Riding in car with granddaughter

Written in response to: "Center your story around a character’s addiction or obsession."

Coming of Age Drama Fiction

The radio is tuned to a classical station, Mozart. I let the music wash over me like a warm shower. The stunted knotty willows fly by unseen. The shoulder slopes down to the river where barges chug. Riding low, heavy with cargo, going to, or coming from the seaport. Small dogs, like yapping figure heads, share the latest gossip as they pass.

The sun disappears, taking the sparkle from the water. More clouds gather; the wind picks up. The music swells and wanes and swells again like an incoming tide, adding to the tension in the car. I slow down when the rain hits the wind shield.

Allyson, arms crossed over her chest, turns away from the side window, pulls her earbuds out and sighs. A deep sigh, filled with a truckload of exasperation, drama, and hopelessness.

“You don’t understand, grandma. Everybody does it.”

I bite my tongue to keep from asking her the age-old question about everybody jumping off a cliff.

“I know.” I sigh. As deep as hers, maybe with less exasperation. But then, how do you measure drama?

“All I’m saying, dear, is to think it through. Two things they don’t tell you is that colors fade and gravity always wins. A sweet butterfly on your left breast might look adorable now, and I’m sure it would, but know that by the time you’re my age it will have stretched into a bat.”

“Grandma!” Allyson’s eyes are like saucers, her hand is clasped over her grin, as if I just spouted a series of four-letter words. Hell, I would never ... Well, almost never. I do, however, feel a certain pride that I, an old woman of seventy, can shock a teen. Reaching across the console, I pat her knee and try to shrug off the image of my grandmother doing the same to me

“Just promise that you think it through. And be sure you are sober.”

“Geez! I’m not old enough to drink.” I don’t have to look at her to know she rolls her eyes.

“Never stopped anyone, dear.”

Once again, I stuff my irritation at my daughter. I’m sure her job is important. I’m proud she was picked for it. I know that it is not a good idea to leave an almost sixteen-year-old alone in Tokyo for a summer. But what do I know about raising a teenager? Didn’t Pamela and I knock heads enough back then? What do I remember about being her age?

I still don’t know the difference between U2 and You tube. I never figured out whether grunge was good or bad. Whether Madonna was hype or substance. Why Britney Spears was famous and what everybody saw in Justin Bieber. I shake my head and wonder whatever happened to Mayberry RFD and Harlequin romances? Not that they prepared me for life. But …

How are we supposed to get through the next two months without permanent alienation? Will I be able to hold my tongue and not make the same mistakes I made with her mother? I know that we’re both floundering, standing at the doorstep to a new part of our lives. Are we too far apart in age and values to connect? I know my summer plans had not included her and I’m sure she had not planned on being baby-sat by an old biddy.

“Do you want to know why I’m against it?” I ask. No use lecturing if she’s not going to listen.

Another sigh dragged up from her toes. “Okay.”

I gather my thoughts. “Maybe you’re right and everybody your age is getting a tattoo. I just don’t want you to miss out on getting into the university of your choice, or get passed over at work, or even miss out on jobs because of body art. I don’t want you to have to wear long-sleeve shirts buttoned up to your neck to hide something you did when you were in high school.”

“But there are so many places where I could have a tattoo that won’t show.” She protested.

“If it won’t show, and nobody will see it, then why do it?”

“It’s cool.”

“So are new shoes, or a new haircut, or even dying your hair purple, shaving it all off. None of that is permanent.”

She swipes through her phone and holds it up to me. “But see. These are cute. Sure,” she scrolls down further. “Some are more bussin’ than others. But …”

“Fashions change, dear.” I say.

She starts to answer. “No, let me finish. When I was your age, heavy eyeliner and dramatic cat eyes were in fashion. Like Jean Shrimpton.”


“Never mind. Then came Twiggy.”


“Never mind. Years ago I saw a movie. Liz Taylor in Cleopatra. Go ahead and google that.”


“Right. Let’s say I had a tattoo like that around my eyelids. I would have been stuck in the 60’s for all these years. Think about it.”


