
New Years is a holiday filled deep joy. Families gather together with beaming faces as they stare at the ticking clock. But in a small, poor building, orphan kids cried and weeped as they recounted another year of losing their loved one. The wealthy, the poor; they all came together. No matter anyone's status, everyone gained during the New years. But could those children too?

Holly sniveled at their loss and thought for a moment once again how a poor woman like her, could afford to take on those little ones as her own. Each and every day they weeped for their past. Holly tried to comfort them even though she lost so much. Her money was gone as days past, feeding tons of mouths and barely any for herself. For a new year was the only way to get a new start. Her resolution doesn't seem in depth possible. To get those children adopted when the village is filled with poverty.

"A new beginning, right kids?" She asked without much faith.

They ignored her as they usually did. Holly knew that it would take them long to forget about their foregone past. But she can't lose hope. Nobody would want to adopt a child who dives too deep into their misery past. The children would need to develop positive emotions especially for the future yet to come.

` Little Jamie was closest to her and Holly approached him. "Do you know that in the past, our town was filled with wealth?"

He didn't answer so Holly just continued. "In those days, there were barely any orphans. Everyone wanted children since they could care for them as well as for themselves."

Holly stopped as she realized that a small 7 year old wouldn't understand her. "Life was good," she summarized. The kid didn't look at her but she could tell that he was close to tears. Everyone dreams of a paradise reality yet it's impossible for others to gain.

"Jamie, I believe in you. I believe in all of us. Do you?"

He opened his mouth but nothing came out. Then he looked at the other children, who were running around the tiny house. And he shook his head. Jamie didn't believe in the orphans. The only thing filling his mind is the idea that they are gonna run out of money and then.... they all would die of stravation. The small boy began tearing up as he thought about the future.

"No-, don't cry dear," Holly smoothed.

"Do you know what a resolution is?" She asked.

The boy shook his head again.

"Every new year, I think about it. It's like a goal. Something you will work up to."

The boy shook his head again.

"My resolution is to try and fix you guys. Get all the children here adopted. Give you loving families," she explained.

The boy blinked at her as he finally realized how sympathetic Holly is. He looked at her and imagined the mother he once had.

Jamie's mother was an artist. She loved to paint. But when economic struggles first showed up, they went bankrupted. His mother wasn't able to take care of two. And mind with guilt, she just left Jamie at Holly's door and lived on her own ever since.

"What about your resolution, sweets?"

His thoughts about pure childhood vanished and all of a sudden; he was back in actuality. The town filled with needy people.

"No," he replied finally.

"Everyone has one," Holly whispered.

"Not me."

"Hey... I know it's hard. Brush through it with me. I promise you, I will get us out of here," Holly gently told him.

Jamie stared at his feet and didn't answer.

"I will pass you a paper and you can write your resolution. Everyday, you can work towards the goal," Holly announced as she peeled a small part of a newspaper. She handed it to the kid but he made no approach to getting it.

She grabbed a pencil. "If you don't want to write. Tell me, and I will do it," she informed.

He shook his head.

"I think I know. You don't want me to know. How about I close my eyes and let you write."

And then she closed her eyes. Jamie took the pencil and paper. No writing sounds.

"I'm done."

Holly took his paper and folded it. She was sure he wrote nothing but didn't look. She had always been honest, and the kid had been smart in his own little ways.

"Do you believe in yourself," she asked him.

The kid didn't reply.

Holly took his hands in hers. "Forget the resolutions."

The kid looked at her.

He still refuses to answer but Holly knew that she triggered his thoughts. He has to believe, she thought. Holly knew that one day, poverty wouldn't be a thing in their village. Just a cold that would quickly past. Because she believed in her resolution. She will get those children out of the misery. No matter how hard it is.

January 23, 2020 01:27

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Stephan Jones
20:59 Jan 28, 2020

I hope she wins her resolution


Nicole Chen
12:00 Jan 29, 2020

Yeah, I hope she does too. :)


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Charlotte Moore
01:37 Jan 29, 2020

yep, I agree.


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Brittany Gillen
19:56 Jan 29, 2020

An interesting idea: a child who won't write a resolution because he can’t see a future. So deeply sad, since children are usually the ones who overflow with optimism.


Nicole Chen
21:30 Jan 29, 2020

Mhm, I've known many orphans who were enjoying their life yet this isn't the case here.


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Blue Whisker
21:11 Jan 28, 2020



Nicole Chen
12:00 Jan 29, 2020

Thanks! :D


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Martha Viuas
20:58 Jan 29, 2020

Lots of imagery in the beginning of the story. Beautifully said! Might I ask, is this based on reality or just a fictional story?


Nicole Chen
21:31 Jan 29, 2020

Thanks and this is fictional. But in some poor places, it might be similar.


Charlie Hou
00:24 Jan 30, 2020

So it's realistic fiction?


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Hazel Mount
00:35 Jan 30, 2020

I prefer nonfiction stories but this story was actually pretty good :)


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Jackson Con
22:23 Jan 30, 2020

This story is really well built and written so far. It's upsetting to see how the impoverished kids go through daily life without any ebullient events to look forward to. Really took a twist to New Years, keep it up!


Nicole Chen
00:35 Jan 31, 2020

Aw, nice comment. :) you made my day


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