Holiday Contemporary Romance

Too-Cute Couple

Russell laid on his side with his hand propping up his head as he gazed at his beautiful sleeping wife, Chrissy. After nearly five months of waking up next to her, he still couldn't believe how much she blessed his life. As the newly risen sun peeked in through the blinds, he thought back to the sunny April day he bent down on his knee and surprised her with his proposal in the midst of 299 other couples all saying 'I do' in the four minutes of the total eclipse. Always so sensible and stable, she surprised him when she said yes and its been sunny days ever since no matter what the weather.

With his hungry eyes he traced the spaghetti strap tan line over her golden shoulder as it dipped to the porcelain white of her slightly heaving bust line reminding him how tempting she looked in her bathing suit all summer during outings on the boat or at the lake beach. With their teaching jobs on the horizon those days have come to an end for the year.

Unable to keep his hands off of her, he bent to gently plant a kiss on her forehead. The breezy scent of her shampoo lingered as his fingers roamed downward over the swell of her enlarging breast and then tenderly rubbed her barely noticeable baby bump. His heart leapt with joy about the same time he felt a barely discernible heart beat there. Anticipation was high wondering if it's a bouncing boy or a girl looking exactly like this beauty before him. Luckily, today Chrissy's nana, Anna, was planning a gender reveal party for them to be held at the annual neighborhood block party.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled up at him. “What do you think you are doing?”

“Waking up my family. We have a busy day planned on this the last holiday of the summer. We can't waste another minute sleeping it away.”

“Well, looks like part of you is interested in languishing a little longer under the sheets.”

“Oh, that? It's my normal reaction anytime I touch you. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

She stretched up and whispered in his ear, “Do that thing you do so well to me.”

“Won't that hurt our little jellybean?”

“Be gentle.” She nibbled on his ear lobe then searched out his lips and the game was on.


By the time they took a quick shower together, dressed and headed downstairs, Anna was sitting at the table on the back veranda with fresh coffee.

“You two are glowing this morning. There's fruit and fresh danish to go with the coffee, if interested. Thought breakfast should be light. Overeating will be in order the rest of the day.”

“Thank you, Nana. Did I mention the Conovers will be coming to the party? Nora hints she has some news for me.”

“That should be about your novel, right?”

“I hope so. Maybe its making some sales.”

Russell came up behind her with coffee. “Want danish and fruit with this?”

“Sure, thanks so much!”

He pecked a kiss on her temple feeling the silk of her fair hair, “No problem, anything for the mother of my child. And you do look marvelous.”

“All my clothes are getting tight on me. I feel like a hot air balloon ready to burst!”

“Child, you aren't even showing yet. Wait until Christmas time when your due date is near. Then you'll have some complaining to do.”

Russell joined them with the breakfast offerings. “We need to decide how long you are going to keep working. You're not going to be able teach all year.”

“The administration knew that when they agreed to let me start. They will find a substitute when I can't continue.”

“You know you don't have to start at all. We can make it on my teaching salary alone. Especially when your romance book becomes a best seller. I still have royalties coming in from my YA fantasy series, too. You could spend all your time on a sequel while waiting for the stork's arrival. Right? Ten-year-olds can be draining. You need your energy for our little one.”

“We already talked about this. It's too late to back out now. Besides, we may want to look for our own house soon. We can't keep imposing on Nana.”

“You are never imposing on me. I have been doing some thinking of my own. This cold climate takes it toll on me every winter. I was hoping I could sell you kids this old Victorian that has been in our family for generations and I can find a condo in the south somewhere. I have been looking on the web and have found some nice options.”

“Oh, don't let us drive you out of this house you love, Nana.”

“You wouldn't be. You need your own place now you have a family started. I need someone to buy the house, at a family discount, of course. To tell the truth, I have been corresponding with an old friend who moved to Arizona a few years ago and he has been singing the praises of his retirement complex. It may be a win-win for all.”

“We would miss you terribly and you wouldn't get to spoil the baby.”

“I have heard they have things called airplanes that can whisk someone away in hours and they even go both ways! So that is no excuse. And with ZOOM we can talk anytime.”

“Wow! Sounds like you are serious and have put a lot of thought into this idea already.” Russell complimented. “You got honorable designs on this fellow?”

“Would it be so surprising if two old friends may want to build a life together?”

“Oh, Nana! We would be so happy for you! We would miss you but want you to grab all the life you can! Why not! We are now we have found each other.” Chrissy leaned over into Russell's shoulder.

“Can you believe it? About nine short months ago we couldn't stand talking to each other even though we worked at the same school. Then that whole drama with sweet five-year-old Carlson needing someone to watch over him until we located his parents. And his parents being the publishers I needed to get my novel launched. Now we are about to become parents ourselves. What a rush! And with the man I never would have envisioned for myself!”

“Now she can't keep her hands off of me! Didn't you teach her any decorum?” Russell grinned as Chrissy clung to his muscular black bicep.

Chrissy pulled his torso closer and reached over for a quick peck on his cheek but he was faster and lifted her over onto his lap and started tickling her unmercifully. Laughing, she wriggled and squirmed trying to escape.

“Careful. You're going to upset the table. You two either need to head back up stairs to finish what you are starting or gather your senses and help me get this perfect day rolling.”

“Sorry, Nana. You're so right! Shame on us for being so much in love and flaunting it in front of you. But you see what I must put up with.” She playfully pushed the perpetrator away and bounced up to give her grandmother a bear hug.

Suddenly, Chrissy doubled over clutching her midsection in pain. “Ooh. Ooh.”

“Quit with the dramatics, My Dear.”

