Why Don't Psychics Use Their Powers to Win the Lottery?

Submitted into Contest #239 in response to: Write a story about an artist whose work has magical properties.... view prompt



This is a topic that I hear a lot of people talk about in different channels. Be it Aaron Doughty stating that you just have to “imagine” yourself in this “parallel reality” in order to “become” that all knowing and well suited lottery winner. It’s as though you already were one. You don’t question the need or want to even become one. That stage does not even exist in this type of framing in order to actually BE the lottery winner.

Technically, winning the lottery is possible with time and space manipulation. However, it isn’t as simple as just imagining this. There has to be some energetic force that actually pushes and reveres one to actually physically be in a state to manipulate the rolling balls per se in a lottery machine in order to make it land within the numbers that you imagine in your mind. A lot of people state that you can just use your birthday numbers or some numbers with special emotional meaning tied to you, in order to get the ball rolling with this and see the physical manifestation of this altogether in that lottery station that pushes out the balls in a lottery machine.

This energetic force in itself has to also come from some actual spirit force to move the balls for you. You yourself are not standing right next to the lottery machine. Your spirit can’t detach too much in order to do the job for you. Your own soul is still attached to your physical body and living, and isn’t too detached on meth or LSD to sort of astral project this kind of endeavor. It’s probably going to be your dead aunt who oversees you or your guardian angel or spirit guide. That’s if they want to do the job for you.

I considered the fact that maybe Elissa could perform this trick the minute she felt wings on her back as an earth angel. “Hey, maybe you can also use your powers to win the lottery!” I giggled as I thought about all the supernatural powers that just came upon her. This would be something that I would have found would have provided that interesting and very helpful incidence that she could literally bring upon into fruition. “I can sense abundance,” she told me. She usually felt this feeling in her stomach when she came upon a rich man who made lots of money. It was some feeling that she would always receive that was a psychic intuition about something.

I know that I could probably use some money after everything I’ve gone through over the years. This is because I have inevitably fallen into some sort of money hole several times in my life over the past half decade. I have actually been scammed before by an Indian company that used fraud to pose as the police and got me to provide them with a few grand as a result of not doing my taxes for the previous year. I’ve signed up for online trials that have sneakily trapped me into subscriptions that I couldn’t get out of and inevitably sourced out 30 dollars from my bank account each month. Let’s not forget about the ghost that has clung onto my body for the past half decade and stolen my bank cards and robbed me hundreds at a time every few months.

It’s a vicious cycle that I can’t seem to get rid of, since it has played tricks on me even when it left my body, placing hexes on me from up “there” as well to take half a grand every 4 months. I was so worried when I saw this cycle come about the minute I witnessed another unauthorized transaction in my Scotiabank account. I had to close down my TD accounts altogether because of what it did when it clung onto me. It started with a few transactions of $3 wings from KFC. Then it escalated into taking away my mother’s 500 dollar cash bundles in my lucky money envelopes from time to time. Then it was my presto card. When I visited a psychic at Jane and Sheppard to try to remove this entity from my body, I thought that was the end of it. Apparently, it wasn’t.

Ghosts can always come back from up there, heaven, and play tricks on others down in the 3D plane as well. They have the power to manipulate space and time now and will do things like make objects move or send you a text message. I found that it had robbed me yet again that fateful day I found half a grand taken from my bank account when I couldn’t find my bank card in my wallet as I tried to check out my groceries at Freshco that day. Thankfully, the card returned to me a day later from an angel.

“A hex was placed on you,” Hindu psychic mentioned as he rattled his stones to find out what was behind this mischief. “Whhaaat? I thought it left my body!!!” I responded in shock and horror. “Shhhh! Be quiet! There are spirits around you,” he answered, as I was apparently disrupting the peace and quiet of the atmosphere. To make matters worse, he told me that the spirit liked me, and that it would continue to do this in the future. Great. I can expect half a grand taken from my bank account every 4 months now.

In my dreams I tried to resolve this issue by summing up well known earth angel, Doreen Virtue, and her spirit. I met her for the first time in my dream on the TTC subway train. Someone else was calling for her attention at that moment in time, and she felt a tug of war tension between tending to either me or her. When I met her again in another dream sequence, she recognized me and said, “Nice to see you again. Whitney?” She must of confused me with someone else, and I said, “No, Lena.” I brought up the issue with the ghost robber, and she replied, “Well, he’s not attached to you anymore.”

It wasn’t until I found a message from an angel the next day that I felt more relieved. There was a text message that stated, “return issued–>” in my cell phone. This cell phone was placed right next to that stolen Scotiabank card that I had miraculously found a day later returned to me. It was pointing to the card. I followed the magical instructions to return this card and cancel the account altogether, and transfer the funds to another bank account. This was what I needed to do in order to break that hex or black magic spell on me.

I visited a psychic the next day to get my questions answered as well. She told me that angels were overseeing me on this as she placed a tarot card of an angel on the table. “I see good signs with this,” she mentioned. Okay, that’s good to hear. It’s not like I haven’t gone through enough turmoil with all of this.

With the help of all that, I can’t help but wonder whether a fellow angel could manipulate space and time to help me garner up a few million dollars and help me win the lottery. I have thought about it, although it’s really not something that has been placed upon me with too much urgency or need. My angels also repeat bank transaction credits into my new CIBC account whenever I am at a place of low funding, I realized.

Just recently, there was a transfer of 400.38 onto my account. It adds up my total amount of money. That’s what gives me the security. I have always lived off of a budget of 2 grand every month, and it has stayed and remained this way for the past 10 years. I still shop at Dollar Tree and Frescho every month. I never eat out. I never buy new expensive clothing. I use products until they are worn and torn before I replace them. It was somewhat doable even with the ghost robberies.

It’s not like I haven’t gone through ups and downs with this. I’m too old of a soul to really give into the built-up illusion that money can buy happiness on a linear path that just rises and rises with the rate of satisfaction. Money does buy security and comfort and free will, but the effect does taper off after a point though. More so, I think I’m a bit too evolved and conscientious to really ask for large sums of money. I know that I have to hold back on spending too much and wasting too much. When you’ve gone through enough lifetimes and are very aware of how your actions and requests are affecting others, including angels and ghosts up there.

February 28, 2024 17:09

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