
You were only getting the mail. You got it every day after work. Usually there would be bills, magazines, and bank stuff. But never letters. Your family hated you. They hated him, your husband. They said he was only trouble.

You didn't ever know why they hated him. You thought about it all the time. He was perfect, he was the love of your life. That is until he died last year. You were heartbroken and you didn't want to talk to anyone.

But life went on and you soon tried to get over it. You did all you could to forget about him. You even dated other people. But they weren't the same. You found new hobbies and got a better paying job. You enjoy some of the little things, but are still sad inside.


You had just pulled up into the driveway when you saw a mysterious man next to your mailbox. You got out of the car and yelled," Hey, what are you doing?"

He turned and you got a glimpse of a man. He had red hair and blue eyes. He looked a little like George, your dead husband. You were about to follow him down the street when you looked up and he was gone. You looked around, but shrugged it off.

You opened the mailbox and grabbed the letters. You sifted through them, reading the names of them quietly to yourself. When you stopped, seeing the thing you least expected. You suddenly looked around, for the man again.


You sat at the table, just staring at the yellow envelope. The big red words read, Private. You ripped off the top of the envelope and hesitantly pulled out seven papers. You looked at the one on the top. It had a picture of George.

Tears fled your eyes as you missed him more and more. A hole burned in your heart and suddenly tears were flowing down your cheeks. You sighed and got up from the table. You walked into the kitchen and began cooking.

Cooking calmed you down. You had started cooking after he had died. You were making taco's for yourself. You slowly cooked the ground beef and fried the taco shells. You sat at the table and looked at the picture once again.

You grunted and continued eating. Once you were done, you went into your room and began to knit. You had learned this when you were younger, your grandma had taught you. You loved your grandma, she was the only one who was by your side when you married George. She thought he was a lovely young man.


You had decided to continue looking at the papers the next day. You were now sitting in the living room, on your couch. You pulled out all of the papers and spread them around. You almost had a heart attack when you saw a paper that had a phone number on it.

You stumbled to snatch your phone off the table and dialed the number. You held the phone to your ear and waited. There was a quiet beep and then you heard a stern voice.

" Elizabeth Gentry?" it said.

" Yes," you said. " Who is asking? Where you the guy at my mailbox?"

There was a quiet laugh coming out of the speaker. You rolled your eyes, in anger. This was wasting your time and you didn't want to be on the phone right now. " I am-Well let's just say my name is Joe," he said.

Joe? I used to call George that. I miss George. You thought. There was a long period of silence and then a loud beep interrupted. You dropped your phone, while rubbing your ear. The ring continuously rang in your ear.

You picked the phone up quickly and said," Hello? Hello? Are you still there? What was that ring? Who are you?"

" You ask a lot of questions, don't you? Well my name is Joe-uh, Joe Peterson, yeah. That ring was nothing," he said, mysteriously.

You knew he was lying. You wanted him to tell the truth but could sense that he wouldn't tell you the truth. " What do you want from me?" you asked, sadly.

There was another long period of silence, followed by him saying," I just need to meet you. In person."

You were confused. Suddenly the beep came back and there was a red message on your screen that read, Call was disconnected. You groaned and walked into the bathroom. You looked in the mirror and saw a woman who was stressed, lonely, and tired.

You applied your skin care to your face and put a face-mask on. You sat on your couch and sighed. You had nothing to do, ever. You always sat inside your house or sat in your office at work. Your phone dinged. You checked it and saw a text from Joe.

I will be at the park today at Seven. Meet me there. I will be in all black. Yes, I was the person at your mailbox. So just meet me there. He wrote. You looked at the clock on your wall and took a deep breath.

Okay. I will be there. I think you know what I look like. But I will be in a t-shirt and jeans. But can you tell me your real name? I know it is not Joe Peterson, so what is it? You asked.

You waited for a couple minutes and heard a ding from your phone. I will tell you my real name when I meet you today. I can't wait to see you.

You put your phone down and went to your closet. You picked out an all white t-shirt and some black jeans. You put them on and worked on your hair and face. You took off the mask and put foundation on.

When you were finished with your makeup, you put your hair in a messy bun and went out the door. You had errands to run, so you left early to go to the store. You got all your groceries and you also got new clothes and shoes.

When you were done shopping, it was seven o'clock, so you went to the park to meet Joe, or whatever his name was. You stepped out of the car and looked around for a man in all black. You found a man, standing by a tree, looking around.

You were sure that was him. You walked up to the person and saw a red-haired man with blue eyes. " Hey, you made it," he said.

" What is your real name and what do you want from me?" you asked.

He smiled and said," I want to tell you, I love you and I am so sorry for lying to you. I lied because if I didn't you would've been hurt. But I want to be with you again."

