Black Romance

When i met this man was very romantic and good as apple you can't even imagine he will change that much we love each other so very much in the beginning of our love, always on time spoil me like a baby, I felt as the only one who is happy all over the world. I even quit my job so that i can relocate to be with him, this love was something else, that time i was not even listening any one just my self and the lover of my life, it was a terrible situation but I never saw can you imagine?

As the time go on the love become so hot as matter of fact we decided to live together i mean under one roof, sharing each and every thing with marriage status. Even at home my parents never met him official that makes them just speechless and wonder what's wrong with our daughter, we gave our daughter education which she waste it. Is she seriously? They left me with my life to do what I like, I will get what I'm looking for, imagine life to this extent and my eyes are still closed and my ears can't hear, no one was able to say anything about the situation for me to understand. But i get want i was just looking and now I'm regretting it. My man was sweet in the beginning but in the end there was no color which I never seen. He was the one working only, me just staying at home waiting for him I thought this was the life and I was just feeling okay with it.

The movie starts here i found myself pregnant oooh, My my God the man starting to change and get crazy he never wants me to go out with him anymore just indoors by myself and alone just me and my phone and tv, take a picture with that situation and your pregnancy mhh it was the hell to just saw the same furniture and colors of the walls everyday the same same things everyday. I'm just doing the same thing. Wake up cleaning,washing, making breakfast and other stuff.

The time comes for me delivery with my first son, and i just raise him and suddenly i found out I'm pregnant again oooh Lord, that's time I was in fire my dear, you will not imagine being pregnant and small baby. Praise the God i gave birth to my daughter. Since then it's five years now no even a single sign of getting this man is so stubborn for real i think even a bull is not like this guy, and I'm fed up to keep up with him. My family doesn't want me even society is bullying me, she studied but not working she just giving birth to kids, she is suffering just like is who didn't study even my mom blaming me. Even myself blaming because of love which makes me shift to my real life to horrible and terrible life. My kids are kind of stubborn, mess up around and very crazy but their kids and kids are like that I can't blame them. Even a simple sleeping is hard for me to get and this has affected my life. In the night I have many sleepless nights and it has caused several headache. But still my partner never care still stubborn has always.

The kids i have needs care and support but on my own i can't my man is such a crazy guy like sleeping a lot after work, je has no time for me or kids.

As i wake up six in the morning my three year boy was crying and need to pee and my baby girl one year old need to breastfeed as I told my partner please help our son and he denies to do it, and go back to sleep it was a terrible morning to me, whereby all the chaos where looking there for me. 

Oooh my God tears came through my eyes and whisper to my self what did I do God to deserve this, while I was thinking my son cried very loud which bring back my thoughts, as the matter of fact I'm worrying about me and my kids, no one is there for even my partner is very stubborn when it came about home chaos and taking care of kids. And even when I'm sick or tired can't even get some rest. Only him father house can sleep but me just do your duty as mom. I'm just 29 but looking like 49 this makes me afraid of life. Especially men when looking for a woman to be with, they are so cute and romantic but when he gets what he worked hard for, he never value it, their such a monster.

We are always arguing no more outing, no more romance just heartbreaking always. This man is stubborn as a bull. But I'm tired and reached my limit no more, he can't make the security guard at home, a baby sitter, a maid and a tool for sexy anymore, the time is now even if he is stubborn as a bull i don't care anymore. I have to leave my life I'm sick and tired of living other people life and makes their life better while my life is ruined and my dreams cancelled.

The time is now either their stubborn as a bull or wherever my life should begin now. My happiness should be my priority. The life will never come twice,we leave once though i realize that now but it doesn't mean I'm late. Now my spirit is high I will pick up myself and fixed my mistakes made before and start from scratch with me myself and I. My life is such a treasure which God bless me with i don't have to ruin it. I have to fix this life for me and me only.

May 16, 2021 10:49

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