Distance Doesn't Matter

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



Sunday, February 29

10:31 PM

Jay: hey u up?

Jay: hellooooo

Jay: riiicooooo

Me: k im up im up what do u want

Jay: hows ur dog 😍😍

Me: happy to see the food we brought home from costco

Jay: haha 

Jay: wish my parents let me get a dog 

Me: haha 

Jay: not funny 

Jay: wish i was still in oregon washington sucks 😀

Me: yeah

Jay: washington rains

Me: well good thing it never rains in oregon huh not a single drop of rain ever to dampen this ever bright and sunny sky 😢

Jay: shut up πŸ˜‚

Me: u visiting soon? 

Jay: dont even mention it. i want nothing more than to see u guys again

Me: well good news for u 2020 is about to stop us all with the plague πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

Jay: i don’t think it will get that out of hand 

Me: idk 😐 the memes say otherwise

Jay: whatev. the schools in seattle r shutting down… maybe its possible we get out of school 😁

Me: hol up i said u could visit not infect me with your toxic rain covered coronavirus

Jay: shut up

Me: ok den gn 

Jay: gn 😊

Monday, March 1

6:24 AM

Jay: my school officially starts too early to think about anything but sleep

Jay: ugh mondays πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘


Jay: πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©

Jay: i wish i was back in oregon

Jay: curses more rain

8:03 AM

Me: k i am officially on the bus of doom

Me: countdown till school is still thirty minutes

Me: wait

Me: carry the one add the three

Me: correction forty minutes. πŸ‘

Jay: i still cant believe i used to go to ur school and wake up at seven forty and think that was early

Jay: my school for the millionth time starts BEFORE THE SUNRISE

Me: at like seven thirty right?

Jay: i hate algebra 😀😀

Me: okay dokay then goin to culinary to make some cake πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

Jay: whatever dude ur school still wont start for thirty five minutes

Me: well im playing clash of clans now go sue me

Jay: haha whatev. 

Jay: later 

Me: later

11:27 AM

Jay: haha looser im at lunch

Me: yeah and im still stuck in geometry πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Jay: ha

Me: at least i dont have to get up and use a flashlight to walk to school in the freezing rain lol

Jay: shut up πŸ˜‚

Jay: hol up how u know its freezing rain

Me: its called weather.com u heard of it

Jay: aww u watch the weather in washington for me?

Me: waiting for another rain storm to take u out the last one failed

Jay: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

2:11 PM




Me: dont u have homework

Jay: shut up

Me: well thats not very nice 

Jay: har har if i were still at ur school id say the same to ur gf 😏

Me: and that is where u r wrong cuz i dont have one

Jay: ha ur still more single than a pringle

Me: ...and u arent?

Jay: u and ur valid points….. unnecessary. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‚

Me: ha dont tell cole he would ask u again 😏😏

Jay: ugh love him to death but ew no

Me: hey cole jordan’s still single 😏😏😏

Jay: is this necessary rico? 

Me: no but its fun 😎

Jay: whatever. we still need to meet up when i get back!! do something fun

Me: remember the ghost tour 

Jay: ha πŸ˜‚ u almost pooed ur pants when i jumped at u from behind the poleπŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ

Me: no that was cole

Jay: i distinctly remembered cole screaming higher than my voice will probably ever go. u did to but with a look that said u needed a change of pants. 

Me: whatever shut up

Jay: ha i cant thats my problem remember

Jay: im stubborn as heck, can take u down, and talk too much 😎

Me: ok later chemistry teacher is glarin 

Jay: lol these nachos r so good

Jay: later πŸ˜‰

Wednesday, March 4

10:14 AM

Me: hola

Jay: hola

Jay: hows it goin my buddy

Me: meh

Jay: that is both a mood and an accurate representation of me rn

Me: isnt today ur bday???

Jay: idk is it 😏😏

Me: thats not helpful

Jay: do u remember

Me: do u remember mine?

Jay: that is irrelevant...

