Coming of Age

February 26th 1887

A bird swooped down our house, I was 4 at the time so I didn't understand what it came here for.

It was Winter-ish outside, Snow was still falling From the sky.

I found a really weird snowflake that looked like a fish, I was turning 5 Tomorrow so I brought the snowflake home to Investigate.

February 27th 1887

It was night, I had finished my party, I went to bed.

June 18th 1887

The paperboy stopped by our house this morning, Like he always does. Nothing new happend recently.

August 26th 1890

After 3 long years we were moving to Toronto Canada. We were moving from newfoundland. My dad couldn't come, neither could my sister due to Work. (My sister was only 14 when she started working.)

November 8th 1891

After a year Of being in a small house with my Younger brother and my mom celebrated the oldest child, Our older sisters 15th birthday.

Febuary 27th 1892

My 9th birthday came. I still write a letter to my Father everyday about How's my day been going. "How's my sister going at work?" I wrote "Great, how's you and your mom and your brother doing?" He wrote back, "Pretty good" I write.

March 2nd 1899

I left My house, I went to college, I learned how to Be a Lawyer.

October 10th 1903

I got married.

July 7th 1905

I had kids


May 25th 1917

"I heard about the new Thing on the radio" said my daughter.

"Yeah me too" said my Son.

"And me!!!" Said my youngest daughter who was 5 almost 6

"Cool, did you like it" said my Partner.

"Yes" said my son.

"Whats going on" I say excitedly.

"Were playing Funtime" said my oldest daughter

"Whats funtime?" I reply

"A new game we made up" said My youngest daughter

"What did you do today daddy" said My Son

"I did stuff that a Lawyer would do usually." I said Smiling

"I want to meet grandma and grandpa" said my Youngest

"Well" I say

"Uh oh, A dragon is coming aboard" says my son

"Run!" Said My eldest laughing

"Its going to eat funtime" says my Partner

"Ok" says my son

"Lets let it eat funtime" he says

"Come join us father" says my eldest


"What was that?" Says my youngest


"Idk" (I don't know) says my son

O o o o o o o o o o o beeeurrrrr

"Sounds like it's coming from that way" says my eldest

"Maybe its the dragon from funland" says my youngest and then she writes down "dragin in funland les hav som fun"

"Bee e emeism yeeeee" the sound continues going around.

Later that evening our family went to the store to buy some carrots, Meat, soup juice. This food was for tonight's stew.

"I love stew" said my son

"Me too" said my youngest

"I love it!!" Said my eldest

"At oldest sisters 10th birthday will there be cake???" Asked my son

"Yes" said my eldest

"I love cake" said my son

The family had stew, Then played more fun place, or, Yeah I forget what its called.

"Funtime narrator" said my son

Oh yes, Thats right, Funtime, Thats what its called.

May 28th 1917 (birthday)

My eldest woke up early at 6:30 am because (birthday)

And also woke everyone else up :)

"10!" Said My eldest to My son

"Yay, I love birthdays." Said my son

Then she woke up my youngest.

"Will we be playing funtime, Please say yes, I love funtime".

Said my youngest

"Sure, Why not?" Said My eldest.

Then she woke us up.

"Heres an early present for you" I said

"Open it up" says my partner.

"A letter?" Said My eldest

"Open it up and see who its from!" I say

"Hello, I can't wait to meet you! I'm coming at 12:00 pm, Make sure to pick us up! Love Grandpa and grandma" the letter said.

Then they found 2 people, Maybe around 65-70 years old and a girl who looks around 38 years old, and a boy who looked about 29 or 30.

"Mom, dad!" I say

"Sister, brother" I also say.

"Is this grandma, Grandpa, And uncle, And aunt?" Asked my son

"It sure is" i reply.

"Where's the birthday girl?" My dad says (my kids grandpa)

"Right Here!" Reveals my eldest.

"Hello there" says my mom (my kids grandma)

Then we walk my parents and siblings over to my house, "This is one fancy house" says my brother (my kids uncle)

"Agreed" says my sister (my kids aunt)

"Well I really like it here" says my mom (my kids grandma)

June 10th 1917

"Want to learn how to fish?" Asks my brother to the kids?

"Sure" replies the 3 kids.

"Okay, So all you have to do in Ocean fishing is put this bait on the Fishing rod, And real it back in when you caught a bite".

"I got one!" Says my son

"And it feels HUGE"

"Woah, That is Big" says my brother (My kids uncle)

"GOT IT" my brother says (Kids uncle)

"Its a tuna!" Says my brother (kids uncle)

"But its sooooo huge" says my Son

"I know, Thats how big they are supposed to be" said my brother (Kids uncle)

"Woooow, its huge, Can we eat it or no?" Says my youngest

"I think we should throw it back" says my brother/uncle

"Okay" says my son.

December 25th 1917

Its Christmas and my family is ready to open up their presents, I got a strange clock thing this Christmas.

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hoo

"What was that?" asked my youngest

"Probably people cheering because its christmas" my brother/uncle replied.

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

The end

January 29, 2021 22:34

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