Donly - Lies of a Lion

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a cautionary fable about someone who always lies.... view prompt

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Fiction Kids American

Donly’s father was shot by one of the hunters when coming home from another lion’s lair.

Most lions do not have den’s but due to hunters being in their area, a lot of the Pride's were creating dens for their families. Lioness’s built dens for the expecting cubs.

In Donly’s family, they had two dens. One for his mother and the cubs and another one to keep their dad while he was waiting to die, from the gunshot wound.

Donly, the lion, feared becoming the leader of the Pride. He was the eldest son and his father told him he would be the leader of the Pride the minute his time in the woodland came to pass.

Donly felt Griffin, his brother, should be chosen to be the leader of the Pride. Griffin was strong, tough, and a true leader.

Donly would lie to his father thinking it would make his father feel comfortable with his choice, and so he would not worry. Donly lied to his family so they would know there would be someone to lead the Pride when their dad died. He had nightmares every night of human hunters killing one or two of the cubs.

He was sitting with Slevin one late evening and his dad asked, “Son, are you ready to take my place as leader of the Pride?”

Donly replied “I know the land and where to hunt. Everyone has faith in me, and they all know I can do the job.”

Slevin was getting weaker as the days turned into a month.

Donly was sitting with their mom when Griffin came in and in the most ferocious voice said, “We need to talk.” Donly cowered to the corner of the den. “Mom, Donly has been lying to everyone around and especially to dad.”

Mom looked at Donly and asked, “Is this true?”

“No mom. I would never lie to dad. I haven’t said anything that I felt was a lie.”

Griffin went towards Donly and Donly moved further into the corner. “See mom, he’s afraid of his own brother. He is never going to be able to take care of the Pride. Dad needs to give me the leadership and let Donly take care of the cubs. I will do a much better job. I know it and so does Donly.”

Mom then asked, “What kind of lies has Donly been telling?”

“He told Shabana that he was ready to go after the hunter and kill him so that you and the cubs will be safe. He told her that he was the strongest of all his brothers.” Mom! Donly cannot even protect himself from the other lairs. He gets bullied all the time. He fears most of them.”

Mom turned to Donly and asked, “Is any of this true? Do not think of lying to me, because I can ask Shabana, and she will tell me. You know you need to face your father and let him give the order for Griffin to be the leader of the Pride. Do… Not… Lie… To… Me! If you do you will suffer the consequences.”

Donly held his head down and answered, “Yes mom. I lied. I am fearful of becoming the leader, but dad wants me to so bad. I do not want to disappoint him in any way. I will do what I need to do when the time comes. I will go and kill for the food to keep us fed. I will also make sure we are safe from hunters, even though I will be shaking all over.”

Mom put her paw on Donly’s head and said, “You need to talk with your dad and let him know how you feel. He will be proud of you for telling him the truth.”

Mom kept her hand on his head and said, “I wonder if your father already knows this? Your dad is suffering right now. He is fighting everything he has, to stay alive. You must see that? Yes?”

Donly slowly lifted his head and felt his mom’s paw slide off. “I am afraid to tell him. He is going to be so upset and disappointed in me.”

“Lying to him has been wrong. There is a strong possibility your dad already knows what has been going on. He may be waiting for you to speak up. He will be able to die knowing full well the Pride will be taken care of through Griffin.” 

That night, everyone was asleep when Donly went to Slevin’s bed. He stayed there watching and wondering about what his mother had said. It hurt his heart knowing his dad was going to die, but since the hunter had shot him, Slevin had just been laying there getting worse. His breathing was sporadic and weak. The area where he had been shot was a dark red and had a blackened look to it. Donly wondered if the wound was decaying.

Donly sat for a while when he saw his dad’s eyes slowly opening. When Slevin saw Donly he whispered, “I need water.”

Donly sat there and started feeling that fear; sweat broke out on his neck, and his heartbeat quickened. His stomach was quivering like it had a live animal inside trying to break free. He had to go out and use his teeth to grab the bucket and get water from the creek.

