High School Funny Drama

This story contains sensitive content

Mention of Sexual Violence

Vikky went shopping with Aunt Ruth after school on Thursday. Aunt Ruth chattered excitedly. You’d have thought young Thomas had asked her to be his girl at the school prom. This shopping trip seemed exactly like Ruth’s cup of Earl Grey. Yet, she appeared as overlooked as a solitary ham sandwich in comparison with a plate of tasty hors d’oeuvres

Her niece, Vikky, stole the show. She commanded attention from the razor-sharp cut of her long black bob, her crisply pleated miniskirt and knee-high socks, to her chunky, black patent, block-heeled Mary Jane platforms, complete with black bows. These were the perfect shoes for someone diminutive.

Her aunt took her to several top-quality dress stores, including Indigo’s, Whatchamacallit, and Heaven Bridal, specializing in formal wear. There, they saw the perfect dress for the prom.

“It’s the perfect colors!” said Vikky. She took it into a changing room to try it on.

All the shop assistants gasped when they saw her. Her aunt sighed in delight. The sight Vikky cut in her school uniform turned heads. Still, Cinderella truly sparkled after her Fairy Godmother waved her magic wand and transformed rags into a beautiful ballgown. The flared grey/blue gown had orange, blue, and black glittery beadwork over the front of the bodice. Under the chiffon skirt, flowers in the same colors shone through from the fabric below, all around the floor-length hem. She slowly turned before them.

Her aunt winked. “I know why you chose it, darling, but you look lovely.”

Vikky smiled. “It’s beautiful. Makes me feel better about going to the prom. Thank you so much.”

“Nonsense. Thomas from school asked you. I want you to look your best. You wouldn’t have said, ‘Yes,’ unless you wanted to go. He’s from a great family, too.”

“Let’s just say he was persuasive . . . I couldn’t say, ‘No.’”

“And now let’s go get the right shoes. Don’t even think about wearing your blue boots on the night.”

Aunt Ruth spared no expense. Vikky had fallen in love with a fantastic dress, considering she only liked to wear colors chosen by Coraline from the movie of the same name. If she’d chosen plain black, Aunt Ruth would have been disappointed.

Vikky’s mother died when Vikki was very young, while her father still had to serve the rest of his prison sentence. After his release, he visited his daughter, but she had been fearful of the father she didn’t remember. Her aunt and uncle insisted she stay with them, the only family she knew. They also had the means to provide for a child.


Thomas gave her another note at break time the next day at school. It said, “Roof, please, 12.30pm.”

“Here we go again,” she muttered. She wondered what it was all about this time.

The flat-roofed area of the main three-floored block had walls surrounding it, providing a panoramic view of the whole school. Thomas seemed to prefer this place when he had anything to discuss with her.

When she walked onto the rooftop terrace, he stood waiting, gazing over the scene.

“You have summoned me again. What is it now?” she asked.

“First of all, I’ll come clean. I’ve changed my afterschool training to the SEOs Martial Arts Academy, where you train.”

“Does that mean my secret self-defense classes will become public knowledge? You promised to keep it quiet if I went to the prom with you.”

“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.”

“Or is it a challenge? You want to check if you can get one over me on the mat?”

“As I said, I’m more interested in doing dance moves with you. I’ve been chosen for the school swim team, and I needed to change my other training. They couldn’t give me the night I wanted. So, I changed it to the day you go to SEO. I’ll see you there.”

“You’re looking rather too pleased.”

“I’ve got something else for us to team up on.”

“If it’s competitive, you can take a hike.”

He smirked in his usual cheeky way. “Hiking together, now there’s an idea.”

Her eyes rolled. “Dream on. What’s the other thing?”

“First, don’t start thinking I asked you to go to the prom to help with this.”

“Help? Sounds like a teamwork thing. You know I’m independent. I’m still unsure why you invited me to the prom. I’m not much fun.”

“This thing may be your cup of hot chocolate with cream. It’s helping out a fellow female. I can’t do it alone.”

“Don’t tell me it includes beating up some guy?” Vikky sounded derisive.

“You are quick. Yes, it does. It’s to help my sister.”

“And teaching her how to defend herself? Sounds like she needs it.”

“It’s more complicated . . . My little sister Josie fancied Robert Taylor. You know, the jock on the track team. He asked her out.”

“I know Josie. Pretty blond, a cheerleader.”

“It was the clandestine date from hell. She didn’t tell anyone in the family but me. And only recently.”

“Why can’t you just beat him up yourself?”

“It’s much more involved. Quite a tangle. Robert came onto her in his car, forced her . . . she isn’t pregnant. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he recorded the whole thing. She showed it to me. She’s devastated. It’s clearly her, but he can deny his part as you don’t see his face. He threatened to send it to everyone. She’s emptied out her bank account but he’s still demanding more . . . She came to me then.”

