Thriller Contemporary Crime

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The sound of glass breaking, a car backfiring, the whisper of a seatbelt clicking into place... There really was no way to tell what would set her off. In this case it was her professor slamming his hands on the desk in front of her. 

It was done to make a point, she was sure, dramatize his lecture, and excite students.

But for Ashley it was like a gun had gone off, she leapt back, tripping over her chair. Too close.

"I see you."

Someone yelped, and Ashley wasn't sure if it was her or not. She scrambled backwards, barely registering the pain as the back of her head collided with the desk behind her. She was already crawling backwards, tripping over herself as she twisted, her fingers twisting into the strap of her bag and stumbled. She had to get away, get out, get away, and get out. Scrambling, on hands and knees away, she was out of the classroom and running.

Halfway down the hall even as the door clicked already far behind her, heart hammering inside her chest, adrenaline coursing through every fiber of her being.

Slim hands pressed against her ears so hard it almost hurt, blue eyes locked on brown. Heartbeat so loud- what if he heard them?

Ashley recognizes in a distant sort of way that she was running out of Building F and tearing across the courtyard towards the parking lot. That she was causing a stir, students turning and staring, people calling out to her. Looking behind her, to see what she was running from- why she looked like the devil was on her heels.

Click. Click. Click. Click.

But Ashley wasn't there, she was someplace else. In a different time and a different place. She was shorter, and thinner, lacking in the curves that she had gained after puberty. Her hair was long and blonde and not the short fire engine red that she had long preferred.

"I see you."

She wasn't Ashley Lawson, age 21, studying Criminology. She was Ashley Lawson, age 12, student a Devery Middle School.

And there was a man in the building.

The alarm had gone off, at first she thought it was a drill. Another drill, they'd been having a lot of them lately. But then Jacob Kelly pointed out the side window and asked, "Who's that?"

"Shhh-" Mr. Aaron motioning them all down, "You know the drill. Hide." But all Ashley could see was the blood, the sound of roaring filling her ears.

Turning her head, following the arc of Jacob's fingers, Ashley saw him, the man. She could still see him, even now, after all these years.

Time had worn away his features from her mind, his face was a mask of skin. He had no mouth- but his eyes. She could never forget those eyes, how they'd locked onto Jacob, and his pointing finger.

Then the first gunshot.

Click. Click. Click.

Ashley slammed into the side of her car, desperately digging through her bag, her keys, her keys, where were her keys? Her fingers trembling- searching, she couldn't see through the tears, the black spots clouding her vision. She was shaking, she couldn't get enough air- everything was pressing in on her she needed her keys.

"Give me the keys," No, how is he inside? Where was security?

"Go to hell." The sound of Mr. Aaron, his voice strong and brave. The sound of the gunshot. A child crying. No! Shut up!

Green eyes, the barrel of a gun, the sound of glass shattering. Children screaming... She'd thought she was so grown up, on her way to Junior High. But she'd been just a baby. Ashley leaned heavily against the car, her fingers wrapping around her keys. Her keys. She had her keys. She could... 

She could get away.

She could-

"I see you."

The door to the science room clicked open.

She was in the cupboard, it was dark, Meghan Pressley was pressed against her side, their knees where touching, their shoes crowding in the corner as they held their breath. She was crying, shuddering. They both were.

Click. Click. Click. Click

Closer, he was walking closer, his dress shoes hit the floor with such precision. Click. Click. Click

Ashley clutched her keys in between her sweaty fingers and focused on the lock to her silver Camry, it wouldn't go in. It wouldn't, why couldn't she- A frustrated cry tore out of her throat as slammed her free hand against the drivers window.

"I see you," His voice, God, his voice. Ashley and Megan's eyes locked at the sound of a cupboard being opened, "Why, hello."


Ashley lunged across the space between them, slamming her hands over Megan's mouth as the gunshot blared through the little room. Megan's hands covered Ashley's ears, blue eyes locked with brown. Pale skin contrasted against brown. He was walking again. Click. Click. Click. Oh, God.

Ashley pulled the car door open and slid into the seat, slamming it shut behind her, locking the door immediately. She pressed her hands over her ears, knees to her chest. "I see you."

"No, no," Ashley whispered, pressing her sweat slickened brow against the steering wheel, "No, you can't see me."

"I see you."

"No! Because you are dead. You're dead," She let her hands drop, forcing herself to look out the window, "You're dead, and you'll never hurt anyone ever again."

"Freeze!" The sound of laughter, ice water running across her skin, "I said, 'Freeze!" Ashley squeezed her eyes shut all the tighter, as a warm wetness spread through her jeans. The sound of a gunshot once again ringing through her ears. A dull thud, followed by an echoing silence.

Taking a deep breath, forcing herself to recognize the world around herself. The blue sky, the smattering of clouds, the slight breeze rustling the trees that surround the parking lot in tasteful rows. The singing of the birds. She reached into her pocked and pulled out her phone, hitting her speed dial.

"Hey, Dr. Gomez, it's me, Ashley. Ashley Lawson..."She paused listening, smiling faintly at his greeting and question, How have you been? "Actually, that's why I'm calling. I'd like to make an appointment."

With that done she focused on her breathing and keeping her smile fixed in place, Fake it til you make it... She leaned back against the headrest. Her hair was fire engine red, she was taller than she had been at twelve. She was a college student.

Her name was Ashley Lawson.

Ashley let out a small mirthless laugh, "Yeah... I think I'm going to drop that class. Bit too stressful."

April 18, 2023 23:57

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