Once Upon A Summer

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a summer afternoon spent in a treehouse.... view prompt



March 16, 2020

Its spring season, I'm all pack and ready to go to visit grandma this is the best spring of all. I love trees, flowers, grasses and the lovely blue sky especially when we all gather to our treehouse talking about things and everyday life but what I'm most excited about is that I'm going to meet Zayn after 4 years he's my childhood friend or should I say, my first love, we both live in far places but our hearts are all near and I don't know if he'll recognize me because I'm only fourteen when we last met but now I'm eighteen it makes a lot of differences.

Oh! And we're here! I can see grandma waiting at the door of our cabin she's smiling at me and it makes me so worried it looks like something is wrong or maybe I'm just overthinking about things so I rush towards grandma and gave her a hug

I really missed her after four years.

" Welcome home Ailley" she said with a smile seeing that smile really makes me think of something.

" Look at you! My baby really grew up!" She added

"I'm beautiful and you too grandma"

Grandma smirk looks like she doesn't agree on it well it may be a joke but it's not a lie anyway we both came in and had long chitchat after I unpack my things.

afternoon arise it's already 2 o'clock and I'm still waiting for someone.

" Ailley, want strawberries?"

" I'll pass"

" You alright?" Grandma sat beside me and waited for me to say something until I spill out the beans

"Have you seen Zayn? He's not answering my calls and messages."

" Ummm...no?"

" really? Thanks, grandma I'm going to the treehouse call me when dinner is ready"

" sure. Ailley!"

"Yes?" I stopped for a second

"Don't you remember?" Grandma said with worried eyes.

"Remember what?" I said with a question mark in my face


I now leave our cabin and run through our treehouse it's quite big and spacious with beautiful scenery once you look over the treehouse window but as I expected Zayn is not here so I waited for thirty minutes to one hour and more it's already 4 pm but still he's not here

"Maybe he's late," I said to myself so while waiting for Zayn I opened my diary app, why do I have this? Its because it's so easy for me to forget things so this diary helps me to remember somehow.

I was about to write my new dear diary when I saw something named Once upon a summer diary well, I didn't write it but it was sent to me by someone

"Who's this?"

Well I just read it

It says,

Dear Lily,

You may not be able to remember but I'm still happy cause seeing you that day was really heartbreaking for me I just want you to know that remember me or not you were still the best friend I ever had or should I say you were my first love it's so sad that I never got the chance to say this to you in person, I only gave you pain every time we meet but just this day, this moment let me say to you I'm so sorry Lily I'm sorry for leaving you behind.

Loved by,


I burst in crying like I'm about to explode after reading this letter, I don't know who's lily and...

"Zayn... Zayn... He's my first love my best friend Zayn..." I keep on saying his name like I'm going to forget him

" Zayn... My... Who is Zayn?"


My mind became blurred, I'm blank but still, I'm crying out loud my chest hurts but I don't know why... Why?

" Ailley time for dinner!"

I heard grandma's voice... So I rush down the treehouse

" Are you crying?"

Why am I crying? What am I crying for? Thinking about it makes me laugh out loud I've just read a dairy for lily and I started crying... Well, it's not for me cause I'm not lily I'm Ailley.

Well, I stopped thinking about it instead I and grandma start eating for dinner while eating I ask her out of the blue about who is lily... I didn't expect it but grandma answers.

"Are you nuts? Who is lily? Ailley your lily and lily is my only granddaughter"

"I am lily..."

My tears start falling down after hearing that I'm lily, Zayn's first love.

I suddenly left our table and look for my phone I read my diary again. ..

Dear Lily,

You may not be able to remember but I'm still happy cause seeing you that day was really heartbreaking for me I just want you to know that remember me or not you were still the best friend I ever had or should I say you were my first love it's so sad that I never got the chance to say this to you in person, I only gave you pain every time we meet but just this day, this moment let me say to you I'm so sorry Lily I'm sorry for leaving you behind.

Loved by,


I scream and cried my eye out how can I forget... How!!!!????

"You remembered?"

"Grandma!!!" I hug grandma so tightly...

Zayn is long dead...

Days pass...

we visited Zayn's grave for the first time after four years and I don't want to miss this moment...

" Ailley I'll wait for you there"

Grandma leaves and now only I and Zayn is here I want to cherish this moment and try to remember old days.

like how we both rush at the treehouse at 3 o'clock, also how we tease each other, those bittersweet memories I don't want to forget and I want it all to be cherished because you were all part of it Zayn...

And... I'll miss this day this feeling and this moment...

I love you Zayn...

From your first love,


July 11, 2020 08:17

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