Coming of Age Drama Fiction

The thing about the rifle shooting merit badge is the target practice. To earn the badge a boy scout needs to hit the bullseye five out of five times in a single round. The bullseye is a black spot about the size of a quarter on a white paper target. The target is tacked to a wooden board fifty feet from the firing range.

Jimmy was losing his race against time. He knew it and it bothered him as he lay on the thin nylon mat sweating in August heat. His armpits were damp with body odor. The endless buzzing of cicadas rose and fell throughout the afternoon. The only break came from the intermittent firing of bolt action .22 rifles which sounded like the clapping of small wooden batons.

He was 13 years old with red hair, a tight crew cut and the loose-jointed awkwardness of puberty about to pop. His mom had included two bottles of Coppertone Sunscreen (SPF 8) in his suitcase, but he often forgot to put it on. That’s why he had freckles across his cheeks and along the tops of his shoulders, and his nose was beet red.

The first time he ever held a rifle was six days earlier. Mr. Williams, Scout Master and rifle range instructor, spoke to him at breakfast. Mr. Williams was a fifty something year old Black man with medium brown skin, a big belly and perfectly trimmed mustache. He learned to shoot in the Marines. After serving his time in the Korean War he stayed for another twenty years, retiring as a Gunnery Sergeant.

He noticed Jimmy sitting by himself, so he carefully placed his tray of food on the picnic table across from him. The bench and table were bolted to each other which made it tricky for him to swing his bulky leg underneath. Once he settled in, he took a quick sip of orange juice.

“Tell me something, son, have you ever fired a weapon?” asked Mr. Williams. His fork held a chunk of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth. The eggs quivered but didn’t fall.

Jimmy shook his head. “No, sir. I’m from Philly, so we don’t really have guns. I mean, not my family anyway. No hunters or anything like that.”  

“That’s okay, I can teach you everything you need to know. You’re here for a week, so we have plenty of time. I’m at the range from 10-12 and from 1-3 every day. If you’re interested come visit.” He leaned forward over his food and started eating with gusto. Jimmy stood, dropped his tray in the dirty dish window and exited the mess hall.

The scout camp was called Treasure Island. Located about an hour north of Philadelphia, the island was shaped like a stretched-out oval, oriented north to south. It lay in the middle of the Delaware River, exactly along the Pennsylvania and New Jersey borders. Directly north of Treasure Island was Eagle Island. The two were connected by a narrow foot bridge. The firing range was on Eagle Island because it was in New Jersey where they had more relaxed gun laws.

Jimmy blinked himself out of the reverie and focused on shooting. It was Friday afternoon. He had completed every requirement for the merit badge except the target practice. He shifted his elbows on the mat. They had red pressure marks from supporting the rifle for hours each day. The gun was comfortably snug against his shoulder. His left hand held the wooden stock and his right hand the grip.

“Commence firing,” said Mr. Williams. Several of the boys shot immediately, the soft blasts echoing off the hill at the back of the range.

Jimmy closed one eye and stared down the iron sights, aligning them with the target. He exhaled slowly and squeezed the trigger. Bullseye! With practiced ease he pulled the bolt up and back, watching the empty shell case jump out of the gun and land on the wooden floor with a dull metallic clink. Grabbing another bullet, he pushed it into the barrel with the bolt and dropped the bolt into the firing position. The entire procedure took six seconds.

“Nice shot, son,” said Mr. Williams.

Jimmy smiled. “Thanks.” He liked when Mr. Williams called him “son”, except when it reminded him of his dad. After his parents divorced his dad moved away. Jimmy wasn’t sure why his dad was always angry. In some strange way he knew it was his fault, although he couldn’t quite figure out what he’d done wrong. They didn’t talk much, especially since he couldn’t call his dad after 5 pm because of the drinking. And his dad stopped coming over the house when his mom married Simon.

“Hey, son, get your head straight. You need four more bullseyes, and you’ve only got fifteen minutes. This’ll be your last round, so make it a good one,” said Mr. Williams.

Jimmy adjusted the rifle, sighted carefully, exhaled and fired. Bullseye. Two down, three to go, he thought. He quickly reloaded the gun, sighted, squeezed the trigger and hit a bullseye. Three down.

