Creative Nonfiction High School Teens & Young Adult

Hera is a normal high school student. She's known but not popular because she's been part of the student council.

At that time, she had her close friends named Xara, Tulip, and Prime.

They've been in the same class for 2 years until Prime had transferred to another school.

To be honest, the first two years they've been joking about one of them would be leaving. One actually got injured because of this.

Hera, Xara, and Tulip are quite disappointed for what happened. But they can't do anything about it because it was the decision of Prime's parents.

But the school where she transferred is not that far. They still meet her and they still have the connections. But she promised that she would never have any friends other than them.

So it did actually happened because of her anti social personality and her introvertness. Besides most of the students on her new school were not much of a good students.

The school itself has a bad reputation. From students who are troublesome to students who aren't aware how to avoid teenage pregnancy.

But because of problems they are facing, she had to go.


So the 3rd High School Year had started. Hera, Xara, and Tulip goes to the same school and is still on the same class for which that class is the Class Section A, Highest section on that year.

On their 2nd year, they've experienced many terrible things. Some are just normal student cases such as grades dissatisfaction.

But one of this cases was when their own homeroom teacher started to bully them.

Being the Homeroom teacher of a Class A section, you should be proud that they are Confident and Smart. But no.

Ms. Coreen had despised them and humiliated them. Because of what? Jealousy.

She's jealous because the Class A students are still attached to their former Homeroom Advicer which she thinks is not supposed to happen.

So what happens is, when new teachers have a arrived for the 3rd year or the next coming year, she had foretold those clueless teachers bad stuff about this Class.

Bad stuff like she told them that they are rotten tomatoes, they've been very unreliable, they are ignorant and stubborn.

When the teachers had finally thought that what they heard from Ms. Coreen was true, they decided to downgrade these 3rd years and made them feel unwanted.

But the students are afraid to report. If they told anyone about this, for sure, they'll believe Ms. Coreen. Because she had ruined the students reputation already.


On their first day, things are still going well. The students from that class are close to each other since they've been on the same class and section for the past 2 years.

Luckily, their 1st year advicer Mrs. Fleur was the one who will become their Homeroom Advicer that year.

This was secretly decided by the their principal.


Quickly time passed by. But the Hera and the others had a hard time because of the new teachers.

Because of Ms. Coreen, the students were bullied and never taught well. The teachers made them study on their own.

What happened was the whole class had an immediate remedial session for some of their subjects.

They became a laughingstock of the school.

From a reputation of being the class who's always at the top to the class who are acting unruly and unjust.

But that's not who they are.

And this news came to Prime who in the other school had a lot of opportunities grabbed. She became part of of the School's Journalist and was a participant as their class representative in many school activities.

Prime found out when she saw one of the students in the Class and they talked for a while.

“You know what? Why don't you try to report it? I'll help you. I'm not a student there anymore so it won't be a problem for me. Besides I'm close with the staffs.”Prime suggested.

“I'm not so sure about that. It's not that east since Ms. Coreen had already stained our reputation.”Ives said.

“I'll make a way.”Prime then said.

So Prime's parents know the Headmaster of the school. They directly called onto him for help.

The headmaster then observed. He knows how well behaved the students are based on what he had seen.

They've done their best and he saw that everything Ms. Coreen had said wasn't true.

In the end, he talked to Ms. Coreen.

“I only have questions for you. But first, Why?”He asked her. “What do you mean Sir?”She said.

“Why did you humiliated those students? Is this the job of a teacher?”He asked again.

“No Sir, let me explain.”She started.

“Go on.”He said.

“The students are too attached to their former advicer when I was there teaching them, I was already there focusing on them treating them like my own child.”She dramatically said.

“You know Ms. Coreen Simons? You should sort your emotions out. Know how to separate your private life to your work. Your jealousy and emotions is what you prioritized and you didn't care about the what the students will feel or will go through. Their High school life had been traumatic because of how the teachers had treated them. I can't blame the other teachers, you started it. It's your work.”Mr. Hensler said.

The tone of disappointment was observed.

“I'm Sorry Sir...”She looked down.

“No Ms. Simons, you should apologize to the students and the teachers.”He said.

Then she followed it with a nod.

Little did she know, the students were on the other room watching and listening to their discussion.

He revealed that the students were at the other room. She was shocked.

And so, he guided her to the other room.

When she entered, the students gave her a warn hug. Then Ms. Coreen started crying.

“I'm so so Sorry... I hope you can forgive me.”She cried.

The class representative then said “Apology accepted.”

> > > END < < <

July 11, 2021 08:36

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Alice Richardson
04:22 Jul 22, 2021

Hello Glory. Your story is quite believable, and I think it could happen in some schools. You have described the situation simply and it is easy to follow. You do have a bit of a problem with grammar, but that is understandable as I think English is not your first language. Keep on writing!


Glory Samia
15:11 Jul 23, 2021

Thank you


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