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During the human year 2019, in a sparse dimension just beyond the physical membrane of Earth, animals about the Chinese Zodiac Wheel gathered in celebration of the ending Year of the Earth Pig and the beginning Year of the Metal Rat.

"First, we shall eat and be merry," Pig, the archetypal pig, addressed the others. "Next, we will share personal highlights from this passage of space that humans measure as being time. Then, alas, we will dance until we arrive in the Year of the Metal Rat."

Trash beneath him was gathered through his sorting of thought forms during this human-perceived year. Personal doubts, fears, and disappointments lay there dormant and useful, as the pile elevated him as the guest of honor. He snorted approval of the other's presence, and of their ability to see his accomplishments. They could see what attempted to thwart his progress, what he overcame, successfully.

Rat was already feasting upon the buffet of goodies each of them produced through thought and reason, doing so to the best of their abilities. Crimson syrup dripped from the tip of his pointed black nose that he saved from falling into infinite space with a snaking tongue.

"You should treat yourselves to some of this crimson pie," he said before diving head first into another slice.

Ox had before her, a sort of soup, green in color, that she offered to Tiger in exchange for the piece of meat she was eating. Tiger roared at Ox before saying, gently, "No thanks." She continued to eat. Ox searched for a reason why she should try again to manifest something more suitable. Annoying sounds coming from Rabbit drew her attention.

Rabbit stopped gnawing to address Ox.

"You are welcome to have some of this bark, roots, and grass salad. I have plenty."

"Thank you, Rabbit. Quite kind of you. I would appreciate a taste."

This exchange led to a discussion about currency and ways to maximize potential. Neither of the two noticed Dragon's wondering eyes, unaware of his insatiable hunger.

Dragon sat in front of an empty dish contemplating which of his companions he should consume, mostly, for his pleasure. Pig caught his eye, first; plump all over, glistening with festive energies. Representing Earth Pigs, he was vulnerable to sharp teeth and fire, as they could destroy him, awfully, and consume him, totally. Consuming Pig would have filled Dragon for a short time, yet longer than if he consumed Rat or Snake.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Snake.

Snake was coiled around a crystal egg sparkling rainbow light.

"Who said I was looking at you? You could be nothing more than a snack for me."

Smoke huffed through the nostrils of the massive body of scales pulsating orange, purple, and silver.

"I've decided upon Horse. But, now, I'm wondering if his hooves would discomfort my digestive system. I have never consumed a Horse. Typically, I eat concepts, ideas. Horses trot on land in the material world, as I soar heaven. Consuming Horse could satisfy my desire to join above with below."

"But what is the reason for wanting to join above with below?" asked Snake.

Horse got involved by reaching a blue drink towards Dragon.

"Lighten up, Lad. Have a drink. Here, it's on me. Thank me later. Enjoy."

Horse raised his green drink upward towards Dragon, then towards each being present.

"Thank you all for a good spin of the wheel of time. Pig," he raised his drink higher, pointing a shimmering hoof at it, "It's been great."

Horse consumed the drink.

Goat worked on a blueprint, from what Horse could make out from his position within infinite space.

"Will you not feast with us, Goat? Aren't you having a good time?" he inquired because of pure curiosity.

"I'm just fine, Horse. I must stay ahead of the change. Business must flow as usual."

"Speaking of change, Goat, I must admit, I have not collected the data you requested," said Monkey, holding what looked like bananas, one in each hand. "Celebration can be distracting, you know."

Rooster pecked at a mountain of golden seeds, silently-other than the shifting of vibrational feathers as he moved.

Dog barked at Dragon, at hungry eyes upon him.

Pig finished eating. He tapped the space in front of him in a way that produced bell-like reverberation. This signaled the beginning of the next phase of the celebration. All consciousness focused upon Pig.

"Now we will share something short and memorable from the Year of the Earth Pig. Let Rat begin."

Rat moved to the center of the space between them. He washed his mouth and groomed his whiskers before beginning.

"This Year of the Earth Pig, I discovered the happiness of eating until I almost popped. Earthly existence is yummy."

He returned to his place within space.

Ox entered the center.

"I must say, opportunities come and go. Choosing among them matters."

She thought of more to share, but kept it to herself lest she hold back others.

Next, was Tiger.

"Things aren't always what they seem to be," she spoke, quickly, before receding into darkness.

Rabbit exuded warmth from the center.

"Differences design delightful dreams," he said with cheer. "That's another way of saying I appreciate each of you."

Dragon spoke after Rabbit, shining brightly in the center.

"Have a reason for consumption."

Two puffs of smoke followed before he belched thunder. His body swayed away.

Snake slithered forward until he was in the center of the wheel, where he appeared to be larger than he had.

"What are you looking at?" he asked. "Are you all hungry?"

Saying no more, he receded.

Creating a stage in the center, Horse stomped exuberant praise for Snake's performance. Others joined the expression towards Snake.

"Life is what you make it, hooves down. Make yours great."

Horse stomped, again, adding sounds of mare excitement before bowing in exit.

Rooster transitioned the center after Horse.

"Quality over quantity, wouldn't you say?"

When Dog replaced Rooster, she barked, "Beware of Dragon."

Pig was last, but definitely not least, to speak from the center.

"One must prioritize business, success, and entertainment. Let's dance."

Rat began a robotic movement to music created with collective desire to celebrate.

Ox, standing on four legs, shook her body, rhythmically, from side to side.

Tiger roared and pounced next to Rabbit, who hopped and flipped.

Dragon moved only his scales, trying not to get carried away.

Snake moved as though to the seduction of a flute.

Horse galloped in 180 degree archs around Goat, who remained at work.

Monkey wiggled wildly.

Rooster jerked his head back and forth along with a two-step.

Dog stood on his hunches, tail wagging and tongue hanging, with paws begging Ox for a dance.

Pig rolled around infinite space, carefreely, until an internal time keeper began to tick and tock. He sounded like a clock counting down to explosion.

Everyone gathered around Pig in partake of the count down. Each called out their number, "Twelve, Eleven, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One."

Posted Jan 03, 2020

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