Creative Nonfiction Crime

Steven's diary had only one line, on one page. His biggest secret.

"I confess that I am a stalker and I want more."

His story started to deepen on an ideal night, born out of the want, he held deep down.

Creeping inside was the craziest idea, but Steven was waiting for this chance, for hundreds of years. At least, it seemed like that to him. Finally, she was not around.

Excitement. Lust. Ache.

He just wanted to smell that underwear, so badly. He has imagined it so many times before.

He came close to regret his actions, while hiding in the closet, of THE WOMAN, but not quite.

When his neighbour has arrived home, suddenly, unpredictably, he tried to flee, and felt like a filthy rat inside of the closet of his desired one.

Later at the police a station, he was let off the hook.

His only luck was, that he was indeed outside of the window already, when the cops has arrived.

„I thought someone broke in! I was just checking out, if everything was alright!”

He managed to walk free, but decided to be more careful next time around.

After all, it was love, after all, he had to do it. It was a must. His neighbour was so small and pretty, someone had to look after her. This mission was suited for the gentleman he born to be.

After the incident, Molly did not even glanced in his way.

It hurt.

It was a sting. Straight in the heart.

He had gained courage after slipping inside, and escaping of possible punishment once.

He accomplished the act, again and again and some more.

 All of a sudden skirts, bras, underwear and even socks were stored under his bed. All belonged to Molly. Who was unaware, but felt something was off with the guy next door.

Crazy little feelings drove Steven each night while Molly was on the night job.

Steven who was so caught up within his inner battle of choosing between confessing and performing break and enter again, couldnt notice that he was also kept under observation.

Someone was aware. But it was not him. Nor Molly.

One cold night, while he lay in bed, wearing Molly’s skirt, a red one, half naked, listening to Stevie Wonder, he heard a strange noise. Slowly, he crawled out of his comfy warm bed, and turned off the music.



Suddenly, a YELL!

He almost climbed into the wall, ears glued to it.


Then… nothing.

He almost switched on the radio again, when he became aware of a THUD like sound!

A very strange feeling crept upon his spine.

Fast, he ran out of his flat, mindlessly, straight to the similar window of his neighbour. He was almost able to peek in, when he suddenly stepped on broken glass.

Instantly, he froze. Dead in his tracks.

Inside the flat Molly was bound and gagged.

He never had the guts. But someone else, had the balls. He was not attentive, and was too late, already, when he noticed the sound of sirens. But not the attacker!

When the bulky, masked guy jumped out of the window, and ran past by him, he just stood there.

Numb, frozen in place. No surprise, when the policemen had arrived, it was too late. 

Standing like a creep, wearing the red skirt of the girl victimized inside, repeating the well-known line of his „ I thought there was some kind of trouble, I just came to check, if everything was alright. „ Did not help him to get off the hook this time.

„I’m not lying!”

„Son, you need to tell me the truth!” Raised his voice the aging detective, who was questioning Steven.

He felt distressed. Scared shitless. Completely out of it.

Some crazy fuck was running free, and he who had nothing to do with this crime, was taken in, and got all the warming up! For hours now.

„ I heard noises. „ He tried again, week attempt of an explanation, struggling to justify the unexplainable. „ I believed something was up.”

„Heard it all before. ” Cut him off, his investigator. „ I know, what you have done.” He started. „You had the victim’s belongings at your apartment „He continued.

 Truth was, he had burglarized, did inappropriate stuff, even wore Molly’s thong. He was anything but innocent. Still, he was not the one committing the crime, the police had attempted to force him confess to.

„Yes. I was …” Honesty. „ watching her. „ He gulped. Uncomfortable, all cards on the table. He was sweating like a fucking horse.

„But I would have never done this to her. „ Face distorted. ”I just wanted to help.”

Lie, and at the same time the crystal clear truth. „I would never had the courage, believe me!” He admitted.

Dissatisfaction settled on the features of his tormenter.

„Then, why the bloody hell, were you wearing the lady’s clothes for fuck sake?”

There. Out in the open. The hardest question. Steven did not know the answer, either.

Thinking of Molly, watching her from away, for years was enough. But after time, this urge grew strong, this something that never had a face, nor a name. He wanted to feel on his skin, her dress. He had done it a lot, too many times to not notice this swelled up THING, he couldnt name.

All remained unsaid.

Never dared to question himself, when the THING broke free from the prison of his mind, he willed it back with unspeakable strengh, pushed it under the endless darkness.

He was in love after all, he just wanted to feel and see.

But Molly’s gestures, her smile, her locks, even her voice, everything. Everything was perfect on Molly! Nails, arms, legs even her unperfections. She shoned. She was like the sun.

„I was just checking out if everything was alright…” Mumbled his line, repetated it again, he did it countless times, already.

” I would have not gone there, if I knew I could cut myself.” He tried weekly.

„You were the only one there. Witnesses didnt see anyone else. ” Shared this piece of information the greying policeman.

„You were in trouble before. „ Reminded Steven of a night akin to this.

”This is the second time, just a bit more, right?” He continued. „ You could not restrain yourself, anymore.” Friendly now.

„ Admit it. I wont have to bother you, if you do. „ With Finality.

Steven was shaken, chilled to the core. No escape of this. Did not have a clue of what to do. After all, Steven was just an ordinary stalker.

" I know you have done this." It was a lie from the part of the detective, he had no evidence.

" Okay, I did it. " Lie.

Maybe this was the fitted punishment in which, the universe settled the scores with him. It made Steven feel better, and the detective seemed content too.

November 16, 2020 17:06

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