
           I go into the house with Momma after our run to the grocery store. She’s bought a lot of food this time, and boy was Momma’s anxiety through the roof at the store! So many people were there this time, usually there’s room for me and Momma to walk when we grocery shop but it was so crowded today I couldn't even perform Boundary! Momma says we won’t be going out for quite a while, so no need for my Service Dog vest, Momma says I can just be a dog for awhile!



           It’s been almost a week since me and Momma have gone out and I’m having loads of fun! I’m so happy she’s home with me, it’s nice to not have to work all the time. I’ve been playing with my toys, playing fetch with Momma, playing hide and seek in the house, I haven’t had this much fun since I was a puppy!

           “HollyBear! Come here Honey Butt! Come to Momma!” She pats her legs and waves my favorite ball in the air.

           I wag my tail faster, oh she’s gushing over me! I feel my feet prance towards her as I wag my tail even faster the closer I get.

           “Oh you’re doing Helicopter Tail! Careful Big Girl, don’t fly away.” Momma laughs, oh it’s so rare to hear Momma laugh like that; she’s usually so sad all the time. She pats my sides and throws my ball across the house, I take off as fast as my feet will go, skidding a little bit on the tile as the ball curves straight into the kitchen.

           Oh, Momma, she’s laughing as I slip and catch myself and it’s wonderful. I spend all day with Momma every day, but not like this. This is so different, I hope it never ends!



           I wake Momma up in the middle of the night because her heart is beating too fast, oh no Momma, don’t be upset. You’ve been so happy since you’ve been home with me and we’ve just hung out together. You smile down at me though, so maybe you’re okay.

           “Thank you Big Girl, want to get up early and start the day? Want Momma to make you oatmeal for breakfast?”

           Oatmeal! Oh boy! Momma never makes me oatmeal anymore, she used to all the time but not in so long! I’m all wags as Momma makes my oatmeal in the kitchen in my blue bowl. Oh so yummy! Momma’s smiling at me and giggling, maybe she wasn’t having a bad dream and I woke her up from a good one, oh well. She’s mine for the day now!

           I finish my oatmeal and I am ready for another day of play! Momma has rounded up all of my toys and has them all in a line on the floor. “What first Honey Butt? Your ball or …. Ducky?!”

           Ducky! Ducky! Oh Ducky! My tail goes absolutely crazy as Momma picks up Ducky and throws him into the air. I catch Ducky and race to Momma, dropping him at her feet. Momma throws Ducky for a long time as I loyally bring him back each time, but I can tell Momma needs a break. I decide to pretend I’m tired and lunge onto the couch, plopping myself down on the cushions.

           “Oh, who’s a tired girl? Want to watch a dog movie? Or do you want to watch a scary movie? What do you think HollyBear?” Momma’s grinning at me as she asks me the same question again, she throws a different octave onto the word scary and my head tilts. “Oh a head tilt, scary it is!” Momma sets it up, and I lay my head and paws on her lap, she’s going to need my weight on her if she watches this whole movie! The last time I watched a full movie with Momma was years ago, she just can’t get through them anymore.



           Momma watched the whole thing! She got nervous but I helped, making sure I kept my paws and head on her. I don’t think I like ‘zomber’ movies. I think that’s what she said those things were called, but they make Momma scared and if they scare Momma, they are no friends of mine! Dumb zombers. But Momma’s okay now and we’re up and playing again! Momma’s a little jumpy but I know how to fix that! I’ll do Perimeter! Perimeter always puts Momma at ease, I guess I work at home without realizing I do! I start my trek, starting at the door and working room by room, looking in the corners, under the bed, behind the curtains. Momma realizes what I’m doing and I hear her laugh.

           “HollyBear! You don’t have to do that, come play with Momma! Want your ball?”

           Ball! Ball! Oh boy, ball! She chunks it across the house and after it I go, hearing Momma laugh and talk under her breath. I bet she’s saying I’m a Good Dog, I’m so happy we’re together so much! I don’t know why we’re staying at home but if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll make sure we stay home more!



           Something’s been up with Momma all day, her emotions are ranging from happy, to sad, to anxious, and circling back around again. I turn on my Helicopter Tail and prance over to Momma, making sure my tongue is lolling out of my mouth as I go, she loves that!

           “Oh my gosh, you nut! You thirsty? Your tongue is just flopping around, you are so gross!” She’s laughing as she points at my water bowl, I happily trot over and take a couple of licks and I sense Momma relax. She’s calm and happy for now, which makes me even more ecstatic. I start running around the house at top speed, looking over my shoulder at Momma’s laughing face. “You catch the zoomies Honey Butt? Don’t run into anything okay?”

           Momma’s doubled over with laughter and I pick up my speed a bit more. My feet are starting to go out from under me as I run and Momma laughs harder. “Slow down Holly! Don’t hurt yourself!” But I have Momma laughing and I’m giddy. Deciding at the very last second, instead of running past Momma, I barrel into her knocking her onto her back and I climb on top showering Momma with kisses. She’s home with me, and I’m positive it’s going to stay this way forever.

March 25, 2020 08:17

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