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Adventure Friendship High School

"Are you coming tonight" said the tomboy virsa ,of course he will come with me and not a dirty slut like you,you know something why don't you look for a nerd boy and a guy guy to go to prom with , because I know that nobody will be willing to go with a slut like you and don't even dare to talk to James again because if you so I will make your life a living hell and I have a lot of ways to do so, you know what I mean,right? Don't worry Sena I will not come in your way of your relationship and am sorry if you think I am stealing your boyfriend from you but if he wants to cheat ,I am here for him, I would caress him and seduce him till he pleads me, virsa said while she touched James on the shoulder and kissed his cheek, everybody in the cafeteria started laughing until it was time for class, they all hurriedly went to their classes to avoid punishment because it was Mr.pasmon who was on duty the wicked teacher, everybody hated him for to sending at least 20 people to the principal a week for suspension , sometimes she gets on the nerves of even the teachers and they end up fighting with themselves, sometimes a teacher gets suspended whiles fighting with Mr.padmon.One day,Mr.pasmon came to class in an angry mood and just smashed one of the face of the stubborn boy in the class without an explanation,he was sent to the principals office and he was suspended , Mr.padmon wasn't sometimes all the students thinks that Mr.padmon and the principal are gay partners and am beginning to think like that because I saw Mr.pasmon and the principal hugging and kissing themselves in the office, I didn't want to see the rest because i felt disgusted and didn't want to get suspended by seeing all the stuffs those men were doing,it was rumored that Mr.padmon and the principal had been conspiring in a bank where they first worked and wanted to rob the bank,but it was backfired when the one of the employees told the boss and they were fired,they had always planned together and I think they will always plan,the day for the daring competition came when everybody had to do some absurd stuffs without being shy and uncomfortable, everybody was happy because some would kiss their crushes and others their boyfriends,I was happy because I wanted to see what will happen between Mr. Padmon and the principal everybody was happy and wanted the week to end in order for the competition to start,but the day moved slowly and we almost cursed the week,our happiest week came , friends from other school came because they had vacated and wanted to also have fun ,even the richest people in the town came to join us,we started in the morning, chatting with foreigners and others and practicing languages ,we were very happy a boy named Jason who came from France came to me and asked if I would like to be his girlfriend for the night,and of course I accepted because it was just for the night and he was very handsome that I couldn't refuse him,he held my hand and kissed it and came to my shoulder and kissed it came to my neck and kissed it,I quickly pushes him away when he tried to kiss my lips, I told him I wasn't ready for this and so I can't , he looked upset but he gave me a fake smile. I quickly went to the cafeteria to get some fresh air,soon the principal called all of us to the assembly hall to start the program , everybody sat on the ground with their dates and friends and others which they didn't know,they all started by telling virsa ro kiss the Jason,I wasn't happy but I kept it to myself because I didn't want James to find out about my feelings,of course virsa did kiss Jason but he pushed her right after her lips touched his,I could see he wasn't pleased at all and went to sit beside him and chatted alot,they dared me to give Jason a tight kiss and I did ,I expected James to react but he didn't he just stood there like a kid and kept looking at me with a horrible look,I could see Jason was pleased and wanted more but he controlled himself ,I sat there beside him close to me and never wanted to let him go I wanted him to be mine forever, but the day was over and we had to go to our domeitory and so we kissed each other goodnight and went to our rooms, I taught of him while sleeping , I stood up to go and take water from the kitchen because I was thirsty,when I reached there I was shocked,it was virsa and James having a nice moment together ,they were caressing each other and seducing themselves being naked,I stood there looking at them while moaning virsa kept on , I saw Mr. Padmon coming and hid myself to not being see and of course virsa and James were caught and he didn't send them to the principal but collected money from them and told them to continue with what they were doing , I wanted to puke and scream but I didn't want to get suspended and therefore went to my room with tears and shock ,I had never seen a corrupt and disgusting people like padmon,virsa and james.i felt restless not wanting to sleep but later on went to bed feeling restless and uncomfortable wanting the night to end faster to get out of the school.30 minutes later I woke up with the sun shining right on me,I hurriedly took a shower ,brushed and wore my dress and went outside to have my breakfast there,I was happy because I had a peace of mind , it all turned blank when I saw Mr.padmon,virsa and James coming towards me I run heather skelter shouting for help.

July 28, 2021 12:53

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1 comment

Kendall Defoe
02:42 Aug 08, 2021

You should try to use more clear paragraphs and watch some of your spelling and punctuation. You have a talent and should not let it hide underneath these things.


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