“No, Russell. Something's wrong. She's bleeding. Call 911.” Anna insisted.

September 06, 2024 17:22

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Annie Persson
19:03 Sep 07, 2024

What!?! It's a Too-Cute story! She can't have anything wrong with her! I must object! I must say, (despite the not-cute ending) I'm delighted to see another Too-Cute story! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW THEY WILL MANAGE BEING PARENTS (HINT HINT). ;)


Mary Bendickson
20:02 Sep 07, 2024

Glad you care. Have to find a way back to happy. Maybe this week. They do want something badly.🤔☺️


Annie Persson
09:15 Sep 08, 2024

Hmm, yes, that would be a good idea. :)


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Trudy Jas
12:26 Sep 07, 2024

Darn that prompt! Hope all will be well. They're just too cute for trouble.


Mary Bendickson
17:01 Sep 07, 2024

Thanks for caring. Maybe this week can recover?


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10:23 Sep 07, 2024

The too-cuties are back!! With a mini too cute on the way! Hopefully.... Actually love these guys and this series.


Mary Bendickson
17:02 Sep 07, 2024

Glad you 💕 love it. This week's prompts may offer a solution


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Mary Bendickson
17:24 Sep 06, 2024

This is number five of my "Too-Cute" series found on my profile page.


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Kathleen March
15:40 Sep 15, 2024

Ok, so nice story (a couple of typos if you’re interested), but I’ve been through four of those moments and there’s nothing cute about them. I’m curious about grandmother moving far away - such a decision, at a critical time.


Mary Bendickson
18:16 Sep 15, 2024

Too late for typo changes,was approved. Grandmother moving on was way to give them a house of their own where their careers are. May have to rethink that a bit. Think I see a prompt this week that could give the grandmother's perspective. If I can get one done.


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Dr. Jael Zebulun
04:03 Sep 14, 2024

Good work! Have you ever considered writing for a series? Cliffhanger endings are priceless . . .


Mary Bendickson
14:44 Sep 14, 2024

If I knew how to make that possible I would love to write for series. Thanks for liking.


Dr. Jael Zebulun
06:00 Sep 16, 2024

Often others will see a gift in you that you don't even know you have: keep it in mind and maybe do a search for series writers. ❤️🏆


Mary Bendickson
15:14 Sep 16, 2024



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22:42 Sep 13, 2024

I may have to track backward... by the looks of things you have other "Too-Cute" Stories. You are an excellent writer Mary. This had be following along effortlessly.


Mary Bendickson
14:37 Sep 14, 2024

Thank you.happy you like it. Yes around Christmas time I did 3 as my effort towards a Hallmark type story; another one in April. Would have to look for number of contests.


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TE Wetzel
01:42 Sep 11, 2024

Whoa. Hard left turn at the end there. I really wanted to see what kind of food would be on offer at the block party.


Mary Bendickson
12:54 Sep 11, 2024

Typical summer picnic cookout fare, no doubt. Thanks for liking.


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Anna W
16:38 Sep 09, 2024

Oh noooo! A not cute ending for a too cute couple. Hope that little-too-cute is okay 🥺


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Marty B
05:13 Sep 09, 2024

Baby's maybe make their own time!


Mary Bendickson
12:55 Sep 09, 2024

Still a little early but???


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Nina Shylo
20:56 Sep 08, 2024

Noooo! Leaving us all hanging like that--too cruel, not too cute! 🙃


Mary Bendickson
20:59 Sep 08, 2024

Promise. Working on fixing that. Thanks for the follow.


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McKade Kerr
20:05 Sep 08, 2024

Well, I wasn’t thrilled about the ending, but I suppose that means you did a good job pulling me in! Great story!


Mary Bendickson
20:50 Sep 08, 2024

Try to get you out this week.😁


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23:03 Sep 07, 2024

Just love your 'too cute' stories! Oh dear! What happens next? I kept on checking back to the prompt as everything seemed so positive. What could go wrong? That ending! Don't tell me. The prompt made you do it.


Mary Bendickson
23:14 Sep 07, 2024

Yep. Gotta come up with a happier ending this week.


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Darvico Ulmeli
14:59 Sep 07, 2024

Nice twist at the end. Well done.


Mary Bendickson
16:54 Sep 07, 2024

Thanks. Maybe try to make thinks better this week?


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Alexis Araneta
09:56 Sep 07, 2024

True to the title, this is very cute. I do hope Chrissy is okay after this. Lovely work!


Mary Bendickson
17:03 Sep 07, 2024

This week's prompts may provide a helping hand.


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Beverly Goldberg
03:16 Sep 07, 2024

Mary, really. I NEED to know what happens. This twist to the loveliest couple and charming grandmother cannot end like this. I love your stories, but please do a follow up--soon.


Mary Bendickson
05:00 Sep 07, 2024

Sorry about that. The prompt dictated something spoiled a perfect day. Will watch for another prompt to do more. This is fifth in 'Too-Cute' series.


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Rebecca Lewis
22:58 Sep 06, 2024

You've got a sweet story here, and I can see you put a lot of thought into the relationship between Russell and Chrissy. Russell and Chrissy come across as a loving couple. Their banter is playful, and you can feel the warmth between them. Nana adds another layer to the story, giving it that cozy, multi-generational vibe. The way you describe the morning scene — Russell watching Chrissy sleep, reflecting on their life together. It’s peaceful and sets the stage for what’s coming. The details like the tan lines and the scent of her shampoo h...


Mary Bendickson
00:12 Sep 07, 2024

Thank you. It is a continuation in a series. The prompt dictated I needed to change the 'perfect'.


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