are a very large group. The air is crackling with excitement. We are waiting for our cue. There are many experienced ones to show us the way.  I think I’m ready for the journey and my body is strong enough. I’m thinking about the tree in the meadow where I was born. How I will miss it! We have to leave there now. I will never forget the spot. I will miss the morning dew in the meadow and think of all the time I spent there with my family. I hope I will be back here again. Suddenly the signal is sent and I’m in the air with everyone. We’re going higher than I’ve ever been. I see the meadow and the stream far below getting smaller and smaller.

We’ve been flying for several days now. We’re flying so high that I don’t see the ground below anymore. The air we move through is thin in some spots and thicker in others. I watch the others in front of me and follow. When I’m tired I let myself go and feel the current of energy pulling me along. The Great Ones are leading the way. They decide when we move and when we stop and rest. We only have a little way to go now. I wonder what it will be like. I’m so excited to see what’s ahead!

October 16, 2020 20:24

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Ryan Dupont
17:51 Oct 27, 2020

Hi Connie. This was a very cute story and I felt the descriptions from the birds point of view were well written. The sense of community that the bird felt apart of and the excitement for the journey ahead was great. The only thing that I thought might be an improvement would be to break up that one huge paragraph a little more. Otherwise, the story itself was very good and overall a very enjoyable read. Keep writing!


13:17 Oct 29, 2020

Thanks for reading my story and for your feedback Ryan. I appreciate it. I agree the one paragraph is too long:) I'm reading your orc story today.


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Andrew Krey
14:28 Oct 21, 2020

Hi Connie, I enjoyed your story, and even though it was all written as tell it was very engaging. It gave the feel of a fond memory, so I think that worked. I liked your take on the prompt, to also include the bird as a chick in the nest too. As a suggestion - you could have explored the sibling dynamic more, pulling comparison from human siblings. I think this could have increased the connection to the bird by making it more relatable. Well done, and I hope the feedback was useful. Happy writing


16:32 Oct 21, 2020

Thanks Andrew. I really appreciate your feedback. I am just starting to write again after many years and this is a great way to practice.


Andrew Krey
23:43 Oct 21, 2020

You're welcome, I'm glad it was helpful. I really like the Reedsy format too. Good luck with your future stories :)


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