I was on tour for a band called the Jingles of Christmas, and I was a backup dancer. But sadly, I was made lead singer. I would have stayed at home with my family, but this was a great deal. A one time offer.
It happened at practice for dance class. I loved the arts of music and dance. It was my most talented subjects. I was gifted not only for dance, but for my wonderful cheerful voice. So at class, their was a meeting about the Blue Bells group. The Blue Bells get to travel on tour with the most popular bands in the country, and even the big time. The world. I signed up, unaware two days later, they changed the last day to December 25th, Christmas. I went home and got ready for tryouts.
I try not to be doubtful, but with one look at the other dancers, I had a feeling I was not going to win a glance at the Christmas Music and Dance Tour. But to my luck, most dancers didn't dance along with the bands. They put every group with a dancer, and tried to get the best match. By the end of the meeting, most students were gone. I tried to do my best. In the end, I got parried with the Jingles of Christmas. I didn't think they put me in the right group. I was young and scrawny, but they were shining in perfection, looking more like a group of supermodels than an everyday band.
When I got the spot, I shared my agreement letter to my friends at the ONW. "You totally deserved it" Emilia said, eying my letter. "Same here", Jeri said, "you won the talent show five times as a backup dancer." Cathy drunk her milkshake. "What do you think your going to do with Christmas?" I choked. "What do you mean Christmas?" I swallowed chunks in my throat as it started to fill up with fright. "The last day is on Christmas! We can't have you in LA if we need you here!" Cathy cried. I thought to myself. "I'm going to have to get home quickly then."
Practice with the band was hard. #1. They have a really mean associate lady who studies their moves. Her name was-"Mrs. Brenda Rose Alinhoard Bennet Syveria!" she said, bowing before the dancers who got picked. I didn't realize how mean she was at first. "Dance, dance!" she cried, as us dancers were dancing for over an hour. With no breaks. "You call that a turn? Ha!" I tried to keep a distance from her, but she snuck up on me like a demon. "Stay straight, Quiet!" I stared. Did she call me "quiet"? I thought for a second. I was quiet. #2. The band itself. The lead singer was named Amanda Ruth, but under that plastic look was the devil himself. She always found away to make us in more pain than Mrs. Bennet. "I think that you should go to the left," she said, moving Caroline Redding in my spot, "and you should go over here," she said, putting me in Rita Arnolds spot. Mrs. Bennet called my name even more. After a few days of practice, us dancers were called to be backup singers also. I had already had the stupid songs the band sung in my head, so singing the roles should not have been that hard. Turns out, it was easier than I thought.
"Jingle bell rock, Candy cane swing,
But nothings getting in the way of
my Christmas sweet, sweet as honey-
What I didn't know was that no one else knew the song completely.
Except for me, of course.
Sweet as a bee, only as kind as sweet, sweet dee,
Candy canes, Mistletoe, love of the snow,
that's the way it goes when your in a-
I finally noticed no one else was singing. All eyes were on me. "Well, that was rather, odd." Mrs. Bennet said. "Alright, back to practice you stinking kids."
When I visited my parents house, they were getting ready for the big day. My siblings were there. "What's up, dog?" My brother Jay said, and went to help my mother, who was about to drop a box of fine china. I was suddenly tackled by my youngest sister, Vanessa. "Your here your here!" she cried, squeezing me in a bear hug. She may not have been very athletic, but she could hurt in hugs. "Welcome home, bean." My oldest brother, Lee said. We had dinner together. "So," my father said, "what have everyone been up to?" Lee had won a scholarship to get a master degree in microbiology, Jay had been invited to join the National Society of Young Engineers, and Vanessa was into a women football association. I had told them about getting a spot at the music and dance tour. "I'm so proud of you honey!" my mother said. Jay looked at me. "With Cady Rock? And Adam Swing? " I nodded my head, replaying their visit to the dance class studio. "Wait wait wait," Lee said, "If Adam Swing was there, Jay O and Faith Fly must have been there." All eyes were on me. "Yes," I answered, "they were there." Jay dropped a spoonful of Macaroni and cheese, while Vanessa spat out a gallon of Lime-Melon Punch.