“Poor, girl. Sounds like you. Remember the photos? It’s how you got me to go to the prom with you.”

He opened his eyes wide and gaped. “What do you mean? That was a bona fide investigation. I never came on to you.”

“You found out you couldn’t.”

“Fair go, Vikky! That was fisty cuffs, even-stevens. I’d never hurt you.”

“I agree. Robert’s behavior is reprehensible and nothing like your investigative reporting – though you make things go viral too.”

“Vikky. I’ll admit I was intrigued by you. But it’s more because you’re not who you appear to be. You have secrets. Secrets, I’m keeping.”

“How are we going to deal with Robert?”

“I’ve thought long and hard about it. It’s not just a matter of getting his phone and deleting stuff. I want to teach him a lesson and get my sister’s money back. You’re the only one I can ask to help me with this.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“During the prom, I’ll excuse myself. I want you to cut in and dance with Robert. Flirt with him. Whoever his partner is will be annoyed, but he will want to take advantage. She may leave him for a drink or something at some stage. You are fancied by most of the boys. He’ll think of how he looks with a nonpareil, even if he believes I’ll return for you later. After a while, tell him you want some air. Let yourself be led around to a quiet spot. On the left of the building, I can hide in the bushes. It’s light enough but secluded. I’m going to record what happens. He will think he can maul you. It’s what he does. Let him, up to a point, while you protest like a damsel-in-distress. But don’t scream. When I have enough of his shenanigans, you can floor him. Then we’ll grab his phone and delete the videos. That’s step one. Step two is when I replay part of my recording, warn him to never try anything like that again, demand he pays back Josie’s money, and threaten him. If he won’t or tells anyone, we’ll release the recording to the school and get him into well-deserved trouble.”

“I like it. I can understand why you need me. Robert is a predator, but with us working together, we can take him down and help your sister.”

“You are perfect for this. Josie will be so grateful.”

“It’s OK. I understand . . . By the way, I’m wearing blue and orange to the prom.”

“Good to know. I bet you’ll look gorgeous.” He grinned. “You’re not at all ‘twitchy-witchy.’”

“Where did that come from?”

“Your haircut, choice of colors. You remind me of Coraline from the movie. I watched it years ago.”

“She was my heroine when I was younger. I understood her.”

He looked troubled and shook his head. “It’s a dark tale. You’ll have to explain the analogy sometime.”

“It isn’t worth dredging up how I felt in the past. I’m content now. Except, I have this guy who thinks I’ll always do his bidding.” Her eyes mocked him.

“I’m interested in your past. I care about you. This is the perfect opportunity to use your skills for good.”


On the night of the prom, Thomas came over late afternoon in one of the family’s cars, driven by their chauffeur. He carried an exquisite corsage for Vikky in white, orange, and blue flowers. She came down the central staircase with a big smile on her face. He grinned. The smile was mainly to please her uncle and aunt, though she felt very comfortable with Thomas and not at all nervous.

Vikky pinned a boutonniere, a single white rose, on Thomas’ lapel and introduced him to Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth. Thomas impressed them, and Aunt Ruth took photos.

First, the couple went to dinner. He confessed it wasn’t the flashiest place, but they didn’t feel over-dressed. Some other prom couples dined there as well. They either waved or pointed at Thomas and Vikky.

"I picked this place for the food. The menu makes sense. None of those foreign names or strange ingredients. Basic, delicious food without the fussiness."

She liked that he did not go out of his way to impress her.

At the dance, they received many admiring looks. Vikky’s dress stood out among the other gowns. They were a popular couple. Thomas quickly discovered that Vikky danced exceptionally.

“Neither of us is limited to fight moves. We also match each other on the dance floor,” he said.

“Don’t get any ideas, Thomas, back to business. I’ve just seen Robert’s partner, Angela, scoot over to the drink table. This is my cue.”

“I need the bathroom,” said Thomas, and wandered off.

She walked over to Robert and smiled coquettishly while playing with her hair. He fixed his hungry eyes on her.

“My partner seems to have vanished,” she said.

“Is that right? Wanna dance?”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

Soon they were twirling and jiving to Avril Lavigne’s, Luv Sucks. The words contained a foreboding message for an evening that would go awry for Robert.

“You’re overrated. . .

When I think of you, I wanna throw up . . .

Time to learn your lesson . . .

I just gotta be tough . . .”

Afterward, Vikky wiped her brow. “I need some air.” She turned to leave. Robert joined her side, so she didn’t need to grab his arm.