You realized who is was and broke down in tears. Your voice broke while you said," G-George?"

He nodded and soon you found his arms wrapped around your quivering body. You loved him and forgave him. You needed him back in your life. You and him had the best life ever, he never told you why he pretended to die, he just did.

The End

June 21, 2020 19:41

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Anoushka Jain
15:51 Jul 06, 2020

Oh no! You totally left me hanging! Why and where did he go? Why is she not asking him about his disappearance and why isn't she angry? How did he die? What about the body? Why did the family hate him? are just a few questions which I would have loved to know the answers too! It was a really captivating story, and while I understand why you may want to leave it as a cliffhanger, a little bit of info, or backstory wouldn't hurt! Other than that I loved it, and it was really interesting to read! PS: The questions aren't all to answer, just ...


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
07:34 Jul 12, 2020

No, your feedback was perfectly fine. Thank you so much for the feedback. I haven't answered because I was on a trip and didn't have Internet. I hope you have a great day and stay safe.


Anoushka Jain
10:16 Jul 12, 2020

You too! :)


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
01:43 Jul 13, 2020

Thanks. :D (BTW my exclamation key is broken, so I can't use that or I would)


Anoushka Jain
06:00 Jul 13, 2020

Don't worry. I totally get it! (Here are extra exclamation marks for you!!!!)


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
20:25 Jul 13, 2020

Lol, your the best, maybe we could be friends on here. Have a great day.


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15:18 Jul 02, 2020

Lovely! I enjoyed your writting , And the story that you madre. You kept your words very well, Just what was necessary to catch us . Congrats! But I also agree with some views here about the end, it’s abrupt and went off of the tempo of your story, Have a nice week!


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
19:32 Jul 03, 2020

Thank you for the feedback, this is not the best story I have ever written, and I know that. I hope you have a great day and stay safe.


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B.T Beauregard
16:38 Jun 30, 2020

Fantastic story, I love your descriptions and the way you weave simple actions into the plot, (shopping, tacos...) it makes it feel so real. My only critique is that I feel you should add a bit more reasoning to why she wanted to meet him, maybe build on the fact that she wanted to see George again. Overall, I loved it, keep writing :) PS: If you could leave any feedback on my story I would really appreciate it.


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
04:09 Jul 01, 2020

Thank you so much for the feedback. I will make sure to check out your stories sometime. I am currently in my hometown, visiting, so I might not be able to check it out right now. But I will for sure read some of them soon. Have a great day and stay safe.


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16:50 Jun 28, 2020

I was really intrigued throughout. You had me on the hook even though I felt that you could've left out a lot of the details. However, the ending left me wanting. I really feel like you could rework it into something more consequential and thought-provoking. Keep going. You've got talent. I'd be grateful for any feedback you could give me on my work too if you find the time.


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
00:56 Jun 29, 2020

Thank you so much, this meant so much to me. I will happily give you feedback on your stories. I hope you have ab amazing day and stay safe!!


01:00 Jun 29, 2020

Thanks, you too. Stay safe I mean. It's a bit crazy right now.


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Elle Clark
19:34 Jun 27, 2020

Oh no! What happened? Why did he lie to her?! A very mysterious story that has me wanting more, well done! One thing that I would say as a possible improvement for your next story would be to vary your sentence starters a bit. You’ve got a lot of pronouns sentence starts and this can get a bit repetitive. I enjoyed reading this though - thank you for sharing!


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
16:28 Jun 28, 2020

Thanks for the feedback. I will check out your stories if you would like me to. Have a great day and stay safe!!😊😊


Elle Clark
16:53 Jun 28, 2020

You’re welcome! Always feel free to read and comment on my writing 😊


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Leya Newi
20:04 Jun 24, 2020

AHHHHH! I want to know so badly why he pretended to die! Why would she be hurt if he didn't? How did he even manage it? Why wasn't she curious? Other than the evil ending, (he just did?!?!?!) I liked this.


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
21:52 Jun 24, 2020

Lol, you'll never know...Have a good day and I am happy you liked it. I will check out your stories if you want.


Leya Newi
15:04 Jun 25, 2020

I would appreciate that, thanks! :) :) :)


Thotsuki Bakuhoe
04:42 Jun 26, 2020

Okay!! But do you have a specific one you would like me to read and review, or just all of them?


Leya Newi
15:51 Jun 26, 2020

Read which ever ones seem most interesting to you! I’ll probably go back and read some stories of yours I haven’t yet too.


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Thotsuki Bakuhoe
19:47 Jun 21, 2020

I hope you guys enjoy this story. I enjoyed writing the last second person story. So I decided to write another one. I hope everyone has a good day.


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