
"Please help her" I begged as the doctors rushed in to the hospital with my sisters body on a stretcher lying almost lifeless.

"You'll be ok Alex just hang in there" I kept saying balling my eyes out while rushing to keep up with the stretcher. My mind was racing a mile a minute trying to wrap itself around what just happened. I was brought out of my thoughts when one of the doctors stopped in front of me and told me I had to wait in the waiting room so they can focus on helping my sister. I wanted to put up a fight but didn't. Instead I just nodded my head and watched her jog off to go help the rest of the doctors, giving commands and trying to stop the bleeding. Everything that just happened seemed to crash on me when the doctors and my sister where now nowhere in sight.

Tears fell like waterfall down my eyes as my knees weakened and I collapsed on the floor and cried harder. "What do I do, what do I do," was all I kept repeating to myself in between sobs. With shaky hands I opened my purse and brought out my phone. "Who do I call" I whispered to myself looking through my contacts. Swiping left on dad raised the phone to my ear and listened to the ringing as I waited for him to pick up. After the sixth time I tried calling him and he didn't pick up I stopped and decided to try calling mom. "Hello" I heard on the other end of the line. "M...mom" I said still sobbing. "Why are you calling me, you know no phone calls while i'm at work Leia." Trying to get my crying under control I continued my conversation with my mom.

"I..I...Its Alex, sh...she is i..in t...th...the hospital" I stuttered out. "Why is she in the hospital" my mother asked in a bored tone.

"S...sh..she tr..tried to k...ki...kill herself " was all I could say.

"She will be ok but i've got to get back bother someone else like your dad or brother." I didn't even get a chance reply before she hanged up. Silently crying to myself I felt mad and hurt that she can keep acting like this even at a time like this, was work really more important than her daughter? I took a couple of shaky deep breaths and called my brother. "Hello Leia" I felt a bit of relief wash over me hearing his voice. "Jay, i...its Alex. She's in the hospital" I said in a soft voice. "What why, what happened"? The panic was so evident in his voice. "She tr....tried to k...ki...kill her self." The gasp I heard on the other side of the line told me how worried he was. "I'm on my way, email me the hospital's address. I was so relieved that he was on his way so relieved that he was on his way. I hung up and emailed him the address. My head started to hurt from all the crying but the tears wouldn't stop falling. Getting up from my knees I walked to a chair and sat on it. Everything was quiet in the waiting room; I was left with my thoughts replaying the events of this night over again. Slowly bringing my head up to the clock on the wall I read the time. "9:45 and mom is still at work and dad is somewhere while their daughter is here on the verge of dying." I whispered to myself getting angry. The ringing of my phone brought me out of my thought. "Speak of the devil" I whispered picking up my phone and answering it. "Hey honey you called me" I could hear noises in the background but couldn't make out what the voices were saying. "Dad Alex is in the hospital she tried to kill herself" I said in one quick breath. "That's horrible, but i'm a bit busy at the moment. Is she going to be ok?" The noises in the background of my dad’s line were getting louder. "Dad where are you" before he could reply I started talking again. "Why do I hear a woman's voice in the background?" He was about to say something again but I didn't want to hear it. Once I heard the woman's voice saying my dad's name and telling him to hang up so they could continue what they were doing, I got really mad. "YOU WON'T COME AND MAKE SURE YOU DAUGHTER IS OK BECAUSE YOU WANT TO SLEEP WITH ANOTHER WOMAN AGAIN." The anger built up in me that I just exploded. "Look leia it's not like that I... Not letting him finish I cut him off. "Alex could die and all you want to do is sleep with another woman. You disgust me" was all I said before hanging up on him. Silently crying to myself I prayed for my brother to hurry up because I needed somebody right now. A Couple minutes go by and i've stopped crying, and just stared at the clock waiting for my brother and any news of my sister. It was now 10:39 and still no news on my Alex. "Leia" I turned my head to see who said my name and felt tears prick at my eyes when I saw Jay standing there trying to catch his breath. I stood up and he engulfed me in a much needed hug. "Any word on Alex" he asked. "No not yet". My grip on his shirt tightened when he asked me what happened and tears started falling from my eyes again. "It's all my fault" I said crying harder onto my brothers shirt. "What do you mean" he asked tilting my chin up to meet his eyes. "I should have pushed her when she got home to make sure she was ok. Or I should have made her tell me who was messing with her, it's all my fault" I ranted crying harder. Jay was about to say something but a doctor came out and we both turned and gave him our attention. "Are you both hear for Alex Snow" we both nod and Jay asked " how is she" the doctor sighs and looks down at his clipboard. It felt like I couldn't breath as my legs gave out and I collapsed onto the floor and started crying harder. It felt like someone just ripped out my heart, and took everything from me. "We did our best to save her but with the overdose and slit wrist there wasn't much we could do, we are so sorry for your loss." The doctor kept on talking but it was like his voice was muffled and I couldn't hear a thing he was saying. My breath quickened and my vision started to blur as felt strong hands on my shoulder and looked up and saw my brother. He was saying something to me but I couldn't make out his words before everything went dark.

July 06, 2020 01:32

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