Turning his head to the right he glanced at the clock. It hung from the wood paneled back wall and was emblazed with the Treasure Island logo. 2:48 pm. He looked back across the dirt and grass field at the target. A faint breeze rustled the corner of the paper. The light wind washed over him pleasantly, cooling the sweat along his brow and neck.

Then tension crept up his back, gently at first, like the slow closing of a vise. He shut his eyes to focus, and as he lay there Simon’s head popped into his mind, a kind of sneering jack in the box. Jimmy pushed the image down with difficulty. He pulled the butt of the rifle tighter against his shoulder, sighted, exhaled and fired. Bullseye. Four down.

Jimmy allowed himself to smile a little. He felt pretty good. One more bullseye and he’d be done. He pictured his mom sewing the badge on his uniform. And then the strangest thing happened, his heart started to race. He was surprised, confused and even a little scared. The gun felt heavy and unfamiliar. His mouth went dry. A queer metallic taste swept along the floor of his mouth. The target seemed further away and the bullseye smaller. Suddenly, he recalled that awful moment with Simon from last autumn. Why was this happening, he wondered in a panic. He tried pushing the image away, but this time it didn’t work.

Simon sat lounging on the sofa with his feet up on the coffee table. He was watching television when Jimmy got home from school. Simon took a swig of Budweiser and looked over at Jimmy. “What’s that,” he asked.

Jimmy held a thick textbook covered in brown construction paper. “Um, this is my new biology text. They asked me to join an honors class with three other eighth graders.”

Simon smirked, shook his head and whispered, “Dork.” The word landed like a slap in the face. Simon turned back to the Phillies game. The commercial break was over.

“Okay, son, time for one more shot,” said Mr. Williams. He was at the far end of the range. The other boys were finishing up.

Jimmy lay on the mat, heart racing and mouth dry. He knew they’d see the tears if he wiped them away, so he let them fall.

He tried to sight down the barrel, but everything was blurry. He could hear the clock ticking on the wall. Boy’s voices near him sounded deep and muffled, like they were talking underwater. His vision tunneled, he took a firm grip on the gun, tried to aim carefully, and fired. A puff of dirt leapt off the hill behind the target.

He lifted his head and swallowed. Laying the gun aside, he stared at the edge of the mat for several seconds. Then he stood and walked robotically down the range to retrieve his target. An eerie quiet fell over the range. The older boys looked at each other, down at the floor and out toward the hill. They pretended not to see his tears. Mr. Williams patted his shoulder as he passed. When he was ten feet from the targets, he quickly wiped his eyes and cheeks.

 “Hey, son, I’ll walk you back to camp,” said Mr. Williams, placing his arm around Jimmy’s slumped shoulders. They went to his cabin. He gave Jimmy an ice-cold Crush from a little refrigerator tucked between the cot and the wall. “You like orange soda, son?”

“Yeah,” whispered Jimmy. “Thanks.” He felt a little shaky and completely wrung out, like a deflated balloon.

Mr. Williams pulled a card out of an olive-green tackle box he used as a filing cabinet. He checked a few boxes using a ball point pen. Then he signed the back before handing it to Jimmy, and said, “Here you go.”

“What’s this?”

“It’s certification for your rifle shooting merit badge. You deserve it, son. You’re a talented shooter and a fine young man.” He rustled Jimmy’s hair. “Now hurry back to your cabin, your mom will be here soon. Make sure everything’s packed.”

Mr. Williams shook Jimmy’s hand. Jimmy didn’t look him in the eye.

On the way home Jimmy sat in the front passenger seat of his mom’s Buick Skylark. His shoulder rested on the door and his forehead on the window. It was stifling in the car because his mom didn’t like wasting gas running the air conditioner.

“Did you have fun at camp, sweetie?” she asked.


“That’s nice. Did you make any friends?”

“I guess.”

“Did you earn any merit badges?”

Jimmy looked at his mom quickly to see if she knew something. She just sat there staring blissfully at the road, hands at two o’clock and ten o’clock on the steering wheel. He rested his head back on the window. The densely packed evergreens of the Pine Barrens rushed past in a brown and green blur. He could feel the card Mr. Williams had given him. It was crammed into his back pocket.

“No. I didn’t earn anything.”

“That’s nice,” she said.

