The Changing Weather that followed my Moods

Written in response to: Write a story where the weather mirrors a character’s emotions.... view prompt


Adventure Drama Fiction

Boy was I ever in a mood. "Why, you may ask?" Because it was a Monday morning, and I am not a huge fan of either Mondays, or mornings, to say the least. Yes, I can get really riled up and down right annoyed at the thought of the previous weekend, ending abruptly.

I was looking out as the Monday morning sun, rose up in the day light sky, which made me happy and smiling. Then I saw clouds, that were hiding rain or something close to that, which turned my happy into a sad and crappy.

I was then working my way into the kitchen to fix my morning "cup of joe", or more so my "wake me the hell up" so my day will begin on a positive note. It was while making my coffee, that I was a little bit frustrated, first with possible rain clouds, then the longer I dwelled on that, the more I became angry, which brought on the sounds, in the distance, of thunder, riding along with the rain.

After that moment, of drinking my coffee, with my normal 3 sugars and 2 creams, I proceeded to head back to my bedroom, where upon entering, I stumped my big toe on the corner post, which cause me to become livid and in pain. Yes the thunder was closer now and was right upon the outside of my house, then a loud crash and boom followed.

I was still trying to console my big toe, while trying to "not miss the bed", and missed the bed and fell, butt first onto the carpeted floor.

I let out a scream, followed by a loud "ouch", then I was embarrassed by the thought of others seeing me falter and fall, but realized that no one was there to watch.

I pulled myself up, by the bedding on my bed, instead pulling them down with me, as I fell backward, onto the carpeted floor once more. It was then that the rain was pelting onto my window, and the thunder boomed and crackled. I was sure that it would come through my window, but yet only sounded like it would.

I, then grabbed the corner of the bed itself, pulling myself upright, then making my way to take a early morning shower, before dressing for my interview on this "starting to become" a not so great Monday morning.

I turned on the water, to get it just the right temperature, then before I knew it, I was getting into the shower, with my night clothes still on. I was mad to say the least, as the thunder seeming to linger and stay longer than I had thought it would. I almost slipped in the shower, as I hurriedly, made my way, back into the bedroom, to remove my soaking wet clothes.

I returned to the shower, that was hotter than hell, was very steamy and it was blinding, yet I felt my way around the shower, like a blind man, more like fumbling and then hit my right hand on the knob, to try and turn the knob right, so the steam would no longer be there.

I was ashamed, when I jumped, as I saw a large spider, lying in wait, near the drain, but noticed that it was already dead. I grinned, at the idea, of "putting this eerie creature" out of its misery, for it surely had mine life miserable in the first place.

I then washed my hair, put shampoo on my hair to get it clean, then the conditioner, to soften it. I proceeded to put body wash on my washrag, making sure I cleaned all of me. I was about done, when there a loud boom at my door.

I wrapped a towel around me, first checking the bathroom door, then heading to the outside door. I opened the door, in haste and looked down to see a large tree bumping up against the exterior o the house.

I was ready to turn, to head back inside, when the thunder was joined by lightening, and several bolts landed right near the spot I was standing at only 2 seconds before.

As I rushed up the stairs, to get dressed, the stairs, weakened, throwing me down onto the first floor, and the mud that was washing past my house, was now entering through the open front door. I was panicking, which made the lightening and thunder seem more real, more closer than before.

I was dragged from my house, roughly, and without warning, was being rushed, outward and downward, as the waters rose and pulled into the dark and muddy mess. I was unsure, for how long this took place, but then I was pulled up into a boat, and quickly covered up with a huge raincoat, by the one who rescued me.

I am not sure if I had blacked out, or how I wound up in the boat, whether I was dreaming al this or if it was actually happening. I was in there, along with several others, who had met the same fate as I.

I, then tried to get up, to sit up, but either, I was forced back down, by hands trying to get my heart restarted. I was unaware, of what had happened. I laid there, not sure if I could move, before I heard a doctor or someone, announce a time, the time of my demise.

I choked. I screamed. I yelled. I cried. The flashbacks and the memories flooded in, like the mudslide that had tried to drag me out of my house, had succeeded in doing. I was, then covered with a sheet, a tag was placed on one of my toes. It was labeled, "John Doe".

I then wondered, as best as I could remember how to, who would notify someone, anyone, that I was no longer alive. I was sad and angry, or so I assume that was what I was feeling. "Does one "feel", after they are no longer living?" "How does one know when to let go and no longer be bothered, by these things that mattered so in life?" "When does "reality" "set in", and when does the next stage follow us after the life that was is no longer there?"

I didn't "see" a white light, yet I was at peace. I didn't "hear" a "booming voice", yet I was at peace. I wasn't sure what was happening or not happening, I was beginning to be aware.

It was then, a hand reached out, grabbed me, pulled me in, into the boat, that I had seen earlier. The hand was matched with a voice, that stated I was safe now. The sun came out and the rain, the thunder, the lightening, were all but gone, rolling off in the distance.

I was alive. I could feel again. I could see again. I could smell again. It was the greatest feeling, and I was wanting to state so, but my voice was not "there".

The sun was shining brighter, as though is was trying to cheer me up, yet it was willing to wait for me to "share" my next feeling to match the way the weather was happening. I was given something to drink, as I drank, my voice was trying to speak.....loudly.

I then stood up, looking around to see what had taken place. I was shocked to see that I had fallen, on the bathroom floor, and had been there for a short while.

I was late for my interview, I was finally hearing a loud knock on my front door, and placing the towel around me heading down, to answer the door. I was met with several people, who were checking on me.

After convincing them that I was fine, one noticed the hugue bruise on left cheek, and called 911. The wait for them to arrive was like an eternity, but the showed up.

They checked me over, gave me some medication for my headache, told me to go get checked at the hospital. I returned to get dress, being reminded about the interview and phoned to let them know what had happened. They rescheduled.

I went out to the hospital, was checked over, for a second time, placed on stretchers, after xrays, revealed a blood clot on my left side of my brain. I was wheeled into surgery.

I was on the table, for what seemed like forever, then the machine flatlined, I had died from the shock of all that had happened, or that I "thought had happened". It was so real, yet much like a dream.

I faded and returned. I went deep into my subconscious, not sure I wanted to "come back". I was awake and then asleep. I was looking over my body. I saw the cuts. I saw the bruises. I sensed the pain and yet it did not hurt.

Outside the weather had been along side me, from first sunny, then rainy, then thunderous and lightening (bright). I was now "seeing" the whole scenario, from outside looking in.

It had shown me what had been the beginning and what had turned into the end. But whether I believed any of this, I was unsure, as I awoke, scream. The distant storm was only just starting to appear.

if this was the reality itself, then I hope it would return to a sunny Monday morning once more and I would still be going to my interview instead.

February 03, 2025 14:36

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