
For as long as I can remember, my only desire was to become a Detective. I work long, arduous hours, and I dedicated my life to crime. My work helped earn me some top recognition from the governor’s office as well as other top officials. Hi, my name is Detective Lawrence Sosa, Elle for short. 

               I have spent half the day on our world-famous boardwalk because of a break- in at Sparrow’s Bakery. Their top- secret ingredient was stolen from right under their nose. Normal business hours are Mondays thru Saturdays 9a.m. to 10p.m. but today they were closed for business due to Big Betty’s Annual Bake-Off tomorrow.  William and Rita Moorland owned and operated Sparrow’s Bakery for the last 25 years and this is the first year they have entered Big Betty's Bake-Off.

               I ask Patrick Sullivan, whom I call Sully. He is 265 pounds, 6-foot 3-inch Irish bulldog. We were childhood friends as well as boot camp partners. He hails from a long line of law enforcement agents. His father, grandfather, and uncles all served as CIA agents for Presidents, JFK, Gerald Ford, and Bill Clinton, and with a crime of this caliber, I need the best help possible.    

               “Okay, what the hell is going on?” I yell. My grandfather was pastry chef and I have been around bakeries my entire life, I knew immediately because there is one specific location that was not disturb or broken into. This was personal and directed towards Rita. The robber (s) knew exactly where to go. Rita had invented a new and innovating product that would revolutionize the pastry world, and this year they were going to showcase it the bake-off.

               She calls this masterpiece, Aroma Specialty Plate, which is a scented dessert plate. The picture on the plate will match with the same corresponding scent that is released. Aroma Special Plate is designed to enhance the aroma of the main ingredient of the bakery or pastry dessert. Rita worked years and years on her invention from the design, development, prototype, right into patent pending status

               “Who knew about this plate?” I ask Rita as she paces back and forth from stress and worry. She is unresponsive.

               William jumps in, “Very few people, really. I mean, we have close friends who we first told in the beginning stages, but not one of them would take it.”

               “You never know. So, tell me exactly how this plate works and why would anyone want to take it? I ask. I guess my question hit a nerve because Rita starts ranting and raving like a lunatic. 

               “Why would anyone want to take it?" she yells. "Detectives are you aware that your sense of smell is just as important as your sense of taste?! This isn’t just a plate, it’s a game changer, a memory maker! This plate is just as important as your grandmother’s fine china that she uses only on special occasions! Stimulating your sense of smell while your eating is a game changer, why wouldn’t anyone want that? This plate is my life work Detective!"

               I pause and take a deep breath. I look at Sully and he is just as determined as I am, we roll up our sleeves and get to work. We have less than 12 hours to find the perpetrator (s) and get this special plate back to its rightful owner. I am consumed by this case, which is intriguing at times, unbelievable most of the time, and completely disturbing all the time. All the leads from our investigations has one common denominator, Cake King. 

               Sully was able to learn that Cake King started making strong moves in Atlantic County buying all prime realty along and around the boardwalk area, so we start at the only solid lead we have. Sparrow’s Bakery and Cake Boss were the last two proprietors that refused their buyout offer. Cake King heard about Rita’s invention from a part-time ex-employee of Sparrow’s. 

               “Am telling you, this product is going to revolutionize the entire professional bakeries, restaurants, cafes, party planners, caters, kitchen shops industries as well as the general populace. That plate is a secret ingredient that no one is going to see coming. It's huge!” the employee+ tell Cake King. 

               Cake King is intrigued and know that this is the leverage he needs over Sparrow’s to force them out of the contest. He orders the ex-employee to retrieve the plate. 

               “Mrs. Moorland what is your past history with Cake King?” I ask.

               To her surprise she says, “Detective, I know what you are trying to imply, and I can assure you that you are barking up the wrong tree. It was Cake King who brought us into the bakery industry. He gave us the down payment so we can get the lease on this place. Why would he sabotage that?”

               “Because he’s owes gambling debt in the tune of 10 million to the mob,” Sully offers. Shock and confusion engulf her face.  

               “But, but…” she stutters. “His bakeries are doing well.”

               “He borrowed against them awhile ago. The banks are looking to foreclose on both properties and if you win this bake off tomorrow and this invention takes off, this will put him out of business for sure.”

               As hours turn to minutes and minutes turns to seconds, I advise the Moorlands to head over towards the bake off and set up.

               “Are you sure Detective?” she asks with great skepticism.

               “No, I’m not sure, I’m positive! Look, trust me okay? You go and get set up and do whatever it is you do, and we will have your plate to you before the contest starts.”

               “Alright Detective, it was a pleasure meeting you, but I hope you’re not making a promise you cannot keep. William nods his head in agreement as he opens the door for his wife as they exit.

               The best of the best is at the bake-off and the Moorlands are up in 15 minutes. Rita is a nervous wreck. The judges are being escorted to their seats as their world -famous blueberry crumb cake is being taken out the oven to cool. As the first piece is begin cut Detective Sosa walks in with a stack of blueberry scented dessert plates. Each judge is given a plate and as the plate passes their nose the sweet smell of blueberries invades their sense of smell which awaken a physiological response and release endorphin in the brain tissue which places a smile on their faces.

               “And this year’s winner of Big Betty’s Bake-Off is Rita Moorland of Sparrow’s Bakery!” the announcer announces. The End.

December 10, 2020 06:42

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04:50 Dec 17, 2020

Nice story. I enjoyed reading it. Try to be careful with grammar. Well done.


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Wanda Frazier
16:47 Dec 10, 2020

My story is a mixture of reality and fiction mixed into one fantasy.


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