Creative Nonfiction Holiday

It is five days before Christmas, and everyone is rushing around getting ready for the holiday. June is walking around in the blustering winds and down pouring snow looking for a friend. She is wrapped up in her biggest coat and she is still very cold. She doesn't have a friend, and hasn't had one for many years. All she want is one bosom friend. She thought that since it is the most busiest time where everyone is outside she'd be able to find one. She didn't mind this storm if she found a friend. She tried to say hello to multiple people but they just said "sorry I got to run" and they rushed off. She saw everyone passing out their Christmas party invitations to everyone but her. She was on the verge of crying cause she was all alone in New York with thousands of people outside. She kept trying and trying for hours to get a friend, she was about to give up because she was too cold. She watched people going in and out of toy stores with presents, and cafes with hot chocolates. It seemed to her everyone had at least one friend except for her. Finally she sees someone standing alone in this weather and she thought to herself "she must be waiting to make a friend also, I will be her friend". June tries to walk so she doesn't look desperate but can't help it, she rushes over quickly and introduces herself to this girl, and afterwards the girl introduced herself as Lila. Lila then gave her a Christmas party invitation and told June that she should come to her party. June was so excited and was about to ask Lila if she'd want to spend the rest of the day together when Lila said "sorry, I spotted my other friends, I hope to see you at the party". She was left alone again on the streets. She was getting cold so she went into a cafe to warm up and talk to people in there. Since she knew that the people working there couldn't run away she goes and introduces herself to them. They just said "we're busy, either order or get out of line". June just ordered a hot chocolate and left. "Why is everyone so mean and why don't they want to be my friend". She decided to just head back home, she didn't like being in cars in snow so she walked 6 mile to her apartment. It was very dark outside by the time she got back, she had already finished her hot coco that she bought so she made more and sat by her fireplace. After she finished that hot chocolate she went to her room and cried herself to sleep. The next day was the day of the party, it was even colder outside. June almost forgot that she was actually invited to a party since she was never invited to a party before. June remembered around two o'clock and then pondered whether she should go or not, she'd just be alone again in the crowd. She then thought, she'd rather feel alone than actually be alone in her apartment. She started getting ready for the party quickly since she only has forty-five minutes to get all ready and leave. She put on a nice red dress and put on a Santa hat, she then puts on her makeup and decided she looked good enough for the party. She thought even if "I don't look nice, it's not like anyone notices me anyways". She went to the address and found a mansion that looked like a castle. She stood in awe at the house, it has the most beautiful Christmas lights and amazing decorations. Her favorite one is the nativity, June has always loved the nativity set, it has always been her favorite decorations. After looking at all the decorations she went to the door and she saw the lion knocker and thought that was funny, and laughed. She went inside and found about a hundred people inside dancing and eating. She stood in astonishment and then looked around. The place was nicely decorated for Christmas. There was a huge Christmas tree, lots of wreaths everywhere, Christmas lights, and everyone is wearing a Santa hat. She spotted Lila and went and said hi, Lila said "Glad you can make it, dance, eat and be merry". June decided to do just that, she went got a snack and she danced and talked to people, and they were actually talking with her also. This is the most fun that she had ever had in her life. She finally wasn't alone. The party was so long she thought, it lasted till midnight, June didn't care that the party was eight and a half hours, she was having a blast. When the party finally ended everyone went home, and June left with a smile for once because she had made a few friends. June went home and fell asleep fast, when she woke up, she realized she didn't get Lila's number to keep in touch with her. She went back outside again and she thinks it's colder, she thinks "how is it everyday is colder than the last"? She looks for hours and can't find Lila, it's still way too crowded outside. New York is huge filled with thousands of people, June is hoping with all her heart to find her one and only friend and is so far having no luck. In a place this huge, June knows there's a possibility that she'll never find Lila again. June then remembered the mansion and figured that must have been her house. She goes to the mansion and it turns out that wasn't Lila's house and they didn't know where Lila lives. With a sad heart she went home thinking that she'll never see her friend again and again be all alone, even in a crowd. She was so mad at herself for forgetting to get Lila's number, she wanted to just give up looking for a friend, but decided to not give up. She got back up again and started looking for a new friend again outside in the cold.

September 14, 2020 14:33

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Thom With An H
01:58 Sep 25, 2020

This was such a bittersweet story. You did a great job of conveying June’s loneliness. I even liked the name June because it was a metaphor for how she didn’t fit in at Christmas time. It was a really great read. I wrote a story called “Going Home” feel free to tell me what you think.


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Bareera Samra
14:11 Sep 25, 2020

This was such a good and in my case relatable story. Keep it up.


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