As they left the building, he said, “Hey, shall we go that way. I’d love to have a . . . chat while we take our breather.”

They walked down the side of the building and stopped under a light, with trees and shrubbery on one side and the brick wall of the building on the other. The music pulsated and shrilled from inside. Vikky hoped Thomas had hidden close by.

“What did you want to say?”

“Say? I can think of more fun things than talking.” He put his hands firmly on her shoulders and looked closely at her. “My, you’re a real beauty. And I loved your dancing. Really turned me on.”

Vikky played coy but innocent. “Really? Nice of you to say so. What fun things did you have in mind?” She tried to step back but resisted her urge to automatically shed him. He slightly over balanced and she twisted around so her back faced him. He lunged and grabbed her from behind in a firm hug.

“Let me go,” she said but didn’t release herself.

“Aw, don’t be like that. Give us a kiss.” His grip tightened.

“Let me go. I don’t like this.”

“I won’t let you go until you do what I want. Who do you think you are? Comin onto me like that.”

“You’re comin’ onto me, and I don’t like it.” She refused to face him.

 “Come here, you little . . . “

“Let me go. Please let me go.” She surprised herself at her anguished plea.

“Not till I get what I want!”

“You moron! Let go of me.”

He wrestled with her.

Time to make her move. She dropped towards the ground, and as he lost balance, she turned, and in a trice, groin kicked him with her knee, twisted his arm, and had him floored face down while she sat on him, his hands held uncomfortably behind his back. Robert moaned.

Thankfully, Thomas walked out from among the bushes.

“OK, Robert. I want your phone, and I want any videos of Josie deleted. Or I’ll beat your ass to a pulp.”

“You set me up, you cruel slut.”

Thomas managed to grab the phone from Robert’s pocket. Under duress, Robert unlocked it, and all his videos were deleted in a few minutes.

“Look at this,” Thomas said, lowering his phone toward their captive . . .

“Will you delete your recording of me?” Robert asked feebly.

“Not on your life. You will deposit every last cent of my sister’s money back into her account. I never want to hear of you mistreating any more females. Or the entire school will know of your gross behavior. You can do what you want. We are both going back to the prom.”

On the way, Vikki turned toward him. “When did you stop recording?”

“Just when you started to lean forward. I didn’t video any of your moves getting the upper hand. He comes across as a complete pervert.”

“Thanks for that.”

“Least I could do for all your help. You were terrific, and I think you should take up acting.”

Vikky did a rare thing. She laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“I’ve auditioned for the school’s musical production, Brigadoon. I’ve been chosen as the female lead.”

“She acts and sings!” He put an arm around her shoulders. “You are amazing. I’m glad you’re my girl.”

She spluttered. “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself.”

“Am I? We already make a great team. Do you want to practice with me at SEO’s on Friday?”

“You haven’t got a chance of winning. You know that don’t you?”

“I’ll have lots of fun putting my hands all over you even if you beat me up.”

“Really!” Vikky scowled at him, though her eyes twinkled.

He laughed and shook his head. “You are so funny.”

They went back into the hall together.

The End

June 25, 2024 01:28

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Joe Smallwood
20:05 Jul 10, 2024

Teams work when individual strengths cancel weaknesses and getting to the goal matters more than anything else. An intricate and well developed story, escapist fun!


20:40 Jul 10, 2024

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks. And it's not horror or sci-fi. You'll have to check out the House Guest. it was my attempt at introducing an AI and dabbling in sci-fi.


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Daniel R. Hayes
19:40 Jul 08, 2024

Wow! Another great story from one of my favorite authors on Reedsy!!! Once again you amaze me. I loved the humor here and you always have a great way of driving the story forward with the lively dialogue! Great job as always!! :)


21:19 Jul 08, 2024

Aw, that's so nice of you to say. Makes my day. Especially with the problems I had with my latest story not going into the competition due to payment failure. LOL, not. Bank said Reedsy, Reedsy said the bank. Either way, the time was ticking down and didn't get resolved.


Daniel R. Hayes
21:59 Jul 08, 2024

I'm so sorry to hear that. I actually have the same problem. When I try to pay with my debit card it gets denied because my bank flags it as fraud. Reedsy is from the UK, so that's why. What I have to do is transfer 5 bucks to my PayPal balance and use my PayPal debit card. It works all the time that way, but is a little annoying. I don't pay the 5 bucks all the time, so I have to be really picky as to what I want to enter...lol :)


03:32 Jul 09, 2024

Thanks. Nice to know it's not just me. And only recently with an updated card.


