Cold Witch Coffee Brew

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: Begin your story with a librarian searching for something.... view prompt


Science Fiction Fiction Fantasy

Darkness, rain, and the whistle of the trees. The lighting shows a brief flash of a gothic-style castle. It’s resembling an old, twisted set of pipes. Inside large halls filled to the brim with books. A middle-aged woman in a golden top and bottom walks around. Looking at each shelf. She has flowing black hair. This is the librarian. Her name was lost to time. Even she is okay with not remembering it. She manifests an iced coffee in a purple cup. It has a red and gold-colored straw. She sips on the coffee. 

"Now where is that old thing?" She looks at the cup. "You’ve outdone yourself. Fifth cup of the day." As she talks to herself. 

She continues to look around. All alone, the rain hits the outside of the castle. She looks up at a window to see a green neon sign flashing above. It reads Cozy Witch as the green light flashes on and off of her face. She looks at the shelf. Then she keeps looking. "Unbelievable. I’m always able to find it. But now I can’t." A red armchair manifests behind her as she sits back. She looks up at the massive book shelf. After another sip of her coffee while sitting, she turns to a red book. "I may be 900 years old, but I’m still as sharp as I’ve ever been." She pauses. "Not you, red book number six." The book poofs away. "That’s one cheeky book."

She gets out of the chair as it disappears. "This place is too dark! I mean, it’s a Wednesday." She pauses. "Or is it Vanovensodisday?" With a smirk on her face, she snaps her fingers. The once-dark castle lights up, giving it a warm afternoon vibe. "You books have to know that this darkness is all for show. I mean, you can’t be protected if the place looks like a summertime shack." She walks to another book shelf. All of the books have strange symbols on them. With her finger, she tries to find the book she needs. "Let’s see. How to cook a Medah Warrior—no, anyway, the last one got stuck in my teeth. The Devil and his two stones, that’s not it." She looks at a purple book with a green gem in its spine. "Gateway to the Multiverse Vol. 2, that’s the one."

She grabs the book. "You’re quite the sneaky one. All of you are. Don’t I take care of you all?" She yells at all the books. "I could make this place disappear! Then you will be out in the rain. You get the idea. Don’t complain about a different place! This is the only planet that can support all of you. Any other planet would blow up with this amount of you." Everything is silent. She then looks at the rain. "Rain, you can rest. I want the sun." The rain stops as the sun shines in. She then looks at the books again. "Don’t respond! Just enjoy the comfort of Castle Archer!" She smiles with the book in her hand. 

A large, ominous steel door towered over her. "Another coffee for this one." She manifests coffee in her hands. Then a small black cat like creature rubs up against her foot. It has green eyes and a golden tale. "Aww, Shadow." The coffee floats in the air as she picks up Shadow. "How’s my Kittus doing?" She gives it a kiss on the cheek. 

Shadow speaks in a formal British tone. "I’m doing quite well, madame. I’ve cleared the castle of those pesky Xinoice."

She smiles. "Good job, my little cutie pie. Why do you take the rest of the day off."

"I would, but the planet of Jenko is being invaded by the space barbarians of Bigel-V."

"Shadow the brave Kittus Warrior. Always a hero. Go save them."

"Yes, madame. I should be back in a day." Shadow jumps off of her and opens up a green portal. Shadow enters.

"That Shadow. Always on adventures." She brings her coffee back and drinks some.   

She enters a large black steel door. Inside is a red cauldron. The roof of this room stretches into the darkness above. The walls have a mix of yellow and blue crystals on them. Everything is spread out. She walks past a mirror and looks at herself. Her skin is wrinkle free. She then smiles and notices a small wrinkle on her forehead.

"They say 900 is the new 30." She frowns in disappointment. "Well, it was going to happen one of these days. Some people look like prunes at this age. I guess I shouldn’t take this for granted." The coffee is empty, and it poofs away. She then looks at the book. Then she walks off after staring at herself in the mirror one last time. Her left eye twitches. 

Over the red cauldron, she opens the book. The pages have various creatures and symbols marked on them. Each page has a yellow tint. She flips page after page. "I don’t know what I’m looking for." She keeps flipping. "I don’t need any help." She flips a few more pages. 

