Fiction Romance Middle School

I love you, but you walked away

So okay

I’ll be here healing

I’ll be here waiting

But not for you

Of course, not for you

I’ll be here waiting for the day

When I can genuinely say,

“Thank you for walking away”

I closed my journal as I finished reading the poem that I wrote a few summers ago just after I celebrated my birthday. Now, I am sitting here on the balcony just outside my room watching the sun slowly saying hello over the horizon thinking to myself how this year’s birthday celebration is a whole lot quieter and totally different from the way I celebrated my birthday six years ago.

I still vividly remember all the events that happened during that day as it was truly one of the birthdays to remember – is that a good thing or a bad thing? I don’t know, I guess you be the judge.


The bright summer sun woke me up that day as mama excitedly opened my curtains and shouted, “Happy Birthday, my dear Robin!”, which, I must admit, was too loud for me in the morning.

“Thank you, mama!” I said smiling at her with my eyes squinted as the sun was also too bright for my liking this morning.

“Did you sleep well? I hope you had a great time last night.”

“I did. Thank you for my party last night, mama, it was truly magical and I truly felt like a princess!” I said giddily as I remembered what happened last night. 

Mama kissed my forehead and looked at me lovingly and I see tears slowly form in that almond-shaped eyes of hers as she said, “You deserve all of it, my princess,” she then wiped the tears that were threatening to fall and told me to get up already and have breakfast downstairs.

I nodded but I looked at my phone first before going downstairs and smiled as I read his message first thing in the morning, “You looked beautiful last night. Happy Birthday, Robin! I’ll see you later!. He really did know how to make this girl’s heart flutter.

Thank you! Can’t wait to see you later! – I replied as I put my phone down and followed mama downstairs.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...” My whole family sang me an off-tuned birthday song as I was going down the stairs for breakfast, surprising me with a bouquet of fresh roses and my favorite chocolate cake.

“Make a wish,” Mama said. 

I closed my eyes and wished for world peace. Of course, I was kidding. Or not. Who knows?

I got teary-eyed when I saw the dining table with all of my favorite breakfast dishes – scrambled eggs with tomato and onion, hotdogs, fried rice with tons of garlic just how I like it, pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream and lightly drizzled with maple syrup, and my favorite brand of hot chocolate. 

Oh, it would be a sumptuous breakfast feast! I had not eaten a single grain of rice yet my heart was already full.


Oh dear Lord, what did I do right to deserve my family? Whatever it is, thank You! Thank You for my very thoughtful and loving family.

“Wow, thank you! How did you keep this from me? How did I not notice you guys planning this surprise?”

“Well, you have been too busy with George lately, so you don’t get to notice anyone else anymore,” Rick, my younger brother, teased with a smirk, which made everyone laugh.

“But it actually worked to our advantage as we planned this surprise,” added Papa.

I couldn’t help but blush at this remark.

“I helped Mama with the pancakes, Robin!” Ruth, our youngest, excitedly said, seemingly proud of this accomplishment.

“And she did a great job. She almost didn’t need me to make those pancakes,” Mama said proudly.

“Oh, is that so? Well if it is, then I cannot wait to taste these. They look delicious!! I’m so proud of you Ruthie!” I told my baby sister who hugged me tightly.

Still, with tears in my eyes, I looked at my family appreciatively and said, “Thank you, everyone. Really. Can this day get any better?”

“I don’t know,” said Papa, as he handed me a small box, “Tell us after you open that.”

What could this be?

I opened the box and those tears that I had tried so hard to stop falling suddenly fell again.


“This is beautiful, Papa! Thank you!” I said barely getting any word out as I took a simple heart silver locket necklace out of its box. I was so touched to see my name engraved on it!

I have always wanted it. I would always fantasize about buying it whenever I would pass by our local jewelry store. But of course, our priorities would make me brush that fantasy off and tell myself, “Maybe next time, Robin. Next time”. 

When I opened the locket, I saw our most recent family picture, and I immediately smiled at the sight of it. 

They remembered when I said that this picture is my favorite picture of ours because we looked so happy there! I am officially over the moon right now!

I hope that when you wear it, you will always remember that your family will always be by your side, even when everybody leaves you,” Ron said as he enveloped me in a hug. My older brother rarely says and does things like this, but he made us feel loved and protected when he did. 

