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Adventure Happy Inspirational


By: Emily Mask 

 “You are like a flower,” Milo once told me, “Delicate and weak. But after you open up and bloom, you shine in the sunlight above the grass exotically.” I have never been one to fit in the crowd. From my amber hair to my slow comebacks, I have heard all the slander there is to hear. “Kids are brutal these days.” My mom would always reply with. I didn't discover major stress and anxiety until high school when Hailey would come up to me and taunt me at lunch. She would whisper mean things in my ear calling me “pig” and saying “you should eat less.” She would gather a group of kids to come to my table and mock me. Every time I would try to leave her group and move tables, the group would consistently follow behind. I felt trapped, reaching out for freedom but it was not in my reach ever. Today was worse than most because they did it and stole my lunch too. After school, I told Milo what happened and he offered us to go to my favorite place which ironically was across the street from my house.

“Oh Thunder only happens when it's raining, players only love you when they're playing,” Milo sang as we walked through the shallow running water. The sun's warmth reached out onto my skin. A slight breeze waved through the grass by the riverside as milo twirled around dancing idiotically in front of me. If it weren't for school I would want to stay here forever.” Taylor! it's time to come home!” My mom hollered from across the street. I ran back home for dinner and said bye to milo. When I got in the house a whiff of food entered the air. “How was school?” my dad said in a bitter tone while reading the newspaper sitting with his foot laying on his opposite knee. “ it's the same as always..” I replied. My mom gave my dad a stern look and sat down at the table with me. My mom was acting differently. She had a concerned look on her face and was quickly moving around. Was I in trouble? “Sweetie, we love you very much, and you know how your father and I have been fighting recently..?” she tapped her finger promptly against the table. I couldn't believe what they were saying. I hoped it wasn't what It sounded like. “Well, I and your father have decided to get a divorce.” I froze in shock.”You will be going to your dad's new place and staying with him for a while next month.” I suddenly felt powered with rage. “ Do you not want me around?!” I slammed my hands on the table and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I slammed my door and piled up next to my big teddy bear in the corner of my room. I called Milo and told him I would refuse to go to my dad's new place even if it was the moody mansion or something. “ I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna go through with the plan.” Milo shook his head and before he could say anything I hung up. I grabbed my favorite hoodie, my necessities, and the wad of cash from my closet and quietly headed out the door. 

The midnight air was cool. I got in my car and drove through the mountains. I only had 1,000$ that I was gonna save for college so I had to spend wisely. I planned to drive to Texas and find a trailer park I could live in. But that's not very far from New Mexico, people might recognize me. I pulled up GPS and as I was driving off I realized I didn't even say goodbye. I felt bad but the thought of freedom overtaken me. I played Fleetwood on blast.  I took out my sim card so no one could track me. I drove till sunrise. The sky filled up with color. Shades Of yellow pink and orange were overcast by the grey clouds. I finally got away from the mountain range that surrounded me my whole life. It was just flat dry land as far as I could see. My gas was running low and there was no town around me. I checked GPS and the next stop was in eagle's nest which was about a thirty-minute drive. I was starving too so I pulled into the gas station and got a snack. “ rough trip?” the check-out man said. I assumed I looked ratchet because I never put makeup on and pulled an all-nighter driving. I nodded my head. I went back out to my car to see some guy checking out my car... 

He was wearing a baseball cap backward, a loose shirt, and jeans. I drove a pastel yellow old ford bronco with a beat-up hood from all the pebbles that are on the mountain roads. “May I help you?” he looked up and glared a smile. “Sorry, your car is just really nice.” I never thought my car would be considered “nice”, in my high school everyone has brand new range rovers and corvettes. “ thanks.” I got to my car and he backed away. “Where are you coming from?” I wanted to dodge the question. “It doesn't matter where I'm coming from, it matters where I'm headed.” he giggled and looked at his feet. His bright blue eyes touched base with mine. “Well?” I turned on my car to give him a hint I was wanting to go now. He stood his ground waiting for an answer. “ I'm headed to Texas, maybe even Florida.” He scrunched his eyebrows. “ You're not sure where you're going? Are you running away?” my heart skipped a beat and I started putting my car in drive. “ Yes, I am.” he laughed again, “ I did too a while ago. I'm from Colorado, my parents went missing on a hiking trip, and I'm 16 so they would put me in an orphanage. So I left. I'm Paxton but you can call me Pax.” He shook my hand. “So where are you headed, Pax?” He shrugged and looked around. “ I didn't have time to plan and now my car is not working. Do you think maybe I could get a ride with you?” It was a pretty lonely ride here. He would be able to keep me awake on the road too... “Get in.” he grinned and grabbed his bag from his old run-down pick-up. He got in the car excitedly. I rolled my eyes and smiled. He reminded me of Milo. He had that goofiness and curly hair just like Milo. The only difference is his hair was golden blonde and Milo had black hair. I miss Milo. I tried playing music but Pax kept talking. I've never met such a talkative guy. He talked about his hometown, his mom, how he used to play baseball, and his job experience. By the next town we got to I could write a biography about him. It started to rain outside and storms started rolling in. 

I always loved the rain. It was so soothing. But not when I'm driving. The rain started beating on the car so hard it sounded like hail. The lanes were washed out by the splashing water. We pulled to a stop on the side of the road. “ you know what I've always wanted to do” I turned the car off and was putting my hoodie on. “ We should dance.” I looked at him scrambled. “ In the rain?!” he nodded exceedingly. He opened the car door and got out. “Wha- Paxton! Get back inside it's storming.” I got out to pull him back in the car but he grabbed my arm and led me to the tall grass.” Wait here” he reached in the car and turned on the radio. It played Space Song by Beach House. He turned it up and grinned at me. He came back over and placed my arms over his shoulders as he grabbed my waist. How is this happening? How am I here? He looked up from his feet and kissed me. I was astonished. He pulled back and looked at me with piercing eyes. We both laughed. The song ended. He reached out for my hand. “Come on.” I locked the car and we ran around like two little kids. we played tag and he would chase me down and tickle me. We laid on the grass exhausted. I was so soaked my hoodie was heavy. We got up and got back in the car and for the first time in a while, I felt something other than stress and anxiety. I felt freedom. I knew I couldn't go back home now. I didn't wanna go back. I never have to try to fit in again. We hit the road and I realized something. I have finally bloomed.

June 17, 2021 19:01

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1 comment

Kurt Burke
21:28 Jun 23, 2021

Love the story line. Pulled me right in. Needs a good edit, lack of is distracting.


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