Then she stops at a black page with a red creature and text. "Here we go." Silence as she reads aloud. This is what I was looking for." She pauses. "You talk a lot for a book. I mean, you all do. Question after question." She gives a death stare to the book. "Fine, I’ll answer." She takes a deep breath. "Every 900 years, I have to defeat a powerful creature from a different universe. It changes each time. I won’t know until I know. Now I know."

She turns her head toward the book. "This is my third time doing this. The last time I had to face a giant living spaceship from the future." She shakes her head. "I don’t make the rules. I just follow them. Each time I need a book, I do the summon thing. You get the idea. I absorb the energy of whatever I need to absorb." She pauses. "Nothing really makes sense in the grand scheme of things. I mean, you are a book who zaps responses into my brain. All I know is that your books have living souls within. Chatty living souls."

She stares at the red devil-like creature in the book. "This thing is the All-Father. A powerful mix of a demon and an alien creature. Some idiot thought it was a good idea to mix the two’s DNA. Everyone forgets that park that brought back dead creatures. The creatures got loose and destroyed the planet. Or the moron who thought it was a smart idea to go to the demon realm and steal a baby demon. The entire crew was dead in an hour. I hate people; this is why I isolate." She then smiles at the book. "Actually, despite my complaining, I don’t mind you all. I guess being isolated gets to one’s head. Plus, I’m wanted on most planets. I mean, I was young and summoned an army of dead clone troopers from an alternate timeline. It was an accident."

She shakes her head. "Good point; I am getting distracted. Thanks for keeping me on track." Taking a deep breath again. "I have one chance. The creature can escape or kill me. If it escapes, I’ll be dead within a month. If it kills me, then." She coughs. "I can join the other side." She looks up at the darkness in the room. She then looks back down. "Not yet. I’ve still got more life to live. Maybe this will be my final 900 years. Maybe it’s time to connect with all of your books." A smile lights her face. "See, I can change. Now let’s get this creature out. Mommy is ready for another 900 years."

With a flick of her hand, yellow sparks fly out. They land on the paper. The paper burns blue. The books then start to float over the cauldron. Then she fires a black bolt at the cauldron. The green gem fires a beam into the black liquid, turning it red. Then the process stops. The book closes and flies towards her. "It’s ok. Don’t cry." She cuddles with the book.

Out of the cauldron, the All-Father appears. A red humanoid demon with yellow fangs, two large horns on its head, and horse hooves. She turns to the book. "I’ve got this." The All-Father screams as it jumps out. It stands over eight feet tall. It then charges at her. She stands still, smiling. As it is about to hit her, she fires a yellow bolt from her hand. The All-Father freezes. It laughs. Then the All-Father turns into a red cup of coffee. She extends her hand, and the cup comes towards her. She is quick to drink the cup. At the bottom is a yellow gem, which she also drinks.

The book flies out from her side. "The first time was hard. The last time was also difficult. It looks like all those years of isolation have given me an edge." She listens to the book. Fine, we can leave. You know, I can’t believe it took me 1800 years to accept you all. I’ve been missing out. I think I’m ready to live a relaxing lifestyle. I need more warm lights."

The room has changed and is now much brighter. She smiles again. "You know I’m quite good at this coffee stuff. I hear that the people of Nebulon could use a new coffee shop." She listens to the book. "I did destroy the old one by accident. But I’m a new person. You should come with me." She smiles. "Witch and Book Coffee. I dig it." She walks out of the room. The gems providing the light source turn off, leaving the room in darkness.

August 16, 2023 01:39

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23:48 Mar 21, 2024

Wow I wish I could live to 900 lol. Great ideas Donovan keep up the great work. Can't wait to read more.


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Theresa Santiago
16:18 Mar 21, 2024

😄😄😄 Very cool and UNIQUE!! I LOVE the whole Witch, Books, Librarian and Coffee Shop idea!! I love the extra touch with SHADOW the cat-like creature 🐈‍⬛ Even though she's a Witch and hasn't always been good, it shows that change is possible!! Such a FUN IDEA!! I look fwd to more stories from you!!


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Gregg Punger
01:09 Aug 27, 2023

I think this is a very creative idea, that might just need to be flushed out more. I think having the reader hear the questions the books ask could add more depth to the story and help add more characters to the piece, and I know turning the final monster into coffee was an ode to the title and the beginning of the piece, but the sole conflict or drama of the piece revolved around her fight with the All-Father. When the fights end abruptly and easily the reader is pretty let down. You could extend out the fight to add more drama to the piece...


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