Posted Mar 13, 2025

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8 likes 10 comments

Nat Longridge
20:54 Mar 16, 2025

Oh my heart, I could feel the pressure Jimmy felt. Right from the get go I picture a lanky youth trying to do his best.
He has glimmers of joy with Mr. Williams, but his home life is obviously in turmoil. The moments when he's just about to do something great, he's drawn back to the divorce. Or when he should be feeling so excited to be considered for an honours class, his step father stomps him with one word.
I ache for this boy. He worked hard, he may not have been the best, but he did earn something that summer. Unfortunately, his home life won't let him feel it. Which you've described so well. Right to the end, when even his mom is obviously not paying attention "That's nice." she said.

The flash backs were a bit jolty, but over all easy to follow. They weren't out of place. Maybe slight smoothing if you had the chance to edit. Maybe this part of the paragraph could have started as another, "Suddenly, he recalled that awful moment with Simon from last autumn. Why was this happening, he wondered in a panic. He tried pushing the image away, but this time it didn’t work."
Because one moment he's lining up his shot, gets the funny vibes, but why ... Then that paragraph with Simon. All in all though, it was easy to follow. I often find it hard to do flashbacks and shy away from them because I'm afraid readers won't know what's happening. Lol. You didn't do this :) I absolutely knew what was going on. And the flashes painted an important picture as to why Jimmy was so hard on himself in the end.

The style you used for this story was one that pulled the heart (at least mine). Jimmy in the hot son, trying to "earn" this badge while also going through so many underlying feelings of disappointment, blame, worthlessness... Yet still he tries.
Thanks for sharing this!


Stephen McManus
00:31 Mar 17, 2025

Thank you very much! I'm so glad you liked it.


R Lee
22:17 Mar 15, 2025

This is the week of neglected children! I feel like I’ve been reading/writing a lot of stories about sad kids lately.

There is something so strange about summer camps that can either highlight childhood joy or loneliness, and that’s captured so evidently in this story. Time feels both like a friend and enemy in this piece, and I have a clear idea of the setting and presented characters.

I think there were some opportunities to “show” instead of “tell.” Especially from the POV of a child, who has subconscious ways of understanding the world around them, but maybe not the words to articulate what they’re experiencing. For example: “Jimmy wasn’t sure why his dad was always angry. In some strange way he knew it was his fault, although he couldn’t quite figure out what he’d done wrong.” Could be shown a bit more. What sorts of things does his father do when angry, or what are clues that hold the evidence of his abusiveness?

Also, the flashback to the moment with Simon at Jimmy’s final shot felt a little out of place. Nothing about what happened in the memory was related to the moment at the shooting range, so I was a bit confused about what triggered it. I think there needs to be some sort of transitional thought that causes that bad memory specifically to surface, otherwise it kind of feels random. There were hints in the beginning that Jimmy is uncomfortable with guns—does that memory come up because he’s afraid that deep down he’s really not a shooter and his soft-hearted, more intellectual leanings might preclude him from successfully earning the badge? Or is Simon’s name calling something that he thinks about often in critical moments? (If so, this should be hinted earlier on, so it doesn’t feel as sudden)

I liked that Jimmy’s last line of dialogue just rings so true though—and reveals a lot about the standard he holds himself to, or feels held up to. He doesn’t accept the kindness of his instructor as a freebie, which foreshadows the kind of adult his upbringing is shaping him into.


Stephen McManus
14:11 Mar 16, 2025

Thank you for this excellent feedback. I worried that Simon's flashback was arising too quickly. I probably should've foreshadowed it in earlier shots. I did try a little with the fourth shot, but that was too late.

I love your questions about Jimmy and guns. The thought that he is uncomfortable with guns never crossed my mind. I try to avoid writing on the nose and allow the reader to interpret. In this case something I wrote got you thinking. That makes me happy!


David Sweet
00:41 Mar 18, 2025

Hey, Stephen, what a way to hit a person in the gut with the ending. That conjures up all the teenage angst! You asked for honest feedback, so I am going to give my two cents for what it is worth. You have a solid story here, but sometimes you tell us information that you could reveal throughout the story or in the dialogue. Needs more show, less tell if that makes sense. Perhaps building the tension with meeting Williams and the tension at home builds between each shot leading up to the failure. Just some thoughts.

