
Yesterday, Aditi called me through phone at 10:30 . I was just amazed I didn't know what to respond because It had been almost seven years having had any contact with her. However I had her phone number saved in my phone but I never felt like talking to her . First few seconds she didn't say anything. I was ill at ease but awaited her response then out of impatience I said hello twice and then came her shrill voice which had a affection and compassion she addressed me by name Rash . Thereat I felt as if I were in the same position when she called me the first time I for a moment felt a little awkward by being addressed with the name like this especially by an old acquaintance whom I had not talked with for a long time . But I was talking with her . She actually called me for help . She didn't ask my whereabouts nor even about how I was. Then I thought her to be little selfish. Of course, she knew what I had become so she continued and asked me for meeting with me just because her one of friends needed to take my interview for her magazine so that it could get some fame after all I was the management of a prominent company and of course I never refused to have any interview . Nowadays I didn't receive any call for interview. It was the first call of an interview in this year with very strange and dramatic manner. I accepted to have interview and it was decided that we would meet the next morning in Tasty restaurant. After telling this she didn't say anything fleetingly then asked how I was . I told her with hilarious manner "fine ". My tone was a little funny but it used to be when we used to talk with each other through the phone . Now that I was talking to her I couldn't stop myself talking in that manner. I reciprocated with same question and she said only one word "well" . It seemed very depressing to me she then heaved a sigh and reminded me of our meeting and and then hung up the phone . A piercing beep resonated into my ear for a while as if a beloved rejected his lover's proposal. It seemed a silence with a thud . A thud that breaks the silence and continues to reverberate until the silence mingles in it . Sometimes our greatest noise become our constant silence. It looks like an illusion but it becomes the part of our saddest life . Now I was thinking what I should bring with me as the presents as I had my own customs to give the presents whom I would meet especially first time and that I was going to meet my old friend who always assumed me the best friend cum a lover and so did I . But I never expressed myself openly I always had a great liking for her and she also had for me as well which looked through her behaviour . At one point of our friendship we became very close not physically close of course but emotionally. We used share our diurnal incident each other . I didn't know why I was unsure of her . After expressing my feelings by proposing her and telling her those three magical words I got a little depressed because she rejected my proposal and didn't say anything further. But her calling to me didn't stop she started calling me more than ever before. Sometimes she would call out of getting some help and sometimes for no reason just to talk to me endlessly. I didn't understand her mind . I was joyful to receive her calls but I would never call her or send her massage firstly perhaps this thing because I still had that feeling for her but perhaps she only understood me as her friend that's why she never expressed herself but somewhere I felt that she had a great liking for me but I avoided thinking it as my illusion and never asked anything about her calls and messages. Soon she stopped calling and texting and also stopped showing her status. Since then I had been 7 years having talked with her through any means. Perhaps she had some feeling which she couldn't express through her words but could express her through her actions. It was really a confusion which maybe would always be unresolved. So next morning almost at 9:30 I reached there before time. The time was 10:00 but I thought that would reach early so came first and booked a finest corner for our meeting so as to avoid any inconvenience. I was waiting for them sitting on the chair. Soon there entered two lady at 10:15 . The time was being showed on the time piece hanging on the front wall of the restaurant. I stood and went to them to welcome them and handed both of them the bouquet. They took it nervously. I gestured them to follow me . I took the bouquet from them and put on the table and we then all sat . Aditi introduced her friend Rani who was the editor of that magazine. Without wasting the her friend plunged into the topic. She started asking all the questions about my company, about my success, and other related questions. It took almost 1 hour to complete the interview. Meanwhile, Aditi was listening us attentively. On some occasions she would take out her phone and would stroll it . But I could feel her attention towards me. Her friend Rani who wore a jacket and derby hat on her head. She sometimes got nervous and would often laugh when she would make any mistakes like dropping her pencil or paper or getting stumbled in the middle. She then became very pretty. After having finished the interview we had lunch . We didn't speak much . Then Rani received a call and told us later on that she would have to go and would like another meeting. She stood ,took her bag and walked out the restaurant. So there were only two I and Aditi. For a moment she was just avoiding me and sipping coffee without having any eye contact with me . Then I broke the silence and said curiously ' so what are you doing now ?' I didn't really know never bothered to ask her . She responded that she was fashion designer and recently opened a beauty parlour. I was very happy that she was settled. She again got silent and put down her head then started staring at me . I was agape . I giggled and snapped my finger to draw her attention. She chuckled and clutched my hand and said ' don't you think we should again talk and ___' I was feeling exuberant and then our all confusions ended.

May 18, 2021 08:24

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