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Helen A Smith
11:40 Jul 07, 2024

What a great female character! I totally admire anyone who takes up martial arts - Vikki certainly needs it in this situation. It was quite a tense read. I was worried things were going to go the wrong way and relieved when things worked out. Robert’s vile character contrasted well with Thomas’s. Let’s hope Robert learns from this experience! Unfortunately, my feeling is he probably won’t. Great pacing.


11:57 Jul 07, 2024

Thank you so much Helen. Glad you enjoyed it.


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John McPhee
20:49 Jul 02, 2024

I really enjoyed this story Kaitlyn. Very quick pace and easy to follow the action. Thomas better be on his best behavior!


22:35 Jul 02, 2024

Thanks for reading and commenting, John. It comes out in this story about how Thomas convinced Vikky to go to the prom. He is a bit bad. The full details are in 'The Coraline Factor.'


John McPhee
13:38 Jul 03, 2024

OK thanks Kaitlyn, I will look for it later today when back home.


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Martin Ross
13:44 Jul 01, 2024

Love a good table-turning, especially on bullies and predators. A strong survivor heroine with a solid, empathetic backstory. Very satisfying and entertaining! Great job!


20:34 Jul 01, 2024

Thanks for your comments, Martin.


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McKade Kerr
14:14 Jun 30, 2024

Gotta love a good revenge story. You did a great job building the suspense throughout, and I love how it ended. Great work!


19:50 Jun 30, 2024

Thanks, McKade.


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Jonathan Todd
11:49 Jun 28, 2024

I had such a sense of foreboding in the build up to the encounter. Vikky is a great character - it’s great to read about someone who is not afraid to be themselves. I was delighted that the scheme worked out.


06:59 Jun 29, 2024

How could it not, with this girl? I love a happy ending, though. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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Marty B
04:55 Jun 28, 2024

A lot of drama! I like Vikky, master of all skills, she is a superstar!


09:32 Jun 28, 2024

Thank you, Marty. Funny thing. She started off as an adult character. I've discovered her younger self is pretty cool.


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Darvico Ulmeli
22:38 Jun 27, 2024

Like watching teen show. Nice story.


09:30 Jun 28, 2024

Thanks, Darvico. I wanted to write a story about a younger version of an older Vikky character I have used in several stories. What would she be like? I gave her younger self a story of her own in The Coraline Factor. As she is very fit and had already met Thomas and they are competitive which each other, match each others' fight skills, I thought I'd reprise the younger Vikky in another story where they team up together. I always wondered what may happen if they went to the prom together and had some other drama going on in the background. ...


Darvico Ulmeli
09:31 Jun 28, 2024

I need to find time to read previous stories from you.


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Mary Bendickson
18:56 Jun 26, 2024

Great character building and action. It all seemed realistic enough to actually have happened. There's much more to come, I'm sure.


20:52 Jun 26, 2024

Thanks for reading and your comment, Mary. Haven't anything in mind so far. Depends on the prompts. This idea was in my mind for a while. They go to the prom, there is some drama they deal with. This story and the characters fitted the prompt.


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Jim LaFleur
09:13 Jun 26, 2024

Vikky is portrayed with such depth and personality, making her a memorable character. Well done!


10:39 Jun 26, 2024

Thanks, Jim. encouraging comment. Thanks for reading.


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Trudy Jas
23:25 Jun 25, 2024

Hey, Keitlyn. What a fun story. Whatshisface got his comeuppance and there may be a romance in the making. :-)


23:28 Jun 25, 2024

Thanks Trudy. Glad you enjoyed.


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Alexis Araneta
13:31 Jun 25, 2024

Really fun read, this one. I was just telling my partner that YA wasn't a genre I was ever into (nope, not even as a teen), but this was a very unique take on the genre that I quite like. I love the description of Vikky here. Lovely work !


20:55 Jun 25, 2024

Thanks for enjoying, Alexis.


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Kristi Gott
03:20 Jun 25, 2024

This funny, high school drama captured my attention right away. The character of Vikky is distinctive and compelling, and portrayed with details that show her personality, style and background. The other characters are distinctive also. The storyline and plot are well thought out and well crafted. There is a balance of action, dialogue and descriptive narration blended just right. The pace is brisk and suits the story. I liked having Vikky be a brave hero. Very well done! I could also envision this as an episode for a TV show about hi...


10:37 Jun 25, 2024

Thanks Kristi. Very encouraging. Among my other stories are two about this character. One when she is younger. A story called Mirror Image Ghost. (Quite different) And the one set before this one also in a high school setting. The Coraline Factor. I always wanted to do another story about her in a prom setting with some other drama going on. The prompt gave me the idea.


Kristi Gott
12:25 Jun 25, 2024

I remember The Coraline Factor! Creating a distinctive character makes these stories memorable!


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