The Best Days

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



When I woke up this morning, I could hear it.

Pitter, Patter, Pitter, Patter

It was going to be a rainy day, those are the best days.

As I pick myself up, my feet had frozen to the floor. I could hear a faint sound of a TV or a phone echoing, and I just it was Joshua, my 6-year-old son, waiting for mommy. As I walked downstairs I could hear the rain pouring down on the roof. It's still dark out, and I carefully discover my way down the stairs. Once I hit the wood floor, I know I'm there. I grabbed my glasses, so I could actually see, then made my way to the living room. "Hey Josh, why are you sitting in the dark hun?" I asked, "I don't know" he replied. I turned on the lamp, and sit down with Josh for a bit, he's watching some stupid kids TV, but I'm kinda used to the kid's TV now, I sat with him for 15 minutes and decided that was enough of that show I could take, I even had him try and explain to me what the show was about, but I just don't get it, probably because I'm too old, according to Josh.

I walk into the kitchen and pour myself some OJ to hold me over. For breakfast I decided to make scrambled eggs and bacon, which I don't make often. Next I made a pot of coffee, and sat there watching the pot prepare, just waiting to get that buzz. As I sat there, I could hear the rain outside had not led up yet. Finally, when the pot had finished, I poured my first cup and chugged it on the spot, then grabbed my second, and sat with Josh again. This time we talked about what we were going to do today. Of course, I wanted to play some board games, like Monopoly or Snakes n Ladders. We also decided to do some drawing and coloring, plus a lot of movies and junk food. Then we sat down to eat our food, and Josh told me the funniest story ever, about an episode of Tom and Jerry, just the way he tells the story was hilarious. Next, he helped me clean up the breakfast bar, and washed dishes with me too, he kept saying the water was too hot, so I told him to do the drying, SILLY!

Around lunchtime, I made us some PB and J's for us and set up Snakes n Ladders. Josh beat me 5 to 1 and showed it to. When ever I play with him, he always brags when he wins, and sometimes it gets annoying! I decided to check the weather and to see when the rain was going to stop, but apparently it wasn't until tonight. Then we decided to try out my brand new color palette and watercolor set that I was given for my birthday, I didn't let Josh touch the watercolor, could you just imagine! After coloring, we watched our first movie, it was Inside Out, that we have watched before like ten times, but it was still good anyway, my favourite character was joy, she is just so amazing and confident.

Later, we went upstairs and went to bed for a little bit to get some shut-eye, and Joshua needed some too. Then I got up before Josh and made him his favorite snack in the world celery, peanut, and raisins. When he came thumping down the stairs, I knew he felt really energized, "my favorite, thank you mom" he exclaimed, "you are welcome". Once he sat down, I made myself a small salad, because I know he hates salads. Then, for the first time all day, I got the TV! I watched The circle USA, and it had me on the edge of my seat! Then we watched a movie that I grew up with, called the parent trap, and Joshua kept asking me "mom, why are there phones SO big?", I told him that was just how they made them. Later, we thought it would be a great idea to get outside and stretch our legs. We went down to the boardwalk close to our house, Josh wanted to drive the new bike that we had gotten him for Christmas last year. Down at the boardwalk, there was a family of ducks swimming in the lake, and it was amazing to watch them so close. Then we took a trail that went around our neighborhood, which is so beautiful to walk around and look at all the natural life.

Once we headed back to our house, The wind started to pick up. We got inside and started to cook dinner. For dinner we decided to have chicken wings and veggies, at the table, We sat there and listen to the hard-hitting rain that was STILL coming down outside. We joked about how maybe if it rains any more, we might be able to swim outside in a couple of days. Then that night, we watched another movie, The Lorax, which is my favourite movie of all time. Finally, the clock strikes 9, and it was time for Joshua to go to bed. So we made our way up the cricking stairs and to his room. For 15 minutes, I fought with him to brush his teeth. Once we knocked that challenge out of the way, he put on the unBEARably cute onesie that his grandmother gave him at Christmas. For bedtime, we read the book "Hungry, Hungry, Hippo" that Joshua loves so much, and can even read on his own. I read to him once then he read to me twice.

It was time for him to head to bed, so I tucked him in turned on his night light and said goodnight.

And went to my room and laid there and listened to the rain come down.

Pitter, Patter, Pitter, Patter.

I wish every day could be a rainy day. The best days by far. The days families come together and have fun.

March 23, 2020 01:09

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