Asian American Bedtime Black

A girl looked at a boy during prizes distribution cermony.
The boy was awarded Best Student of The year.  the girl was surprised and She came and congratulated him.Boy was of sixteen andd the girl was 24.
AFTER a week new session of college started.in the mean while a girl enter the class and started lecture.this was the girl who met a boy at prizes distribution cermony .The girl name was saira and the boy was sitting infront of  him. the boy name was sanan. 
    now sanan was a student and saira was a teacher. the student was very hardworking boy and the girl was awesome teacher.Soon student decleared miss saira his favorite teacher.HE admire everyone about saira atitude and hard working skills..
      now the time came when saira called sanan and asked him whether he has a girl freind ? Sanan replied no . sanan understood the teacher loved me 
soon they start freindship. this was the time when the teacher student relationship was changed to freinds relation .
in college both loved each other and gave gifts to each other . A good relationshipp was going on between this couple . tehy always loved and pray for each other success .
all students understood about this couple and now sanan was called saira sanan in class.
after college time they talked each other through mobile phones and both slept late at night. SANAN also continued his hardwork in studies and got success one after another.saira infront of teacher staff admire about his syudent and often she said student should be like sanan
sanan was completely fall in love with her miss.
after one year saira sister got job in the same college . she hated sanan 
sanan did not know why sana hate me. THE REASON OF HATENESS WAS THE GIFTS GIVEN BY SANAN TO SAIRA  sana saw all those gifts on which sanan name was mentioned. soon sana burned the fire between sanan and saira . saira without clearification about the story told by sana she begun and hate sanan
sanan again and again asked her to clear her points but she did not belive
soon again they became happy from each other  but now no lift was given by saira to sanan 
    sanan was very upset that why she did not talk to me with a polite manner . saira was engaged with his cousin for marry .when sanan came to know about her engagement he cried and said why my dear you are going for away fom me  and then said  luck matters 
after that sanan lift college to forget his love but still he said some love stories live forever 
after one year she married to her cousin but she still had love with sanan and became ill.
when sanan came to know about her marriage and then about her illness he prayed to ALLAH  GET WILL SOON SAIRA 
both were spending their lives in the love with eac other  therefor some love stories live forever

after six year sanan became a doctor he was well professional doctor
she always thought about saira and he thought where would be saira and how she would be living because in the six years time they did not talk nor seen each other
saira after six years became the mother of 3 children and one of her son name was sanan. she always thought about sanan and said to herself if sanan were my husband if sanan were my lover if i marry with sanan and refused to my cousin for marry  saira life was full of difficult circumstances as she became the depression patient 
sanan was also spending a tough life and all times saira remained in his thoughts  he always said to himself if saira was my wife i would proved husband and wife relationship
where saira was living by chance sanan job was shifted there.
when sanan was going to hospital she saw a girl and some doubts came to his mind  the girl was looking like saira. but he did not belive he thought that it was a dream 
a next day saira saw sanan and she completly understood that he was sanan she went to home. sanan and saira homes were oposite to each other .sanan saw saira from belcony and now understood that it was his first love. 
they both once again met each other and appointed a day for trip 
saira husband did not know about saira activities saira was always unhappy at home .she and her husband did not live a good life.
soon saira and sanan went for trip . there they both discuss about the past but sanan was very angry with saira . sanan asked saira why she love me? if you were not ready for marriage then why you love me? saira replied that she still love with him.and i married with my cousin by fixing the engagement by my mother.i repent on my marry upto now i have three son but living in hell
they did dinner and came back to home. now there love was continued and they met  each other everyday and told past stories to each other 
a day was come when saira husband understood about sanan and his activities
he made a plan he said to saira that today he would go to his freind party 
saira called sanan and said to him that today we would go for a dinner to resturant  and there saira husband reported to police they bought were caught at resturant and sanan went to jail after court trial it was decided that sanan destroy five live saira and her husaband and her three sons so sanan would live the rest of life in jail.  sanan  did not object on court case and accepted the court decision   
now he is living in jail  and said to himself some love stories live forever

there saira also thought about sanan love and said to her self some love stories live for ever   a journy started in light  ended with darkness

May 03, 2021 12:06

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12:07 May 03, 2021

marvellous story


11:56 May 10, 2021

thank you


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