For a few minutes all we hear is the rain on the roof.

“Do you get The Diaries?”

“Excuse me?”

My head spins with the change in topic.

“The Vampire Diaries.” I think I hear another eyeroll.

I shake my head. “No. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of it. What is it about?”

Allyson turns in her seat for as much as her seatbelt allows and for next half hour she gushes on about two brothers. How one has flashbacks and the other has cravings, and how they are constantly fighting over one thing or another, and all the other convoluted relationships and …

I nod and hum now and then and realize I’ve seen the show a hundred times. Granted, without the bloody mary’s, but with plenty of ketchup. And back then, I was just as carried away with endless, identical episodes of Rawhide, Bonanza and I Spy. While Allyson rattles on, I let myself become nostalgic over a young Rowdy Yates and the razor-sharp cheekbone of Adam Cartwright.

“And they have tats, Gran. And the ones on The Hundred, and … and … You should see them.” She’s swiping furiously over her phone and holds it up to me. “See, aren’t they …” a swoon-like sigh. Just like the ones I made each time I saw Clint, or Paul, or …

“Sorry, kid. I’m driving. But show me again when we get home.”

“Okay.” But her voice is trailing off. She’s in her fantasy land where she’ll be cool like them.

I let her have her dreams. I’ve had mine. They were harmless. I would have frozen on the spot or otherwise embarrassed myself if anyone I’d seen on TV, up to and including Festus, had ever said as much as ‘hi’ to me. And let’s be honest, who among us did not want to have Farrah hair? How many leather jackets were sold, just so we could be cool like the Fonz?

On the other hand, would this, still gangly, starry-eyed girl experiment with drinking blood? Nah. She wouldn’t, would she? But tattoos and piercings? That’s a whole other question. So frigging permanent.

While we outrun the rain, I tell myself to do some serious googling. Hopefully, whoever played the part of whatever character she’s gaga over, had some fancy make-up work done for the part.

Though … do I want to burst her bubble? Or will I let her swoon and obsess?

“Hey.” I pull her out of her dream.


“Your birthday is next month, right?”


“I’ll pay for a tattoo. How’s that?”

“You would?”

I nod.

“Cool.” She whispers.

Two months later, when we drive back to meet her mother at the airport, my granddaughter is still tattoo-less and absorbed in Pride and Prejudice.

Posted Feb 24, 2025

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14 likes 35 comments

Darvico Ulmeli
08:56 Mar 02, 2025

Love the dialogue.


Trudy Jas
14:34 Mar 02, 2025

Thanks, Darvic. All grannies should be like that. :-)


Rebecca Detti
10:08 Mar 01, 2025

I loved this. I had a granny that I used to talk openly with about all sorts of spicy topics and she always gave me some very rational advice. Really enjoyed and loved that you mentioned Bonanza and the Fonz!


Trudy Jas
13:45 Mar 01, 2025

Good for your granny. Mine was the opposite. I remember her being scandalized b/c I didn't wear stockings in May. The vapors! LOL


Rebecca Detti
11:11 Mar 02, 2025

Oh the scandal of stockings! Goodness I had a ‘good’ granny where we got away with murder…well eating lots of sweets and staying up late watching films and a ‘bad’ granny who cooked healthy meals and sent us to bed at 5 to read. :-)


Trudy Jas
14:38 Mar 02, 2025

Yeah for granny 1, boo hiss for granny 2. I only knew the one. she was somewhere in between. granny1.5 :-)


Rebecca Detti
12:09 Mar 03, 2025

I like that, granny 1.5! I hope I’m a naughty granny one day! :-)


Trudy Jas
14:46 Mar 03, 2025

I bet you will, all you have to do is share all your shagging stories. :-)

Have a question: I'm reading a book, Just came across the term: "a pelican crossing" is that like a "zebra crossing"? You're my Brit slang tutor. LOL


Jim LaFleur
08:16 Feb 27, 2025

The dialogue is so authentic and touching. It was a joy to read!


Trudy Jas
10:06 Feb 27, 2025

Thanks, Jim. Really appreciate your wonderful feedback.