One of the first things that I noticed is the opening paragraph. I would suggest swapping the first and second paragraphs. Let me know what you think:

Jimmy was losing his race against time. He knew it, and it bothered him. He lay on the thin, nylon mat sweating in August heat, his armpits damp with body odor. Endless buzzing from cicadas rose and fell throughout the afternoon. The only break came from intermittent firing of bolt-action .22 rifles, which sounded like the clapping of small wooden batons.

The urge to earn the Rifle Shooting Merit Badge drove Jimmy, but the thing he needed most was target practice. To earn the badge, a Boy Scout must hit a target's bullseye, a black spot about the size of a quarter, five out of five times in a single round. The target was tacked to a wooden board fifty feet from where he lay on the firing range.

Sweat in large beads ran slowly down his freckled cheeks from his tight, red crew cut. The heat and the loose-jointed awkwardness of 13-year-old puberty made him about to pop. His mom had packed two bottles of Coppertone Sunscreen (SPF 8) in his suitcase, but he often forgot to put it on. The freckles continued across along the tops of his shoulders, and his nose was beet red.

Jimmy closed one eye and stared down the iron sights, aligning them with the target. He exhaled slowly and squeezed the trigger. Bullseye! With practiced ease he pulled the bolt up and back, watching the empty shell case jump out of the gun and land on the wooden floor with a dull metallic clink. Grabbing another bullet, he pushed it into the barrel with the bolt and dropped the bolt into the firing position. The entire procedure took six seconds. The first time he ever held a rifle was six days earlier.

“Nice shot, son,” said Mr. Williams.

He had never even considered firing a rifle until Mr. Williams, Scout Master and rifle range instructor, spoke to him almost a week ago at breakfast. Mr. Williams was a fifty-something-year-old Black man with medium brown skin, a big belly, and perfectly trimmed mustache. He learned to shoot in the Marines. After serving his time in the Korean War he stayed for another twenty years, retiring as a Gunnery Sergeant.

He noticed Jimmy sitting by himself, so he carefully placed his tray of food on the picnic table across from him. The bench and table were bolted to each other which made it tricky for him to swing his bulky leg underneath. Once he settled in, he took a quick sip of orange juice.

“Tell me something, son, have you ever fired a weapon?” His fork held a chunk of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth. The eggs quivered but didn’t fall.

Jimmy shook his head. “No, sir. I’m from Philly, so we don’t really have guns. I mean, not my family anyway. No hunters or anything like that.”

“That’s okay, I can teach you everything you need to know. You’re here for a week, so we have plenty of time. I’m at the range from 10-12 and from 1-3 every day. If you’re interested come visit.” He leaned forward over his food and started eating with gusto. Jimmy stood, dropped his tray in the dirty dish window and exited the mess hall.

I hope this is okay, I probably go carried away, but I thought if the story was pieced together slowly with reveals in between the actual shots, we could see all the tension of the situation building. If I am out of line, let me know. Truly, it is a wonderful story. I felt all of my teenage insecurities come rushing back at the end.


Stephen McManus
18:13 Mar 18, 2025

Thank you very much for this detailed critique. I'm honored you spent the time to help me improve the story. I agree with your suggestions.

Big picture, I hope to pull together all my Reedsy stories into a book, have it printed and give it to my kids. Before I do that I'll need to edit all of them. I will definitely use your suggestions.

Moving forward I'll try to follow your advice to show more, tell less. It's funny, I thought I was. But without feedback you don't really know.

Thanks again. I really appreciate your input.


David Sweet
21:59 Mar 18, 2025

No problem. I was hoping that i didn't overstep my boundaries. It really was a great story, but sometimes those great stories can be made better with editors. I have at least three people look at my work before I publish or submit anything.

My Reedsy friend, Glenda Toews, is planning to do the same with her stories. I hope I get to that point someday


Stephen McManus
23:33 Mar 18, 2025

Great advice. I'm not thinking of submitting or publishing, at least not right now. If I did then it would make sense to hire an editor. Thanks again!


David Sweet
23:36 Mar 18, 2025

I'll try to circle back soon and read more of your work


David Sweet
23:36 Mar 18, 2025

I'll try to circle back soon and read more of your work


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