Race of a Lifetime

Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: Write a story about a Google Street View driver.... view prompt



Hello, my name is Khalid. I am a one of the Google Street View Driver in Malaysia. What I am about to tell you is a story of my experience driving through one of the most haunted road in Malaysia. The road is called the Old 'Karak' Highway.

The time was nearing evening, about 5pm. I was on my way back to the office to return back the car I was driving. I was so tired driving around the car that day. I felt like I need to take a break. I haven't had any vacation for 3 months now. My mom has been asking me to come back to my hometown in Penang. As I was kind of tired, I wanted to get back home faster that I decided to use the Old 'Karak' Highway back to Kuala Lumpur. I did not know that it was one of the stupidest mistake I ever make in my life.

As I was driving through the road, the radio was on and playing one of my favorite song by a group called Wings with the lead singer, Awie singing 'Tragedi Oktober'. It is one of the best song I know and it was considered as a classic rock in Malaysia.

All around the road was nothing but jungle. I knew that the road was famous with so many stories of ghost sighting and car accidents but I didn't pay heed to it. Mind you that it was still 5pm almost 6pm at that time. Usually, there is still light from the sun shining its reddish orange light but at that day, the black cloud covered the sky that I had to turn on the headlight of the car. Suddenly, the creepy road turn creepier and creepier.

There were barely any car that I could see passing by the other side of the road. On my side, I couldn't see any car in front or behind me. I let myself thought that it was already in the evening, so no one would be driving here anymore as everyone must have already arrive at home, being comfortable lounging on the sofa and watch movie with their family. I shook my head, trying to ease my mind, telling myself that I am going to get home after this and I will be able to lay back on my king sized bed and sleep till morning.

Unexpectedly, a car flash its headlight behind me. It was so bright that I had to squint my eyes to see at the inside mirror. I couldn't exactly see what car it was at first. I thought I was driving too slow at first but If the car behind me wanted to cut my car to go to the front, it can just do that as there was no car other car coming from the other side. The car kept on doing so for at least 4 minutes. I had enough of it. I pressed the horn and signalled my car to the left indicating that I am giving the car behind me a way to cut my car and go forward. It took about 2 minutes before the car started to move to the right and drive forwards. That was when I realized I was in a huge pit of shit.

As the car moved, I look at my right side mirror and I almost had a heart attack. It was the yellow Volkswagen! Oh my God! My heart stopped for a minute and I couldn't bring myself to even breath as the car drive by mine slowly gaining speed and when it was at the same position as mine, I could see clearly. There was no driver at all! The car was driving beside me for a full 2 minutes then it drove passed me and vanished from my sight. I started to pray in my heart for God's protection from demons and such. I was so scared that I almost peed in my pants. I took long deep breath to calm my fast beating heart. I didn't dare to stop the car or even slowing down. I know that I need to get the hell out of this God forsaken place.

I thought the worse had passed but I was wrong. The same thing happened again. It was the yellow Volkswagen again! 'Oh my God! Oh My God! Why? Why me? Why now?' That thought keeps playing in my mind again and again. I know this time I can't let the car pass by me or me trying to pass by the car when it was in front of me. I heard the stories of people kept getting into an accident along this highway. So now, it is a race between human and demon.

As I kept driving, the Volkswagen keep trying to pass me by but I did not allow it. Where ever it try to move, I would always block its way. My mouth did not stop praying loudly, praying for God's protection and mercy. This goes on for more than 10 minutes. I thought that I was going to be in this eternal loop without a way out of this place. But with God's help, I found a sign showing a way out towards Kuala Lumpur and out of this Highway to Hell. I prayed to God one last time and stepped on the gas paddle and drove at a speed I know I am going to get speed ticket but I don't care anymore. I just want out of this place. With a yell of God's name, I drove out of the highway and into a normal streets that have buildings and shops.

I slowed down the car to avoid getting an accident here and I drove towards a nearby restaurant to get out of the car and catch a breath. I couldn't help myself to look behind to see the car but it has vanished. When I got to the restaurant, there was a lot of people eating and chatting among themselves. I stopped the engine, took a few shaky breath before going out of the car. My breath was heavy. I went to sat on one of the seat and ordered Iced Milo. I need something sweet to calm me down. A few elders that was sitting at the table in front of me looked at my paled face.

"Kenapa pucat tu, Nak?" One of the elder asked me why I was paled. I sighed in relief and I told them of the ordeal that I just had. People started to gather around me to hear my story. They know that the Old 'Karak' Highway is haunted and still is. They said I was lucky that God has given his Mercy and saved me. After that, I went back to the office. By the time I arrived, it was already 8pm. Some of the night shift worker is there. They asked me why I was so late and I told my story. Shock is an understatement based on their expression that I was seeing. They were terrified. The next day, I asked for a week vacation. I went back to my hometown and told my family of my experience.

I will never forget the incident at that place. Well, this is all that I have to tell for now. If I have any other stories like this, I'll tell you guys next time. Just remember that whatever hurdle that may come our way, we must never give up. Keep on fighting for our loved ones. Till we meet again, signing out, Khalid.

May 01, 2020 05:17

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Zirah Rejab
06:25 May 06, 2020

I am scared to drive now. 😅


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11:55 May 01, 2020

Good write up !


Nadia Abdullah
12:25 May 01, 2020

Thank you maya...


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Dust 1
10:43 May 01, 2020

Wow, amazing story. Nice job author, can't wait another story 😆


Nadia Abdullah
10:55 May 01, 2020

Thank you Dust1... I'll keep up with the stories... Thank you again..


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Nadia Abdullah
10:33 May 01, 2020

Thank you for reading this story... It meant a lot to me...


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