
Something singular was happening. The withered wishes of the summer ancestors were resurrected with the sound of the soon arrival of the festivals longed for by the people and, even so, I felt confused, highly thoughtful even when the essence of the awakened was necessary to prepare the final touches in the pastry of my family, however, I was unable to concentrate, after all, a certain special person flooded my mind with beautiful thoughts that based their nature on a fantasy romantic experience that possessed the beautiful characteristics that the writers inspired by love, use. Ignorant I was, although I knew the fundamental fact to give a final voice to my following actions, after all, I knew that it would be impossible for me to unite spiritually and physically with that Goddess incarnated as a woman... That discouraged me, at the same time something was rare, a specific aspect that aroused a mortal curiosity in my being, because my hatred towards the aforementioned character remained fervent throughout the year, however, I felt especially romantic on those summer days, they made me remember... They gave me the right to recall the truth hidden behind the chaos hovering in my life in each season of the year, they brought images of the hidden reality in my experiences with her. Such a sweet rivalry that acted masked with the undying hatred of two families who wanted to make their life of something successful, perhaps extravagant, consequently they alienated us from each other, called us with rage in their voices when we interacted as children, and inserted dangerous ideals into our minds as if we were mortal enemies destined to destroy each other, but a beautiful whisper in the wind simulated to indicate the future, but a beautiful reddish color was manifested on our cheeks when we said goodbye with bright gazes that we used to dedicate to each other. I considered it for so long, I pondered about approaching my parents and declaring my forbidden love towards the bearer of the unnameable surname, but I never had enough courage to speak the truth, however, something happened in the romanticism that acted in the fireworks of the summer festival...

Started like any other day. It began with the morning cries of my mother looking for my presence in the small home where we resided, that scared me, but the comfort of my bed was great enough for the fear of said authority figure to leave my mind. The calm that passed through my window during the early hours of the day motivated me to lie down for a while longer, and thus enjoy the preciousness of the beginning of the morning, it was characterized by the early appearance of the sun with precious abundant yellow rays that were reflected on the floor of my room, therefore, I would be able to hear the song of adorable birds whom posed their houses in the trees belonging to the front of our property, but the beauty of that vision that attacked sight and hearing, lacked of importance given the greatness of the landscape presented when observing the vastness of the green lands... I loved the sweet seconds that made up the minutes of my stay in that earthly paradise prior to my necessary support in my family's bakery.

Later, I used to tour the town and be amazed at the architecture of it, like those visionary designs of small buildings surrounded by stairs that would attack the difficulty of climbing the mountain, like the infinite amount of round spotlights placed on the roof of the establishments to create a chain of illumination typical of fantasy stories with adventurous proportions, but, the moment that I enjoyed with greater intensity during the day, was made up of the stiff competition that the aforementioned woman and I would maintain in order to obtain the essential materials for the elaboration of our cakes. It was so much fun! And I was well aware of the fact that I should not have fun with her, despite this, the smile evoked on her sweet face impregnated my heart with curious desires, because of that, I felt unable to continue competing, provoking the intense desire of giving her what she needed to win, to attack me; and thus, retain her sweet smile even if I would have to drown in her mockery due to my defeat. I was confused. Our interactions were characterized by the purity of competition and the feelings that I had did not appear until the early resurrection of the summer traditions... What could it have been? What was it that caused the flowering of emotions alien to the known? And I questioned myself with fervor, but despite such conflict, I was conscious that I knew for sure the provoking event of the aforementioned yearn. How should I describe it? What words would be adequate to relate the ineffable? I wish that whoever heard my words had lived it by my side, had experienced it like a spiritual companion who innocently harasses the living, thus, I would not have to find prayers to give a definition to what lives clearly in my memories, however, the simple fact of considering telling it causes me a beautiful happiness that does not go unnoticed, ergo, let me try...

It was in the course of the weekend that took place on July 12 when it was decided to begin preparations for the upcoming festivals. Although the ephemeral two days that that process lasted do not have great significance in the context of the wonder that attacked my heart next Monday. In the advance of said occasion, I could even mention that the presences of the magnificent ones who control the earth and the sky were present, after all, such beauty as an indescriptible art that rested on our noses in an orange sky, it was worthy of recognition of the most talented artists, as well as the observing gods. Until now I have carried out innumerable soliloquies to determine if the divine is the culprit of the beauty of the present moments from the beginning of the day, like the participation of the majestic dawn that continued with its slow disappearance to immerse myself in a relaxed daily period where the clouds would glimpse the events from somewhere far away until the appropriate moment to digest the lunch meal would come, where suddenly an infinite spectacle of clouds with curious shapes would move across the visible sky; I wonder, if "she" was shown with as much expectation as that visible in my eyes before the majestic act of nature, plus a short but lasting feeling, gave me the answer. Several hours had passed since the start of the important date, however, I feel absolutely fascinated to tell you about the beginning of the romantic process that led in the occurrence of the fantastic present in which I now live, therefore, even if I wanted to, I would not know how to find the right words to describe the pastry preparations or more accurately, I do not want to do it, I do not want to waste time telling about a meaningless rivalry when hours later awaits the appearance of my soulmate with beautiful clothes that would constitute the first Image of the moment when I knew I should love her for the rest of my life. Sometimes, the circumstances align perfectly, from time to time, the events of the day lead as determinism towards the appropriate, and in such seconds, you know widely that you are standing in the expected place, that you are wearing what is necessary and that you will say the words that are appropriate for the occasion.

If I recall now, I see myself running as if time was running out, moving quickly through the excited crowd that shouted and danced to the sound of expensive fireworks, that shouted with the appearance of attractive music that sounded good on electronic devices, however, none of it had importance in my eyes, after all, time was running out. Where was I running? I was excited, pushing the adults minutes after I had abandoned my bakery and leaving it in the hands of my passionate parents who cheered fondly with the frequent customers who enjoyed that sweet bread, but there was something that I wanted, a certain object that was not far away, something that It rested frequently on her soft hands during the competition that took place. I felt that I had no time to lose, because beyond any speech I could offer, what I would do would have a greater meaning than the very romantic declaration that I longed to offer... I begin to remember... I never managed to arrive at my destination, though I needed to taste her cake to exclaim the truce between us I was not able to achieve it, although it will be funny for you to know that the nature of this small defeat is not due to the cowardice you might be thinking of, but rather to the extreme coincidence, in the union between two minds that agree on a specific point, in the thinking of two hearts that go to the same "point". Do you remember, my beloved? Our heads collided within the vastness of the crowd and we proceeded to sit on the ground for a couple of seconds to regain the normal sensation that was replaced by intense pain, and we felt confused as well as curious to know the identity of our attacker, though the shame and the act of blushing was what invaded us as we looked up and met our eyes. At that moment I knew it, but there was still an unfinished business, which disappeared when I directed my vision towards the container that rested on the ground after our fall and, it really amazed me, since our ideas despite their great differences had the same purpose, despite this, at first that girl refused to offer me the medium piece of cake that it seemed that she had prepared with her own hands. Faced with her rejection, I took the container "using force" and I devoured the sugary portion with passion, therefore, I exclaimed about the incredibly delicious flavor that was hidden in the depths of its composition, afterwards, she remained in silence, then, she dedicated me a sweet smile accompanied by the reddish color of her cheeks. That is how it did happen. Without a romantic kiss or hug, without a greater demonstration of love that usually appear in romance movies, however, my imagination attacked me with a specific image typical of the imaginative, like a hallucination that allowed me to observe a hug between our souls, in the same way, I have always believed that I was able to feel it… We smiled at each other, and slowly our lives came together completely.

December 11, 2020 22:21

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