A Day in the Life of Kenyata Jones Smith

Submitted into Contest #56 in response to: Write a day-in-the-life-story about a first-time parent and their newborn child.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Drama Adventure


On perfect days Kenyata was someone that you could relate to and hold great conversations with when you needed to talk. She is an all-around person who has a great head on her shoulders and refuses to let the world destroy her. Well on today she gave birth to a 71b 10-ounce boy who is so handsome and excited to be in the world. This moment marked a new chapter in Kenyata’s life so let us rewind and see how she got to this point in her life. In her life Kenyata has always been a respectful and ambitious woman set on helping others and being a positive light in the world. While her husband was the exact opposite because he believed in God but never want her to attend church and always wanted her at home. He was a horrible man and poor example of what a strong man should be for a strong woman. Why did she continue to put up with his abusive behavior and harsh treatment? Kenyata would always say she loved her husband and that she was going to stand strong and wait for God to move. All of which were positive attributes of Kenyata’s but at some point, you just must wonder what kept her in that marriage. Kenyata’s beliefs were not of divorce because she was raised that when you find that perfect guy and you love him you get married but not divorced. So, she struggled with her beliefs and religion as to how to handle her horrendous marriage. Kenyata was so very tired of being used, abused, cheated on and lied to by her husband of 10 years. Day in and day out she prayed and asked God for the strength to make the best decisions for her life. Now we know that the bible does not condone divorce so what was this young lady supposed to do? One night after a dinner party with her husband and some friends Kenyata left the party early, she looked for her husband but could not find him. She drove home alone that night and found her husband in their bed with another women. He jumped up out of the bed and charged at Kenyata and badly beat her up. After the cops and the ambulance arrived at Kenyatta’s home, they took her to the hospital and her husband to jail. Kenyata needed time to think and to focus so she called her family to come and pick her up.

They made her feel so good because they took her out to enjoy herself, she was able to shop, unwind and to think. Kenyata never felt so good because for the past 10 years her husband did everything, he could keep her away from her family. They knew that Kenyata was not happy and that she was going through a tough time with her husband, but they were waiting on her to say something. Every time she felt like she wanted to let her marriage go and be free of the hurt and pain he would find some way to lure her back. This cycle kept them homeless at times, broke, and struggling. The world knew that Kenyata deserved better, but did she know? Finding the perfect solutions for someone else is not always the right thing when that person must find their own solutions. When we try to fix someone else’s marriage or relationship it might work for us, but if they do not see it then it will not work for them.

Kenyata’s family told her to take all the time that she needed to figure out the next steps in her marriage. She respected the fact that her family did not pressure or push her to do what they wanted her to do. It was all up to Kenyata because this was her life and she had to live with the consequences. Kenyata knew that while her husband was locked up in jail she needed to conclude before it was too late. Once her husband was released from jail Kenyata took a stand on her own and made the decision to get rid of her husband for good. She went through a horrible divorce because her husband of 10 years was strung out on drugs, cheating, and using her has a punching bag. Before the ink settled on the divorce papers Kenyata learned that she was pregnant. It brought tears to her eyes to know that the man that she was married to for so long just disregarded her and their marriage. But the one thing that helped her to bounce back and put everything into perspective was the birth of her new baby boy. She wanted to give him a strong name, so she named him Wisdom Kamal Smith.

She knew that he was going to be the next in everything powerful in her life. She held her head up high, completed her Doctorate in Business Administration, and finished with honors. Kenyata is the light in a dark tunnel because we all have situations and problems that we just do not know how to handle. But she trusted God and never stopped believing in herself because she was blessed with the power and knowledge bestowed upon her by God. When we think that we cannot succeed or that we cannot go on or move forward that is when our strength is tested. Then God’s power is revealed within us because he will never let us down. As for Kenyata she never looked back and kept right on being the very best that she could be in life. Her ambitions and goals give other women hope, power, and sustainability in all their accomplishments. Today Kenyata’s son Wisdom is a renowned author and editor of the book: No Wisdom No Power and his mother helped him write this award-winning book. They have shown the world what it means to succeed despite struggle. They are an amazing mother and son duo who are constantly rising to the top in their careers and in their lives. Never let anything stop you from being who God has called you to be in this life and make sure you keep on living your dreams.

August 27, 2020 19:18

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