The Amazing Adventures Of....Chicken Suzi! Chicken Suzi And The Long Wait+The Mystery Of Mr. Pig

Submitted into Contest #49 in response to: Write a story that takes place in a waiting room.... view prompt

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Meet Chicken Suzi. She is a chicken nugget that loves to go on adventures. Chicken Suzi had been counting down the days till today. Today she was going to a book signing. You would not only get your book signed, but you would also get to meet the author, Mr. Pig. He had written Chicken Suzi's favorite book of all time. She had read it so many times as a little chicken nugget. It was called Goodnight Little Piggy. Chicken Suzi was aware that lots of animals would be going to the signing, but maybe if Chicken Suzi got there very early she would not have to wait in the waiting room to meet Mr. Pig. You would get to meet Mr. Pig individually, if you were willing to wait another 2 hours. When Chicken Suzi got to the book signing, she was surprised to see so may animals there so early. They would not open the door for the book signing, for another 2 hours. There had to be at least 500 animals there already. Chicken Suzi went and got a spot in line.

The 2 hours went by very slowly for Chicken Suzi. They felt like the longest 2 hours ever. Finally she saw the door open, and animals started going inside. The line was moving rather quickly. Before Chicken Suzi knew it, it was her turn.

"Hi Mr. Pig! I am a huge fan of your writing. I have been reading your books since I was a little chicken nugget. Oops I almost forgot! My name is Chicken Suzi!"

"Hi Chicken Suzi! Glad to hear that you like reading my books! Will you be at the personal meet, so we can chat some more?" Asked Mr.Pig.

"Of course I will be there!" Answered Chicken Suzi.

"Glad to hear it see you then!" And with that Mr. Pig handed Chicken Suzi back her now signed copy of Goodnight Little Piggy.

All 1,122 animals got there books signed. (And yes Chicken Suzi counted everyone that walked in through the door, because she was bored to death)! Once everyone had gotten their books signed, it was time for the personally meeting Mr. Pig. Only 200 animals stuck around for it. And just Chicken Suzi's luck. She was put as the last person to meet with Mr. Pig! She would have to wait around 3 hours. Chicken Suzi pulled out a book that she had packed in case of a reading emergency, and she started to read. When Chicken Suzi read, it felt like time flew by. Before Chicken Suzi knew it, it was time for her to meet with Mr. Pig. She put away her book and went to go and talk to Mr. Pig.

"Why did you put me last on the list to talk with you?" Asked Chicken Suzi

"I did that so we could talk longer. I thought you seemed like a fun person to talk to. Everyone else just talked about their family and how much they loved my books." Replied Mr. Pig.

Well, I guess the long wait was worth it." Said Chicken Suzi. So Chicken Suzi and Mr. Pig kept chatting and chatting, and before Chicken Suzi knew it, it was time for her to go home. They had been chatting for almost 3 hours! Chicken Suzi said goodbye to Mr. Pig, and then drove home.

That's just the beginning of the story. That waiting room is where the next thing happened. Nobody knew what happened to Mr. Pig. The next week after, he just disappeared. He was just sitting in the waiting room working on his next book that was going to be a big hit. Everyone said that one second he was there, then when the person next to him turned around, he was gone. No one knows what happened to him, but then in that same waiting room, the person next to him disappeared too. Chicken Suzi had been trying to call Mr. Pig ever since they had swapped phone numbers at the book signing, but he was not answering his phone. Chicken Suzi knew that something was wrong, and she had to do something. But Chicken Suzi knew she could not do this alone. Chicken Suzi called up her friend Moo Lala Cow. They had done some detective cases before. Maybe Moo Lala Could help her again.

Ring Ring

"Hello?" Answered Moo Lala Cow.

"Hi Moo Lala. I was wondering if you would like to help me find my missing friend Mr. Pig. You know, the guy who wrote Goodnight Little Piggy?"

"You are friends with Mr. Pig! I love his writing! Of course I will help!" Said Moo Lala Cow.

"Great, detective work will start tomorrow."

It was the next day, and Chicken Suzi was ready to do some detective work. Chicken Suzi and Moo Lala started off by looking in the waiting room for some clues. There had to be something in the waiting room that would lead them to the answer.

"Ok Moo Lala, what ever you do, do not touch anything ok? Moo Lala?"

Clearly Moo Lala Had not heard her, because she was fast asleep in the chair that Mr. Pig had been sitting in, the day earlier. And in the blink of an eye, Moo Lala Cow was gone! Chicken Suzi went and sat in the chair that her friend and Mr. Pig had once been sitting in. All of a sudden, Chicken Suzi had this weird feeling, that she was flying. She looked down, and realized that she was in a big bubble that was drifting down to the ground slowly. She could see Moo Lala down in the distance fully awake, waving to her. Chicken Suzi waved back, and then, she also realized that she could see Mr. Pig waving to her in the distance too. The bubble slowly hit the ground and popped.

"What is going on Mr. Pig?" Asked Chicken Suzi.

"It's a long story. I have a chair that is special in my office hidden away. For the book signing, someone found the chair and put it out without even asking me. Luckily no one sat in it at first, but later on when I was sitting it, it brought me to my house, I realized later on, that someone had brought out my portal chair that takes me home. You see, I am very scared of becoming bacon, so I created a portal that takes be to a new world. I built my house here, and only let very close friends, and family come here. And the reason I was not answering any calls or messages, was because I had left my phone on my desk. One thing you should know about me, is that I am a very lazy pig!"

"So you live here?" Asked Chicken Suzi.

"Yes I do" Said Mr. Pig

"Well then, that means the case is closed." Said Chicken Suzi.

"Would you like to go home now?" Asked Mr. Pig.

"Yes, me and my friend Moo Lala Cow would like to go home." Responded Chicken Suzi.

"Come inside my house. I have a portal chair that will take you back to the waiting room." Said Mr. Pig.

Chicken Suzi and Moo Lala cow, followed Mr. Pig inside. They sat down in the chair one at a time, and appeared in the waiting room.

"REMEMBER NOT TO TELL ANYONE ABOUT WHERE I LIVE!" shouted Mr. Pig as they were getting transported back to the waiting room. Once they had appeared in the waiting room, both Chicken Suzi and Moo Lala cow were tired and headed home.

July 07, 2020 18:09

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1 comment

Elle Clark
17:52 Jul 12, 2020

What a fun children’s story! Thank you for sharing.


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