Me: answer the question

Me: jordan

Jay: rico

Me: when is my birthday

Jay: um... december 13??? πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

Me: no december 7

Jay: well πŸ’© the thirteenth is sheridans

Me: last i checked im neither female nor named sheridan πŸ˜€

Jay: i thought i was the writing nerd here until u started using words like β€˜nor’ while texting lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Me: omg just answer my question already!!

Jay: ok fine yes its my bday 

Me: well congratulations old one r u getting ur liscence 

Me: oh shoot ur typing WAIT dont blow up i remember 😳😳

Jay: aPPArently if u dont take drivers ed for MONTHS and HUNDreds of DollARS u CAnt get ur liSCENCE till U R 100 😀😀😀😀😀

Me: .....

Me: i thought it was 18 not 100

Jay: im a teenager i wanna hang out with friends, cry with my dog, party some, and drive 

Jay: and so far none of those r happeningπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Me: ha well u can drive soon

Jay: pfft. 

Me: r u coming back to PDX?

Jay: i want to… see u and cole and sheridan man that would be fun

Me: and reason for not coming is…

Jay: work sibling stuff and probably something as insignificant as we need to get gas and groceries

Me: well u oughtta get some hand sani while u r shopping check amazon

Jay: HOLY πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©!!!!!!

Jay: rico!! i have a plan!!! 😎

Me: πŸ’© well thats fantastic

Me: it doesnt involve running away this time right cuz u know ur parents would do more than ground u for months

Me: my phone was so quiet for forever it was weird

Jay: lol nope i have a brand new hand sanitizer and imma sell it to get rich and either pay off the money i will undoubtedly need in college or bribe my parents to escape to rose city!! 😎😎😎

Me: smart smart

Me: lemme know when u convince them πŸ‘

Me: we should go see a movie

Me: i mean me and u and cole not just me and u 😳

Me: we could i guess if u want to but i know u want to see everyone else πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Me: hello?

Me: u there?

Me: oregon caught on fire everyones dead😳😳

Me: ha u dont have ur phone πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Me: ok talk later πŸ˜€

 Monday, March 9

1:44 PM


Jay: OMG




Jay: APRIL 28!!!

Jay: oh my gosh what am i gonna do

Jay: shoot r u guys okay?

Jay: how is everything?

Jay: i know u guys have corona cases but they havent shut schools down yet

Jay: oh i hope everything turns out ok

Jay: dang what r we all gonna do with six weeks

Jay: poor seniors

Jay: poor us

Jay: aww poop the government might close state borders

Jay: i wanted to see you again before summer

Jay: that was so much fun

Jay: please answer

Jay: no they cant do this

Jay: what if that movie was the last time we hang out???

7:48 PM

Me: they canceled school for us to

Jay: dang

Me: hey brightside now u dont need to wake up early right? 😁

Jay: yeah and at least it will be sunny for us and for u πŸ˜†πŸ‘

Me: u have the weather still for us?

Jay: duh, yes, i wont even think about abandoning u like that πŸ˜‰

Jay: its called weather dot com and frankly i am awaiting the next big storm to carry u down the willamette πŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

Me: har har so funny

Jay: so if the borders dont close u wanna meet up sometime

Jay: i mean we can meet with cole if u want i dont care just as long as i see someone

Me: eww no i dont wanna catch coronavirus from u


Jay: oh i laughed so hard that was so funny listen HA HA HA HA

Me: i never thought u would be able to type a sarcastic laugh with texting but wouldya look at that u have done it πŸ˜€πŸ‘

Jay: thank you

Me: must be the best person to every convey sarcasm via internet typing

Jay: well this is an award i didnt expect id like to thank you for being a turd, cole for egging me on, and also both of u for driving me crazy

Jay: also thanks to both of u for sticking with me even though i am 281 miles away

Me: yea anytime πŸ‘

Me: just remember that 281 is longer when u hitchhike and run from the cops with a gigantic backpack of belongings

Jay: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ shut up πŸ˜‚

Me: hey facetime?

Jay: why not 😊

March 21, 2020 02:50

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It sounds exactly like me and my female friend. Nice job Amiah!


Ay Jay
15:14 Mar 30, 2020

Thank you so much!


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