Fiction Fantasy Happy

The illuminated magnifier lighted up my engagement ring and the big diamond in it. Was it natural or lab made? I will find out.  At midday after I had returned home from work my mother said “Rohini, Anand has left for Dubai. It seems he had called you but couldn’t get through to you.”  

I got a call and said “Mom the hospital wants me again.  I’ll talk to you after I come home.”

I am a diagnostic radiologist and receive frequent calls for consultation. I went to the hospital, where the surgeons sought certain clarifications before a surgery. It took a couple of hours and I was on my way home again. It was only a short distance and I walked. I neared the park and halted at the signal. I saw a grey haired lady waiting to cross with a kid perhaps two years old. The woman stood watching a movie poster of a barely dressed actress perhaps wondering about how mores had changed when the kid ran into the road. I sprang forward and caught hold of the boy but was knocked down by a bike carrying a man and a woman. The bike fell and the two on it tumbled to the road. Traffic was halted. Someone helped me up and seated me on the pavement. A crowd had gathered. The old woman said “I’m sorry about what had happened. Charlie is very mischievous and runs around.”

Another man said “But for the timely action by this lady the boy would’ve been crushed to death as a bus was overtaking the bike. It was a very daring act by this lady. The CCTV would’ve caught the scene.”

I tried to get up but had difficulty as there was pain in my left ankle. My salwarwas torn thigh down and my kameez was soiled.

The two who had fallen from the bike were a couple returning home after work. Luckily the man was uninjured but the wife had suffered scratches below the left knee and her dress had been soiled.

 A traffic cop came to us and investigated. He recorded the events, got details of witnesses and their statements and said “No case is possible. I’ll call an ambulance for this lady” he said pointing to me,

The bikers left. A man now volunteered and lifted me in his arms saying “I know you’re Dr.Rohini and live in the house with yellow windows opposite. I live in the house behind yours. Let us go.”

I was set down in my house and I thanked the neighbor - a middle aged man. My mother was shocked to see my condition. Charlie’s granny had come with us. She explained to Mom and was profusely apologetic.

She said “You send me the medical expenses and my son will pay it in full.”

She left her details.

I had difficulty in changing my dress but did it. I rang up our orthopedician and told him about the accident. He made kind enquiries and said “If you need my help call me and I’ll go over.”

I told him about the pain in the ankle and he said “I’m immediately sending you a new pain killer. It hasn’t been marketed and is still being tried out. Some of my patients seemed satisfied with it. Take one in the night before you go to sleep. I’ll check with you tomorrow.”

As I was talking to my Mom I got a call from the media and one woman reporter said I might get a national bravery award and she wanted to cover the story talking to me on TV. I agreed. I had an early dinner and went to bed after swallowing one of the new pills.

The bravery award ceremony was presided over by the President. I was one of the ten chosen to receive the award. One of them was a girl 10 years old and another was a TV cartoon maker. The beauty parlor had done its job on me and I was very well made up and dressed. The hall was filled with invitees and appropriate big names: There was Snow Whit e with her train of dwarfs. Red Riding Hood had come leading the wolf in chains. Cinderella, wearing glass slippers was seated with her Prince Charming. Goldilocks was present with a bear. Sleeping Beauty was seated with her Prince Charming who had woken her up from her long sleep. The Emperor was there dressed in his ‘new’ clothes which embarrassed me though I am a medico! King Vikram was seated with his vampire. I had none to sit with me as my beau Anand was in Dubai!

I heard a voice say “You look fantastic. May I join you as you’re alone?”

 I saw a tall stocky man who said “I’m Baron Munchausen the first man to walk on the moon which I reached on a balloon. I’ve had many adventures.”

I said “Baron please join me.”

After he had sat down a man came and said “I’m….”

By the time he could finish Baron said “This man is Gyges. Anyone who wears his ring would become invisible.” Suddenly he was gone!

 I sat there with Baron watching the happenings. The President came and addressed with encouraging words for all brave hearts. Then my name was called and there was applause as I was given a medal. The function was over. I reached home, locked myself in my bedroom and divested myself of all my clothes. I stood admiring myself in the mirror wishing Anand were around.

Suddenly there was a voice saying “You’re a great beauty and I’m lucky to have seen all of you.”

I was shocked as I recognized the Baron’s voice saying “Gyges lent me the ring.”

 There were knocks on the door and I opened it. It was Mom saying “It is 8 in the morning. I hope you had a comfortable night.”

I said “The pain has disappeared. The medicine prescribed by the ortho was wonderful and had sent me on a trip. I must tell him.”

Three days later Anand came home. He spoke about Dubai and said “I bought this bracelet for you. It is set with diamonds.”

I said “The ring you gave me was exquisite. Is the diamond in it real or manmade?”

He looked puzzled and said “I didn’t know there were two varieties. I’ll check with the jeweler. Why do you ask?”

“Because they say some diamonds also carry curses: Wearing the HOPE diamond sank the TITANIC.” He shook his head.

Talking on he said “Rohini I’ve received a promotion.”

She said “Congratulations. I’m also being made assistant professor.”

He said “You see be it natural or synthetic my diamond has brought us luck and is forever!”

Later he told me “The jeweler said it is manmade. The natural would have cost 70% more and we wouldn’t know the difference.”


Posted Aug 28, 2023

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