Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Romance Fantasy

"If you ever get a dreamcatcher and Make any wish, your wish will be fulfilled."--But that's all about the power of divine who can fulfill my desire, how can a handmade thing can fulfill my desire.

I am Yoona, a 17 yeared girl who lives alone in Busan.I am a secret writer. People know my writing as my penname "Rosé". Rosé's stories and Rosé is kinda famous school students but Yoona isn't that famous. 

School, two part time jobs, everyday story updation, lonelyness, out of love--These words defines me.Anyway, let’s start my story? OK.

••19 December, 2018••


While returning from my bookshop's part time job, Suddenly rain startes.I just want to find dry shelter to ignore rain because it is December, means winter and I just not want to get cold. I watch a canopy in front of the shop So I went there. I didn't watch the shop before. While wiping my hands, my eyes are rested on a dreamcatcher. But that was in that shop and that shop was closed.

-Do you want that dreamcatcher?~Suddenly an old lady comes from beside of the shop.

-But,you are?~I ask her.

-You can take it. I am It's owner.~She smiles little.

-Oh, but I don't have much money to buy it. Can I come tomorrow?~I ask her while checking my purse.

-you can take it for free. I don't want money. Wait, I give it to you.~She suddenly went into the shop.

-She gives it to me for free. She's seem to good.~I whisper.

-Girl.Take it.~She handed me the dreamcatcher.

-But, is it ok if I come tomorrow and will pay you back? Can I,,,~I look up but she's not there.

I search her around but she's not anywhere. I think she's gone. It's late, I have to go home. Oh! The rain stopped.

I came home and after eating my dinner, I settled that dreamcatcher in front of the door of my balcony. I wished, "Christmas is coming.If you really can fulfill my wish, I want to wish of Christmas with a person whom I can love. If you can then please make this happen. Every Christmas I spent alone celebrating, everyone spent with thier family happily. I want to do it once." Make this wish I go to bed.

••20th December, 2018••


Having my breakfast and packing my notes, I left for the place where I can write my story peacefully. It's the park behind my school. My writer boss told me to end the story during Christmas. He'll gonna publish it on Christmas. That story "Christmas bell" is about a girl, want a happy Christmas with her partner who's stuck at work in the North-East Europe". I was thinking How should I update my story and I was writing my story and suddenly a sound came from there.That place is empty. There's nobody except from me.

-Hey, what are you doing?~ Suddenly a boy came in front of me and I surprised.

-Ahh! You screced me. Who are you?~I asked him.

-I,,,I am Johan Kim.~He.

-Your name is Johan? You know which story I am writing, there's main male Character whom I love the most, name is also Johan. That's a coincidence.~I smile.

-Maybe. Can I get to know about your story?~He looked at my note.

-My,,story but,~ I Panicked if he know I am Rosé.

-I know you are Rosé. Don't panic.~He smiles.

How did he know I am Rosé and how did he know I am panicking? Is he any reporter from another writing agency?

- Believe me, I am not any reporter.~He.

- You,,I should go. I have something important.~I packed my things and walked away.

- Yoona.~He called my name.

- How could you know my name? Are you any kidnapper?~I turned around.

- Kidnapper? Ha ha ha,,~Je started laughing.

- What do you want?~I asked him.

- I am alone in this city, my family is far from me. Christmas is coming up. Will you celebrate Christmas with me.~He came closer.

- Christmas? But why me? There's other people.~I yelled.

- I know you are alone here too.~He hold my hand.

- Sorry. I can't. Go away.~I looked at hand and Release his hand and left. 

Strange. He's too strange. That was a weird memory. How could he straight asked me to celebrate Christmas with him although I did not know him nor he. But he has full of coincidence with my story character. I should go to home.

After some time I reached home. While opening my balcony door for to dry yesterday's wet clothes. My dreamcatcher which That lady gave me last night, but that was not there. Where did it go? I searched my balcony well but couldn't find it. I went down the street under my balcony to see if it would fell there.I was searching that and in that time that old lady, from whom I got the dreamcatcher, came there.

-I gave you one thing and you couldn't handle it.~She smiled.

-I don't know where did it go? I don't really know anything.~I seemed hopeless.

-You don't know anything? Really? You told him to go away.~She talked about someone.

-He? I am talking about the dreamcatcher. Who's "HE"?~I asked her.

-You know, what I am talking about. You know. You know.~She turned around and started walking.

-Stop. Please let me know who was you talking about? Stop please.~I called her but she didn't stop.

What a strange feeling I have! Everything seems unknown. It's getting dark all around. My head hurts. What's wrong with me? Ahh........

-No,,,~I shouted and opened my eyes.

It's all a dream? No nightmare. What a bad dream! Suddenly I have a wrong feeling and I looked at my balcony door for the dreamcatcher. And,, it's not there. That's what I was thinking. It's not only a dream, something more.I dressed up and left for the old lady's shop. 

I almost reached that place from where the rain started last night. But Where is that shop? I looked around but couldn't find the old lady owner of the shop.

-Are you finding me?~That old lady was suddenly came in front of me.

-Yes. I am finding you, who are you? Please told me where my dreamcatcher is.~I asked in an encouraging way.

-You told it to go away.~That lady stared in the sky.

-But I didn't.~I shouted.

-Remember last night when you were wishing to have a happy Christmas with a person whom you can love.~She looked at me.

-But how did you know that?~I asked her.

-Today morning, when you were working on your story and he come, after asked you if you celebrated this Christmas with him, you said no and left. You lost your dreamcatcher then.

~She looked at the sky again.

-That means, the dreamcatcher send him for me as I wished to have a happy Christmas with a person whom I can love. But I don't love him.~I can't understand what's happening with me.

-Who are your favorite character from your story "Christmas Bell" and why?~She asked me.

-What? My favorite character from "Christmas Bell",,that main male Character. But why are you asking?~I.

-I think you got my answer. I should go.~Suddenly she disappeared.

-Hey, where did you go? Hey,,,~I shouted.

What was she talking about? My favorite character. YAH! My favorite character from "Christmas Bell" is the main male Character "Johan". JOHAN? Isn't he's name was Johan too. That means,,,

It's snow falling. I ran to the place where I saw him for the first time, that park. And he was sitting on that bench where I was sitting.

-Johan?~I called him.

-Yoona?~He turn around at me.

-Are you Johan from "Christmas Bell" whom I loved the most?~I hold his hand.

-I am Johan whom you loved, I am the Johan whom you can love.~He smiled.

-Hah! I don't believe that I am Fall for my story Character.~I smiled.

-Somtimes, God can make what you think come true. Like you love my character, and he sent me to you. Something, reality matches with fantasy for someone special from divine.~He looked at me.

-Will you celebrate every Christmas with me?~I smiled and asked him.

He smiled.

...And thus the divine power teaches man to love with all his might.

                         ~THE END>

September 18, 2020 15:18

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