
Mat stumbled half asleep out of the tent. Claire was snoring softly. She was a light sleeper, if she woke up she would be up for hours. It was pitch black outside. Mat could barely see a thing. They had come to Ireland to spend a few nights under the stars together. Mat had it all planned. Tomorrow He would pop the question. But, for now he had more pressing problems. Like his bladder. He held his arms out in front of him so he wouldn’t accidentally walk into a tree. Unfortunately the hazard wasn’t at arm height it was under his feet. He fell hard. Skinning his knee and head butting a tree hard enough to bring him more stars and cut his eyebrow.

“Ball’s” he said feeling blood on his finger tips as he had touched his face. He gave up. It was too dark he needed a torch. Her pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the torch app. He listened for a few seconds, but he couldn’t hear Claire back in the tent. He walked on. His knee was hurting him, he only limped for a few steps before it started working again. He caught sight of a road lined with bushes, it looked like the perfect spot to relieve himself. He assumed the position and let his aching bladder go.

“Ahhhh, That’s better” He mumbled. He started to zip himself up when he saw the jeep coming towards him. The jeep flashed him and he waved. Then it stopped. Mat went to greet whoever was inside and tell them he was OK. Instead two burly men in grey suits got out and came towards him. They grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, handcuffing him.

“Tar linn, tá a fhios agat cad a rinne tú” One man said. Mat didn’t understand what he was saying. He was hand cuffed and shoved head first into the jeep, he felt his phone fall out of his pocket as he went in. Then they sped off into the night. Mat had never been so afraid in his life. They kept talking in what he presumed was gaelic. He had no idea what was going on, he hoped Claire was OK.

The van stopped outside of a warehouse, the men dragged him out and into the building. Mat was shaking, he didn’t know what was going on. The men took him into a room, sat him on a chair then tied him up. They left him like that for what seemed like an age. Finally another man walked in.

“You are English they are saying. So I will speak to you in a language you understand. We know why you are here and what you have done.” He said

“Well I don’t know who you are or what I’ve done so can you explain?” Mat asked. The man sneered at him

“Do not think we are stupid. I don’t know how you learned of our location, but we will find out.”

“I don’t know where I am. I’m just camping with my girlfriend.”

The man slapped him, breaking open the scab above his eye.

“Do not play with us. Tell us how you knew our location!”

“I don’t know what you mean. look in my pocket. I brought my girlfriend out here to propose, the ring is in my pocket!”

Mat was getting more scared by the minute. The man thrust his hand into Mats pockets searching for the ring. He found the box and opened it. The solitaire sparkled in the light. He snapped the box shut and put it in his own pocket. Then he left. Mat sat on the chair trembling. He didn’t understand what was going on. However, he did know he had to get out of there somehow.

He had been sat in the chair for days. at least they had released his arms from the restraints, but his legs were still tied. He was allowed to get up twice a day to use a bucket in the corner. If he needed it before then he had to go in his jeans. The men came in everyday to shout at him, they had even tried some light torture. They were getting frustrated with him. His story didn’t change because it was true. He suspected the men knew they had grabbed the wrong person, this meant his days were numbered. He couldn’t imagine getting released with a hand shake and an apology. He would leave in a body bag, unless he could do something about it. He tried to find something to pick the locks on his leg cuffs. The room was clean.

He didn’t know how long he had been held captive for anymore. The room was windowless. He was tired. Some days he wished they would end it all, others he had the strength to believe he could survive the ordeal. A man came into the room. He didn’t say a word or look at Mat. He cuffed his hands and released his legs. Mat knew this was it. This was the end unless he could do something about it. The problem was what. He was weak after spending so long in the chair and the man was twice the size he was. He decided to wait and see if the ideal moment would present itself. He could already possibly die today, no point in trying to fight a giant and speeding up his demise. The man lead him out side, into the jeep that had brought him there. He was shoved into the back again, opening up various scabs all over his body. The man got into the drivers seat and drove off. Mat’s mind was racing. He had to do something soon. He spied a Jerry can, he could also see a Zippo poking out of the mans pockets. the plan was formed.

“Hey Mister, I really need to pee! please, my bladder is telling my that its bucket time, come on, man. You have me trained well. I don’t want to ruin this lovely fabric.”

The giant man snorted and pulled over.

“Hurry up” he grunted as he undid Mats hands. Mat kicked over the Jerry an on his way past, hoping its contents would spill. He had his pee, he really had needed one. On the way back to the Jeep he fained a fall When the man went to grab him, he pulled the Zippo from his pocket with out him noticing. When they reached the car Mat stopped.

“Can you smell something?” He asked. The big man went to the jeep and sniffed. As he did so Mat lit the Zippo and threw it into the liquid. It caught instantly. Mat used the mans shock to Kick his large behind into the jeep and he shut the door. Thanking god for child locks. Then he ran.

It took two months to earn enough money to be able to get home. Now he was there. So was Claire. He spotted her coming out of her house, her blonde hair glowing in the autumn sun. His heart skipped a beat. She looked beautiful, she also looked drained and sad. He guessed she had thought the worst about him. He stepped into the street and she saw him. Her face went pale.

“Hello, love.” He said, grinning.

July 31, 2020 16:46

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09:40 Aug 09, 2020

A small note: Most people in Ireland don't speak or understand fluent Irish, so an Irish-speaker probably wouldn't expect a stranger to know Irish unless maybe they were in a specifically Irish-speaking area. (And that would probably depend on the area.) If they are, you might want to say that. It could make it a little more plausible. (Unless you're trying to imply they have some reason to think he knows Irish, or are testing him to see if he does, or he once knew Irish and has now forgotten in the same way he forgot what he did, or the per...


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Irene Ikeadigh
09:55 Aug 06, 2020

This is a good story. The structure is quite okay. However, few errors were spotted. Such as: Her pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the torch app. He had been sat in the chair for days. at least they had released his arms from the restraints, but his legs were still tied.


Rachel Alex Wall
12:29 Aug 06, 2020

I'm glad you like it, Thank you for the feedback, I'll work on my proof reading.


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