Fiction Funny Inspirational

Brian was in a ball in the corner of his living room. The tears dripping from his eyes were so heavy the water stains were beginning to make it look like he went to the bathroom on himself. The room was covered in tissues and old food. Brian was just recently dumped by his moody ex-girl girlfriend. He also found out he tested positive for Covid from a home test. Which he received from his ex-girlfriend. 

 Brian hasn’t moved from his place since he was dumped 6 hours ago. He’s been counting the minutes hoping she would call back. A better idea came to mind and he took out his phone and began looking at old images of the two of them together. As he went down memory lane he slowly begins to slide his pants down his pants. With every image, he saw he remembered the moments the two of them had shared which only aroused Brian. As he pulls his penis from his pants with the windows in his apartment wide open. He gets up from his corner spot for the first time in hours. Nearly stepping in a plate of half-eaten Chinese food. Brian notices his dick has grown massively since his breakup. 

Just like that, Brian was out of recovery from the recent breakup. Still sick with Covid but that was also no longer important. Though he was in hysterical coughing fits every few minutes. Obsessed with this new development of his body he had little mental space to focus on anything else. He was wondering was this his gift for being so good to people. More important on his radar he thought he should be better prepared for this new life. 

Back to his cellphone, Brian did a google search for advice for men with a large penis. Over and over the recommended book was “How to Live with a Large Penis”. From the Reddit thread, he browsed for life advice he was now in Amazon's online shopping center. HE paid extra to have the book there in 2 hours. It was important that he have this new advice. Brian knew that life was going to be difficult. 

As he was envisioning his new life with his new hanging friend, he received a call. His egirlfriend was calling because she could feel that he was already over her. Brian ignored the call. He sat in the mirror and objectified himself proudly. He couldn’t stop looking and if it wasn’t for the coughs he wouldn’t look away for a second. The coughs were beginning to get worse and his head was throbbing. But Brian knew that he was going to rock any woman’s world and so with new great gifts must come sacrifice. 

He couldn’t wait for the book to arrive! He was excited about life. That old life and average-sized penis were behind him. He took a shower and got clean. Well, he got as clean as h could seeing as so he didn’t have anybody soap, shampoo, or towels. But he was real rinsed and refreshed in a way nature intended. The way one's ancestors bathed. 

The difference in Brian was clear. His nose was beginning to run. The chills were coming over his body. His confidence was at an all-time high. He walked to his closet sow and took a sow look at his closet. Brian suddenly seemed to not be in a rush in life anymore. There was calm over him now. He reached far into the back of his closet and grabbed a suit. He only had one and never wore it because he felt it made him look ridiculous. But now, now things were different. Brian with a huge dick could wear suits. 

Brian couldn’t help but notice something was off. The suit just had too much going on. The jacket, the shirt and tie, the pants and belt, the socks and the shoes. His gaze continued and he started to understand what was off about the outfit. Brian took the shirt and threw it out. The socks were next in the trash. With a certain swagger, he pulled his pants on slow, careful not to wrongfully hurt his precious. He looped his belts through its wholes but was specific not to make it too tight for ease of access. Brian knew what was going to happen the moment he walked out of the house. He took his time putting on his suit jacket. Brian didn’t have abs and previously he was a little self-conscious about it. But now “who needs a body? Those guys must be trying to make up for what they don’t have.” 

Dressed as he belonged on the cover of GQ magazine. His walk was different to adjust to his growing body. As he made his way for the door his phone rang. He other than his awful ex-girlfriend hoping to ruin his good time. He nearly gauged from the thought of her now. So, Brian took his phone and effortlessly tossed it into the bathroom toilet. What made this so amazing is that the bathroom was behind him and around the corner. yet he still managed to make this happen. He started to think he should write his own book. 

Out in society, the sun on his skin felt amazing. More than ever he loved the fact that he decided to ditch the shirt and his cellphone. He bumped into his hot neighbor who he's lived next to for 9 years now and they have never spoken once. Today neighbor speaks "Hey, how are you doing?" Brian decides she's lost her chance. He's walking down the street but he feels like he's floating. He grabs his crotch to adjust every few feet. Internally he's a little shy about the bulge but Brian decides he's gotta get used to it. He places his hands in his pockets after this thought. A few gentlemen walk past a Brian nods with full confidence and the men step to the side as he passes. Brian in disbelief with everything that's taking place, "could having a big dick really change your life this much?" He decides to test his new path. 

Up ahead he notices a beautiful woman sitting alone enjoying a cup of coffee and working on her laptop. His nerves are back and forth. But he has to get the answer he wants, whether this is real or not. Brian steps up to the woman puts out his hand and doesn't speak. The woman looks up confused. But Brian's confidence brings her to ease and so she puts out her hand to greet Brian. "My name is Brian. I think you are beautiful and I won't get to know you better." Stunned, he can't believe he just said that and neither can the woman by the look on her face. She's thinking. After a few moments, she smiles and writes her number on a napkin and Brian takes sits and walks off. 

All Brian can think of is how amazing his new life is looking to become. In all his glory his stride starts to slow. One knee kneels as though he's praying and the second follows until he collapses fully. Brian's death was heavy and rapid and he stared into the bright sun for the last time he could only think about how amazing his life has been if you only count the last few hours.

When the ambulance finally made it to Brian he was announced dead on the scene. Covid was deteriorating his body faster than he realized. After a corner report, they also discovered that Brian's eyes were being affected faster than the rest and he was near-blind before he died making everything seem larger than it actually was in reality. 

April 23, 2022 19:37

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