Teens & Young Adult Sad High School

"Anna, you started working too?" "Oh! Both of our children were grown up pretty early, isn't it?"

"Yes! After the death of there parents, John and me pamper them. And cherish them until they stand on there own feet."

"Yes, we also, went to the hospital to check there mother."

"We prey for there parents but, what we do. We can't change the destiny." 

And more, and more, and more lies were spitting in front of us and we forced to hear them. 

Those lies were stabbing my mind again and again and I am getting frustrated. I wanted to break all connections with them, but my father's words already chained me. Old words which were the last commands of him, "those people were your family, never disrespect them." Were resonating inside my head.

There words striking my head and I am getting furious. I am not intrested in there lies anymore and Anna is in the same boat. But unlike me she's unable to control her emotions, she's enraged. I hold her hand under that table and I slowly utter in her ear,"just ignore there words, we know what is true."

She calm down her emoticons while nodding her head a bit and we both continued gulping our dinner.

There words were triggering old memories. And with a blink everything became silent and all I heard now was the sob of my parents. But, the wails were now quite as utter, 

but I still able to sense the pain in them. It's forcing me to sigh without stoping and Anna witness it, she came closer and utter same words in my ears, my lips covered a bit to wipe out her stress and yes, she felt relieved after that. I am glad that I still hold few people who care about me but not my wealth. 


It's evening, we are sitting at restaurant, place is filled with crowed, the food is served in front of us, it's all bright and everyone is smiling for our success, but they were only two headed snakes and nothing at all. They were showing hollow emotions only to picture thereselves a good person but only we know there true selves.

Well, it's really funny that, they were taking our sharp comments as a joke now and let other think they love us but we remember the time where our simple replies were treated as a verbal offence. They never love us but now they were treating us like there children. It's irritating to view something like that. They treat us very badly in the past but now they were telling everyone, "they were our children." it's quite mean.

I still had memories when my mother was hospitalised and my father taking care for her while parenting us alone. Anyone isn't there, only we and our parents, we were fighting alone everyday to get things on track. And specially our father. He's forcing himself to work all day long. He's working on two jobs just to pay mom's hospital bill and taking care for us. He's breaking his body to got us everything what we were needed. He always there for us when we wanted him.

He wakes up early, get us ready, make breakfast, drops us to the school, went for his first job, pay visit at the hospital, take us back home, prepare dinner and went for his second job. Everything at twenty-four hours. He works hard for everyone. Even he's dead tired, he always tried his best. He always ready to fulfill our wishes

He never let anyone down because he was used to those kind of things. He tells me many times that he never had a chance to complete his studies, because of there family's poor condition. He started working earlier and leave himself as an illiterate person to complete there family's basic needs. 

He was the eldest so, he always think that it's his responsibility to earn. He think there family is very nice and he had the chance to protect them. But, after they hold stable carrier they leave my father on his own. And because of his kind nature he can't even get angry to anyone. He, felt many time betrayed but it's already late now.

Dad never wanted there financial support, he just wanted them to stand as a family but they always see him as a poor thing. 

The people in front of me, who were giving me suger rapped compliments were only flatter whisperers. I already witness there true forms. When my parents at there death bed they were just standing back watching everything like dumb and deaf crowed. 

My mother was sick and taking her last breath while dad was fighting with cancer. He didn't show that he was sick, he know already that he may didn't stay alive but he can't spill the beans because he don't want me to be ended like him. So, as always he paste a calm smile on his lips and went for his job. He ignore what doctor said about his health and the output was, he passed out while having dinner with us. But still he hold his secret and tell, "it's a result of overworking himself."

I didn't get any idea about his health until the blood flew out his mouth and nose. And he tell me about his health for the first time. I don't know that time how serious that disease was but, I don't want him to be sick. My eyes filled with water, and they started rolling down, my father comforting and telling me to be stand stronge. He hold me tightly and keep telling me that he will be fine, I don't need to stressed out like that. But, he was also sobbing while repeating, "don't worry James, mom and I we both were fine just stay strong." 

After that day I didn't ask anything to him. Yes! I wanted to buy some expensive games too and also wanted to get new baseball Jersey but everything wasn't that worthy to get my sick father in trouble. So, I stop asking for things and I started helping him at the house work. 

I was only twelve and didn't help him that much in house so, I started part time job after my school.

It wasn't even a job, I just help our neighbors to clean there lawn and sometimes babysit there children. I lied to dad that I am going for my baseball practice. 

And after working whole week I earn few pennies. I am very excited to tell that to my father but as quick as I spill the beans he scolded me. He don't want me to work because of family and end up destroying my own future, with my own mere hands. He tell it was okay to work part time but I am not that aged to worry about family, I am a kid and I had to spend my childhood with happiness instead of worrying.

I was sad about that but he did that only because he's worried about me. He didn't watch me to fall down like him, struggling every moment to gather few pennies. I am glad that he stopped me that time. 

After few weeks we get the news of mom's death and dad broke down into pieces. He looked sad and he's eyes were puffed every morning. 

We somehow spending our nights but it didn't stayed long, because after two months when dad didn't come out of his room I found him laying lifeless on his bad. 

"Hey, James like to have some meat?"

"No, I am fine. Well, who you are? Sorry I didn't recognise you."

"Oh! James did you forget me? I am Violet."

" Sorry, my bad, you changed."

The girl who just interrupt is one of my cousin. She talk very sweetly now but as everyone, she's also a gold digger. I meet her when I was thirteen Anna and me lived at our aunt's house. She came to visit aunt with her mother and stayed there for few days. I still remember that she never play with me or Anna. She always smile with my other cousins but she never looked at me even one's. It's like she was ignoring me. But, look at her now. She's serving me food. It's all felt like I just dropped into the well of lies.  

Life always hit hardly, but also let us view the real faces behind the fake mask. Bad time is important in life, it teach us which kind of people we had to pick and which one to left. Which people were family and which were only names.

The faces I am viewing now weren't different but different thing was there true selves. They were changing colours everytime, and hold the side of the powerful. They were not family they were stand only for name. 

The plate of desert is empty now and the last thing left was to say goodbye. 

Me and Anna stands up and after greeting them we left the family dinner. 

When we were returning our hotels we can't stop recalling more past events and when we started the conversation we only remember there unfair behavior. We reach to our hotel rooms and at the whole journey I am trying to find the answer of,  

"who were they strangers or family?"

July 02, 2021 19:12

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