The Cold Eyed Kidnapper

Submitted into Contest #252 in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt

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Thriller Crime Suspense

His dark green eyes seem to stare into Addison's back relentlessly. She could feel him watching her since she walked into the grocery store. She went aisle by aisle, picking up random produce and snacks as she walks around. Her heart is pounding loudly and she thinks for a moment that it might come out of her chest. Her hands tremble slightly as she picks up the chicken noodle soup, her eyes not even registering what she put in the cart. She is too focused on the man at the end of the aisle, who seems to appear at every turn. 

At first, Addison didn’t think much of it, after all they started shopping at the same time so he could just be getting what he actually needs. But something about his eyes that seemed to hold this sinister look along with a sense of cold emptiness to them that made the hairs on Addison’s arms and neck stand up straight. Every time she glances over her shoulder slightly to see if he is still here, he is there, staring at her with his hands in his black jean jacket pockets. She just got this feeling that something is wrong. 

She was always told from a young age to always look over your shoulder, never leave your cup unattended, never go with a stranger, and never really trust anyone. She always took it lightheartedly, telling everyone why she would need to know that. When is there ever going to be a situation that she is going to need that advice but as she walks down the frozen aisle she can’t help but try to remember everything she was told. 

The intercom above their heads comes to life letting out muffled squeak sounds for a minute before the words, “The store is closing in ten minutes. Everyone please make your way to the front, check out and exit the store. Thank you,” were said loudly. 

Addison hastily walks over to the first checkout she sees and hurriedly places the random food items on the conveyor belt as she glances over to her shoulder to see him behind her in line. She wants to motion to the cashier that something is wrong, but he is staring right at her with a cold look that makes her halt in fear. Something about the look in his eyes makes her too afraid to say a word, so much so that she never even tells the cashier "thank you" or "have a great day" when she is handing her the receipt. She doesn’t even remember paying for the groceries. 

She pushes her cart, her hands trembling slightly as she goes out the exit door. He is still at the cash register getting his food scanned. If she moves quick enough she might be able to leave before he even gets out of the store. So with that in mind, she practically sprints to her small white car. Pushing her long brown wavy hair out of the way, Addison opens the trunk, her head hurting at the whiplash of quickly opening it. She grabs the bags, throws them in the trunk, and slams the door shut. Instead of her usual, of putting each bag down carefully in the trunk, each bag having its very own spot to prevent anything from getting crushed. But tonight she didn’t have time for that, she had to get out of here now. Before he leaves the store and walks out into the parking lot, before he sees her again. 




Clumsily, she grabs her phone from her back pocket to see the message listed on the screen. Her breathing hitches as she rereads the message over and over again, before she unlocked her phone to read more. ‘This is not good, not good at all,’ she thinks to herself. The words echo in her mind repeatedly on an unending loop, ‘Serial Abductor wanted, Richard Damon. Wanted in multiple abductions. Do not approach, contact the authorities if you see this man.’

There is a picture of the wanted man underneath the text, and Addison sees the man in the store eyes staring back at her. That is when the sinking feeling floods into her chest. That man in the store wasn’t just being creepy, they didn’t meet on a whim, he is here to take her. She knows who he is. 

Richard Damon has been in the media a lot lately, although this is the first time they released his name. He is known as the Cold Eyed Kidnapper. He would stare at his victims for days before he would approach and take them before they could even blink. Over the course of five years, he has taken 60 victims. Which means he stalks them for a month before he kidnaps them. Addison doesn't even remember seeing him before. Although she had gotten a feeling that someone was watching her a couple times this month, but she always brushed it off as her being paranoid. None of his victims has ever been found so far. Some people say he kills them and hides the body where no one will ever find them. Other people though say he keeps them all, never releasing them. 

For every victim, he would leave a doll holding a note that read, the victim's name, the number that victim was, and a bloody fingerprint of the victim. The dolls themselves were collection dolls from decades ago. Police tried to link him to a doll collector but came up empty-handed. He was obsessed with the dolls himself, after they were found, he somehow always managed to get the dolls back in his possession. 


Addison is brought back into reality when she hears a noise coming from the car next to her. But when she turns to look, there is nobody there, the car trunk is open, but there is no one in sight.

She gulps to herself and immediately goes to open her driver-side car door. When a hand wraps around her mouth. She tries to let out a scream but it is completely muffled by the hand on her mouth.

The hand is quickly replaced with a cloth getting tied around her mouth and back of her head. Her eyes scan the surrounding area looking for anyone to help her, but immediately feels the desperate feeling worsen at the realization that no one is here but her and the person behind her. 

Hands make her turn around until she stares at him directly, Richard Damon. His mouth twists into a dark sinister grin as he takes his hand and slams her head into her car roof. She can feel her head getting slammed into the metal roof, as her fingers reach out trying to fight him off. She misses and ends up scratching her car door instead. Her vision starts to see spots as her mind goes foggy. Eventually, she feels herself going under and before she can blink her eyes close, her body going limp. 

The man holding her just laughs, as he picks her up and puts her into the car trunk next to hers. Once she is in, he grabs one of her fingers and coats it in the blood coming out of her head. He smirks at the sight and presses the tip onto the crumpled-up piece of paper from his pocket. Upon seeing the bloody fingerprint of Addison, he ties her hands together with a rope, steps back, and slams the car trunk shut. He goes to the backseat and pulls out a doll. The doll itself has brown wavy hair that goes down to its back and an antique green plaid dress with white ruffled socks and black shoes. 

He walks over to Addison's car, places the note in the doll's hands, and then puts it down in the front driver seat. After closing the car door, he goes back to his car, climbs in, and drives off. 

He never comes back for the doll for the first time. 

Addison becomes his last victim. 

And they both are never seen again. 

May 29, 2024 23:52

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1 comment

Martin Maynard
17:20 Jun 11, 2024

I like this and you tell the story well. One note I would make it that these sentences are long and flowy. Based on the content, I would expect the sentences to be short and choppy to match the tension. Overall though, great story.


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