Adventure Inspirational Fiction

Onward and Homeward

By Jennifer M. Dzielak

Well, here she was, back in one of her favorite cities, Boston, or Beantown, as many affectionally call it, like her niece, Chelsea. Astra has always loved Boston and the vibe that the city carries; all of its history, culture, food, architecture, and people. She has also been very fascinated by the many educational institutions nearby like, Harvard, Boston College, Boston University, and others.

Astra came here for a conference focused on women in business. She was excited that this year included many more women as solo-preneurs. During the conference, she loved hearing about all the amazing stories of women of all ages and backgrounds excelling in their businesses. Many of whom she has maintained contact with over the years. There was an exciting vibe of women supporting women and lifting each other up and while there of course is some competition among common businesses, everyone was supportive of each others’ successes.

 Astra was quite successful herself, She had her consulting and coaching business, and counseling career, and she just had her first book published about using your intuition and mediumship to guide and help others. She incorporated coaching skills that didn’t necessarily rely on messages, for the folks that weren’t into the “new age hoopla,” as she often heard. She always laughed at that remark. The only new-age thing I’m doing is talking to a young soul, she would think and always smile and nod politely to the person. What was such the problem with recognizing that what many people considered, “common sense,” and their “gut feeling” could be messages from their Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels? She, of course recognized, that there was so much dogma and assumptions made about religion and spirituality, that she widely accepts that people will believe in, or not, in what they want and there are so many factors that come into play regarding one’s personal beliefs, that she clearly shares in her book that her insights are her personal views, and she was not there to push them on anyone. As she has heard from one of her favorite authors and speaks, Sylvia Browne, she invites people to take what they want from her coaching, lectures, and writings.

Astra’s niece, Chelsea, who Astra affectionately nicknamed C-Sea, while most people called her Chilé, “Like the spice,” C-Sea says, joined her at the conference. C-Sea also has her own business. She is an auto-mechanic and she teaches children and adolescents the basics of car maintenance. While most of her students are young women, she has been successful in reaching young men, too. In her spare time, she is also a writer, something that has definitely run through Astra’s and Chelsea’s bloodline. They come from a long line of poets, novelists, and lecturers on both Astra’s mother and father’s side. Although, she didn’t know much about her father’s lineage. She knows that they are of Polish descent and somewhere down the line, they have an Irish bloodline.

Astra adored her niece and vice-versa. They both flourished together. They loved going on adventures and finding new places that they happen to stumble upon. Often-times, their adventures were unplanned and they would just go and follow their instincts of, lefts and rights.

After the conference, they both decided to go on one of these adventures in Boston. They have been to the common places, like Cheers, the Harbor, and Beacon Hill. This time, they drove seemingly aimlessly around Boston, and loved every minute. Just like her aunt, C-Sea loved coffee and wanted to stop at every little coffee shop they encountered. Of course Astra, or Auntie Star, as Chelsea called her, was up for it. They tried local brews, suggested flavors, and kept a journal of their favorites. Every time they went on adventures, they brought a journal, where they both wrote in and shared stories. It was interesting to see their different perspectives and personalities come through each other’s writing.

They had been driving around for about two hours when they came across one of the most beautiful and and tucked away churches. Astra asked Chelsea if she was up for exploring around the church. Chelsea has not always been as in-tuned or spiritual as her aunt. She wasn’t really sure what she believed in, or if anything at all. She did, however, believe in her Auntie Star and her abilities, so she was quite open to exploring new places, even if they weren’t always in line with her personal beliefs. Astra loved this about her niece. She loved how open she was to trying new things and they often pushed each other to do their best and they supported each other. They did have a very special bond and Astra was always thankful that her brother and sister-in-law, have shared their amazing children with her.

They circled the church a few times before they found parking. They finally found a spot and it was right after they considered leaving and moving along throughout their day, but there was something that kept pulling at Astra. It was a feeling of familiarity, and wonder.  Astra did have a love for Mother Mary and she has always felt some connection; maybe it was the maternal love. The feeling and longing that she had to be a mother of her own and twice briefly, felt before.

As they approached the doors, a Mass was just finishing. The priest was sending people blessings for the week as others said their adieus. Astra nodded her head to the priest and C-Sea smiled sweetly, as they walked by and entered the old, beautiful church. Astra lit a candle and said a little prayer before they entered in through the next set of doors. She was in awe by the stained-glass in the ceiling and windows. She glanced at C-Sea, who had a very similar, mesmerized look, and smiled as she watched her niece slowly take it all in.

The mass-goers had emptied and Astra sat down in a pew close to the front alter. She knelt-down before she sitting down in the pew, she prayed for few moments, and then studied the statues all around the church.  The statues were of of beautiful angels and archangels, biblical figures, and tucked away to one side, was one of the most beautiful statues of the Virgin Mary that she had ever seen. She heard the priest coming down the aisle, and while part of her wanted to be left alone in that moment, she smiled politely as the priest paused next to her and said, “Hello my child.” She responded with an automatic, “Hello, Father,”  and he said, “You’ve been here before.”

“No,” she said, “but I feel like I have. It feels very familiar.” As she was talking, his already green eyes turned the purest of emerald green that she had ever seen, almost matching the clergy robe he adorned. He smiled this knowing smile and as their eyes locked, there was this pure sense of knowing and understanding of soul recognition, and he said, “Yes, you’ve been here before. Welcome home.”

 She knew at that point her thoughts of confusion must have matched her face because his smile, the most loving and pronounced smile, acknowledged her look and said, “You will return home and know your path.” Then, the emerald in his eyes shifted back to their slightly duller shade of green, and he nodded his head. He wished her a good night and she said, “Thank you, Father.” He said, “Bless you and child,” as he looked across the pews at Chelsea. Astra started to correct him and smiled and walked toward his office.  

She stayed there in the pew for what seemed like a pause in time, and looked around for C-Sea, who was staring in her direction. C-Sea walked over to Astra, and said, “Auntie Star, are you alright? You look liked you have seen a ghost!” Which honestly, would not have been Astra’s first time. After all, she was a medium. She nodded to C-Sea and they walked in silence back to the car. What a unique experience she had. She was not unfamiliar with having people who come into others with different energies, and to her, this was not surprising. What was surprising were some of the things he had said.

When they got in the car, she shared the experience of the encounter with her niece. Was this the validation she was looking for? Validation of becoming a mother? What did he mean when he referred to her niece as her child? Sure, she was around C-Sea’s entire life and felt motherly toward her, but does this mean she was the “child” she was going to have? What about all of that stuff about welcome home? Why did the church feel so familiar and home-like?

Chelsea and Astra exchanged thoughts about the encounter and then, they looked at each other and said, “Ireland!” Yes, Ireland it had to be. 

November 15, 2024 17:32

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