Stephen McManus
23:59 Feb 26, 2025

Fantastic dialogue. Their back and forth was so real I felt like I was sitting in the back seat. Great job!


Trudy Jas
01:16 Feb 27, 2025

Thanks Steven. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 😀


Thomas Wetzel
23:34 Feb 26, 2025

Great story, Trudy. Loved it. The generational disconnect really resonated. My 85 year old mother doesn't get me, and my 21 year old daughter doesn't get either of us. It's just how it goes. Do you know how to get your daughter to never watch a certain movie or listen to a song? You just recommend it.

Funny that we both chose this same prompt and wrote a story around tattooing. Kind of bizarre actually, since I threw down the gauntlet at your feet for this week. I'd call it a draw. Nice work, Trudy. As always.


Trudy Jas
01:11 Feb 27, 2025

Thanks, Thomas. Not the gauntlet was for the love one, last week. I believe that win is mine. I'm not sure you read it though. Are you chicken?


Thomas Wetzel
01:28 Feb 27, 2025

I love chicken. It's delicious.

I believe there is a place on God's green earth for all animals, right next to my mashed potatoes.


Trudy Jas
01:34 Feb 27, 2025

I agree about your choice of meat. 😋
Now man up and admit that I won the 290 throw down LOL
Oh, never mind. It's all good


Thomas Wetzel
03:05 Feb 27, 2025

I actually thought we were getting into the prizefight this week. I would never agree to anything other than a horror-genre challenge with you.

And if God didn't want us to eat animals then he wouldn't have made them out of meat.


Trudy Jas
03:07 Feb 27, 2025

LOL, which proves you did not read the one I'm talking about.


Trudy Jas
01:19 Feb 27, 2025

Your grandma may never get you, but your daughter will come around In a few years. Fingers crossed


Brenda Adams
23:16 Feb 26, 2025

Had me laughing, it reminded me of the first time I had watched Mrs Doubtfire—hilarious!
I love the part about if everybody jump off the cliff, mostly because that is my go to phrase as well.
And a butterfly looking like a bat when age come into the mix... genius.
btw harlequin and Mills and Boons were great... I for one was obsessed.


Trudy Jas
23:19 Feb 26, 2025

:-) Thanks, Brenda. Glad I made you laugh. Totally my objective. :-)


Thomas Wetzel
23:47 Feb 26, 2025

Mrs Doubtfire! The original transgender figure in our pop culture.

I just rewatched Good Will Hunting last night. I love Minne Driver and I miss Robin Williams so much. If you do too, here is a great song about his death:



Kin Asdi
18:52 Feb 25, 2025

Such a wonderful interaction between the two generations.. Tattoos and all other things what teenagers are influenced by.. Yup, great story 👍


Trudy Jas
21:16 Feb 25, 2025

Thanks. I had fun researching this stuff. :-)


Joe Smallwood
04:57 Feb 25, 2025

That was so fun to read! I enjoyed it. I laughed at the big-as-a-bat comment. Where on earth did you come up with that? I never before thought that a tattoo could stretch.
Talent. So talented.


Trudy Jas
11:57 Feb 25, 2025

Thank you, Joe. I'm glad you enjoyed that. 😀🦇


Alexis Araneta
17:39 Feb 24, 2025

Fun read! Although, I do recognise some names (I'm more of a 70s fan , though). Hahahaha! Lovely work !


Trudy Jas
20:07 Feb 24, 2025

Thanks, Alexis. Surely you are too young to hark back to the 70's. LOL


Alexis Araneta
03:45 Feb 25, 2025

Hahahaha ! I suppose I am. I do love the (softer, jazzier or folkier) music and the fashion, though.


Keba Ghardt
16:18 Feb 24, 2025

Cute relationship, taking silly things seriously

Yeah, my grandmother forbade tattoos. I'm a walking mural, now


Trudy Jas
20:06 Feb 24, 2025

I know, I know. I'm a dinosaur. :-)
May you always enjoy your mural.
Thanks, Keba.


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