It was still dark out and he knew the hunter or maybe hunters would be sneaking around. He slowly made his way to the door of the den and slowly bent his head to look out and see if there was anything or anyone around. He could not see anything, so he laid flat on his belly and inch wormed his way to the creek.

He found the bucket and filled it halfway. His thought was if the bucket were half-filled it would be easier to carry it back.

Donly made it back to the den but did not see the hunter follow him. He was helping his dad with the water when he heard the shot of a gun. He jumped over his dad and hid.

Slevin asked in a soft whisper voice, “Why did you do that? You need to go and check the Pride.”

They both heard another shot and Donly stayed frozen. “Dad, I…I…I am scared. I do not know what to do. If I go out there in the dark, I will be shot at. I don’t want to die.”

Slevin took a deeper breath and said, “So you are afraid. Why did you keep this fear to yourself?” He took another deep breath and said, “I will have to let Griffin lead the Pride. We both do not have any idea what is happening out there.”

They heard all different noises. Growling, cracking noises, and a human’s screams. Donly was still beside his father. He finally found the courage to say, “Dad, I am sorry I lied to you. I want you to be proud of me. I have had terrible dreams about being the leader... and I just had no idea how you would feel if I told you I am not a courageous lion. I would much rather take care of the cubs than hunt and be in charge.”

Slevin turned his head and looked directly into Donly’s face. “I am proud of you for telling me the truth. When I was shot, I had been coming back from Aiden’s lair. He and his sons were telling me about how you are bullied, and you do not stand up for yourself. I have known for a while that you were not strong-willed enough to be the leader of the Pride, but I needed…no…I wanted you to tell me. I need to see Griffin and tell him that he will be the leader of the Pride.”

Donly heard how it was getting difficult for his dad to talk to him and he leaped over and looked closer at his father. “Dad. Dad. Please let me know you are ok.”

Slevin replied without opening his eyes. “Get your mom.”

Donly left his father’s den and went towards the den where his mom and his siblings were. He went slowly as the sun was rising, and he was able to see. He saw a human laying down right near the opening to the den. His gun was lying beside the body.

He froze and had no clue how long he was there - when Griffin came out.

“What are you doing standing there? The hunter is dead. We should be able to relax for a while before any other hunters come around.”

“I…I…need to get mom. Dad is bad. He asked for mom. I think he is dying.”

Griffin turned back into the den and both he and their mom came out.

Mom went into dad’s den. Griffin stayed outside. Donly looked at the hunter. He saw the claw marks that Griffin made to kill him. It made Donly’s stomach quiver. Instead of standing there Donly went into the den and sat with the cubs.

Donly was playing with the cubs when mom and Griffin came in. Mom sat with them while Griffin watched from behind her. “This is not easy for me to say, but dad has died. He is no longer in any pain. We will miss him terribly. Now… before anyone says anything, dad gave Griffin full leadership of the Pride before he took his last breath.”

Posca, one of the female cubs, asked, “Why is Griffin taking Donly’s position?”

When mom was about to answer, Donly said, “I am too afraid. I would rather spend time with you and the other cubs while Griffin hunts and leads the Pride. I have been lying for a long time. I had the Pride think I could take care of us, but the truth is…I am full of fear when it is dark out knowing there are hunters. Griffin is stronger and more courageous than I am. I hope you all can forgive me for lying to you. I know I feel better… now that I have told the truth.”

That day, the Pride took care of their father and Griffin went in search of food. He came back with a cheetah and three hares. It would feed the Pride for a while.

Donly met Griffin outside and said, “I am feeling better now that you are the leader of the Pride, but mostly because I told the truth to everyone. I have come to the conclusion that lying is bad for my thoughts and my body. Today, I have been able to eat, and my stomach pains are gone. I hope you forgive me for not speaking up sooner.”

Griffin rubbed his head against Donly’s head and said, “You are all right brother. Just remember this – Honesty is always best.

The End

April 03, 2021 11:24

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1 comment

14:07 Apr 08, 2021

I love this beautiful story. Donly is all heart.


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