The next day, we got terrible news. The main singer, Amanda Ruth had been in a terrible accident, tearing her chance at going on tour into threads. So, Mrs. Bennet made me the lead singer. "I don't even like singing!" I cried to her, "especially in front of people!" "It's okay dear," Mrs. Bennet said, pushing me into the tour bus. After a long drive, we were finally in NYC, and had to stop at the Midnight Music House. When I looked out to the stage, their were billions of fans, screaming in cheers. But all the eyes were on me, the replacement for superstar Amanda Ruth. And all I wanted for Christmas was some quiet alone time.
"Just keep thinking happy thoughts, Quiet." Mrs. Bennet said to me, as I was getting ready. When the band hit the stage, the cheering and screaming became a roar. I could easily look things up in my brain, like a computer. It was 75% accurate. But it was like my computer needed to be charge. I took a deep breath, and began to sing.
The next day....
I had easily sung the song, but everyone else had a very minor problem. The drummer was 5 beats late, and the gutairist was 3 beats early. The dancers were 10 seconds late, while the song was 3 seconds ahead. Even with the minor mistakes, the audience enjoyed the song. It was on for the next part of the tour. And we had to get there by air. Hours after 10 am, we were in Paris, France. The tour was stopped in the La Musique A La Maison, The Music Home. This time, we had to sing a song wrote by Amanda, called Snow From Above. It wasn't to long, but it required a lot of backup music. Mrs. Bennet knew that it was entirely impossible to get the backup dancers to sing the parts.
Before they headed on stage, I had a text message from Jay. This is how it went:
Yo, Dog. What r u
doing on the tv?
I'm on the tv?
Duh. Cable News.
ring a bell? I don't have a bell
of course not.
Hey, Don't tell mom and dad,
But I won't make it for Christmas, okay?
they r watching the tv 2
I turn around. I saw tv camera's covering the whole room. I gulped down guilt. "Excusez-moi mademoiselle, mais il reste cinq minutes avant le spectacular." A man in a black suit told me."Ok, Merci." I said to the man. I walked to Mrs. Bennet, who was helping the drummer tie his shoe. " Show time, Quiet." She said.
"Mesdames et Messieurs," the announcer cried, Jingles de Noel!
We stepped onto the stage, as the crowd went wild.
After France, we went global.
"Shengdan jie de dingdang sheng!"
" Jingle di Natale!"
" Krisamasako jiing glasa!"
"Jingles ton Christougennon!"
The world cried for Jingles of Christmas, and little did I know that we were getting popular and popular. But I didn't notice that Christmas was coming so quickly, so I asked Mrs. Bennet if I could go home for the holidays. But Bennet had other plans. "If you go, imagine all the fans you would lose. For now on, the fans are your family." I really wanted to go home, but I had been popularized. Everywhere I went, journalist watched my moves. Everything I did was on camera. I was in the big time. And it wasn't till later I wanted out. On Christmas eve, practice was even easier. But I stopped. "The problem?" Bennet asked. I left the room and glanced at my phone.
R U going 2 b here?
I don't know.
R U sure?
There's no way out of the
big time Vanessa.
Can U make a way out?
No point in trying. Bennet would
kill me for leaving practice.
U promised 2 come home!
I know I did.
I knew what I had to do. After practiced, we were in Boston, about to fly to LA. While everyone was using the bathroom, I snuck away to get a ticket to New York. But the last ticket was sold. "Excuse me," I said out loud. "Will anyone be able to give me their NY ticket for exchange of 30 dollars, a pack of life savers, a VIP pass to the LA concert of music, a one way flight ticket to LA, and a stick of Mango Fruit gum?" I wasn't sure someone would raise their hand, but a man did. "I love life savers." He said, and went to his seat. I ran to the plane entrance, and leaped for the door. On the plane, I got a text.
Where are you?
Mrs. Bennet? Where did you
get my number?
Why did you leave?
Because I promised I'd be home
for the holidays.
I put up my phone, and got ready for the landing. When the plane landed, I texted Vanessa.
Vanessa! I'm Home!
In New York?
Yes! Tell Uncle Frank to come get me.
I waited for 3 minutes, and I saw Vanessa and Uncle Frank. When we went home, Vanessa told me to tell her everything, but I didn't get to much in because our house was 5 minutes away from the airport. When I returned, I was bearhugged by siblings, Cousins, parents, uncles, aunts, and nieces and nephews. I was asked a million questions, and hugged a billion times. I had to help out with the feast, while being asked to sing to the little ones. I did that all, and had a good time.
I guess I had the time I wanted with my family.
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