Suspense Thriller

Karen watched happily as her friends and family gathered around her, cheering and singing. It was her birthday and they were all celebrating. They voted to go out to eat, at a local, high quality diner. Karen got in the car, waiting excitingly as she watched the others make their way to the car. After they all piled in, her mom wasted no time, driving into town, pulling into the restaurant's parking lot. Karen got out, gazing up at the old wooden sign. They had the money to replace it, but they kept the old timey feel alive. The signs lights glimmered, lighting up the parking lot below. Karen and her family entered, and when a waiter sat them down, they quickly got their food.

As they ate, the lights began to flicker. “What the..?” Karen's mom sighed, “Probably a power surge. It’s a city, they happen” Karen knew she was right, but this one seemed a bit more.. Severe. It didn't stop, seeming like it would go on forever. Until finally, the lights shined normally, except, that's what Karen thought. In all reality they were dimmer, alot dimmer. 

That could mean the city was low on power, Karen began to get worried. And then, just as everyone settled in again, the lights cut short, leaving the dining area bathed in a darkness, that if alone, could be considered soothing. But she wasn’t alone, she was surrounded by people. Panicking people. At least until the manager came out, attempting to calm the startled customers. “Please, just sit down, and enjoy your food. I’m sure it’ll come back on shortly.” The restaurant's generator kicked on, but it wasn’t enough to power the normal lights. Instead, it powered the reserved lights, which Karen always thought were for decoration.      

Karen and her family finished eating, walking out and to the car, after paying the bill. “It’s been fifteen minutes..” Karen said. “What’s going on?” Karen’s mom quickly shut her worries down. “It’s nothing Karen, just your average power outage.” Karen sighed, she couldn’t say anything, she was probably right.

They all crammed in the car, driving home, mostly silent. That’s when a buzz went off. Karen’s mom had mobile data, and could still get updates. She looked at her phone the moment they got home. “Oh my! The power sub-station was destroyed. They think it was a terrorist attack.” Karen felt her stomach drop. Power wouldn’t be on for days, maybe even weeks, or months!

Karen sighed, not realizing the danger that can come with what seems like a casual black out. People's darkest desires can come out, some people it’s not that bad, like thievery. But some have things worse than that, they want to get rid of people, in violent ways.

A few days passed, it was quiet. Karen’s mom sighed. “We need to get more food.. I’ll head to Walmart.” Karen sat up. “I’ll come with you!” It was the only fun thing to do, everything was off. Karen’s phone had died, and the charger can’t work without power. 

Karen and her mom got in the car. “Karen. We have to be smart about this, so I brought flashlights.” Karen nodded as a way of saying okay. The power could be on in a few hours, the sub station was almost fixed up. But that didn’t change the fact Karen was completely over taken with sheer boredom. Her and her mother slowly pulled into the empty parking lot, the gravel rumbled under the car, a sound she had heard plenty of times before, but this time it was..  Different. Whether it be the fact it was terribly dark, or if it was one in the morning. 

The two geared themselves with flashlights. Karen’s mom grabbed a knife, looking at Karen, tossing it to her. “If anyone tries anything to hurt us, do what you have to do.”. Karen Nodded, she knew full well it was the truth. People had been killed, though as of that moment it was low. 

Things were about to change.. And that number was going to skyrocket.

Another car lay empty a few lanes away from them. Karen shivered, knowing they weren’t alone. The two slowly walked, stopping at the door. It was an issue getting in, at least they thought it was gonna be an issue. The door had already been pried open with a crowbar. The two crept through the door, slowly walking in. Karen's mom shined the light around.

The amount of darkness was strange, she’d never seen the building like that. No one had really, it was a first for both of them, and whoever was in the building. But Karen and her mom went in, ready to go at whatever was in there. As they walked, Karen felt a chill go down her spine. Someone was there, and they were watching. Karen urged her mom to hurry, as she started to hear rustling and footsteps. When her mom finally got to the snack aisle, she quickly got what she could find. Karen's mom told her to go down an aisle, and get water, Karen did so, sprinting around the aisle to the beverage section. There she found water, it was a bit heavy, but she could waste no time. 

As she ran back she heard fighting, intense fighting, the kind one survives, 

and the other doesn’t. She quickly ran to her mother, telling her they had to go. And so they hurried out, not wasting any time skimming, or walking. Karen’s shoulders burned, the water cases were heavy, one hundred pounds was enough to weigh someone down, even if it was only 50 pounds per case of water. When they got out to the car they tossed the water and chips in the back seat, and piled into the front seat. 

And on their way home, they drove by the substation and it was basically finished, probably only a few more minutes before light shined over the town. When they pulled into the home's driveway, they brought the food and water inside, and as they sat down to eat, the lights started to flicker, and then…

The lights flicked on, the days without power were over, Karen let out a sigh of relief. It had been an interesting few days.

May 07, 2021 13:26

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