“Wear that on your date later,” Mama added. 

“Oh, I definitely will! This day definitely just got better!” I said as I wiped these tears from my eyes. 

“Enough of the drama. Come on, let’s eat. I’m hungry!” Ron teased, being the first to settle in his usual spot on the dining table and we all followed suit as we were all so hungry as well.

At around 2 p.m. I was prepping up for my birthday date with Ruth hanging out in my room.

“You look like a princess, Robin” Ruth, who insisted on putting my locket on me, said in amazement. 

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The silver heart locket matched with my cute little summer dress that didn’t look too revealing, my hair in braids also looked nice, and my natural makeup look didn’t give even the slightest hints for my excessive excitement to go on a date with this guy.



 Suddenly, we heard someone singing outside our house:

“When I see your face

There’s not a thing that I would change

Cause you’re amazing

Just the way you are”

I felt my heart beating so fast and my pet butterflies swimming in my stomach.

Ruth looked at the window and squealed, “IT’S GEORGE!”

What the hell is he doing??

I quickly finished my look for my birthday date with a slight touch of pink lip gloss and ran straight downstairs with Ruth who was equally excited.

“What are you doing? Get in here!” I whispered just loud enough for him to hear, but to no avail, he continued singing like a pop star with our front porch as his stage and my family as his audience.

Oh, come on, Robin! Admit it, you’re blushing. You‘ve never had someone sing to you until today. You’re liking this. Don’t deny it!

In fairness, he looks so good today with his clean-cut hair, his red polo shirt and jeans, and his guitar strapped on him. Damn! He looks mighty fine today! Thank God, I dressed up!

I had not realized that he finished the song as I got caught up appreciating this dashing prince with the most charming smile I have ever seen.

I was startled to see him right in front of me holding the giant teddy bear (one of my most requested birthday gifts! How did he know? It’s probably Chloe, she told him. Note to self: Thank Chloe later.)

“Happy birthday again, Robin,” he smiled that made those dimples appear as he held out the bear to me. 

“Whoa! Thank you!” I said enthusiastically. I eventually hugged my new teddy tight and cradled it in my arms like a one-year-old baby, “He’s so cute! I love it!” 

George just watched me, amused by my reaction.

“So, are you ready? We better leave now if we want to catch the movie,” he said.

“Oh yes! I’m all good. Let me just put him in my room and we’re good to go, alright? Come inside first.”

“Alright,” George said. He then went to Mama and Papa to greet them with a hug.

“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Santos. It’s nice to see you again. How are you today?”

“We’re good and happy. Thank you, George. Thank you for making our Robin very happy…” I heard Mama telling him before I even entered the house. That thought made me smile. 

After putting the bear down, going to the bathroom, and checking again in the mirror if I look decent, all for about five minutes, I went down.

I caught my parents and George having a seemingly serious talk. I was curious for a while, but I was more excited to think about what they were talking about.

“Let’s go, George?” I interrupted.

George looked at me and said, “Yeah. Let’s go,” then to my parents, “We’ll be going ahead. I promise to have her home by 10.”

“Alright. You kids take care, okay?” Papa said.

“Enjoy,” added Mama

“We will!” George and I said in unison. Making me blush. Again.

Oh! How many more times will I blush this day?

We arrived just in time for the movie. Thank God, George bought the tickets in advance, so we just went straight to the theater upon our arrival.

The movie began as soon as we got to our assigned seats, making us feel that they were just waiting for us to arrive before starting the movie. 

But of course, that’s nonsense. We were just really on time and is it just me or is it cold in here? I forgot to bring a jacket with me. Damn.

I rubbed my hands together and tried to produce my own body heat to fight off this cold but sadly, I was not successful and as if on cue, I felt an arm wrap around me, enveloping me in one of the tightest one-arm hugs I ever experienced. 

Startled with this gesture, I looked at him and saw that he still had his full attention to the movie but I guess he noticed me seriously studying his face. He looked at me and as soon as our eyes locked, I felt something funny as my heart skipped a beat.

“Uhmm... I thought you might be cold,” he whispered, “I hope this arm is enough since I don’t have my jacket with me.”


I sat there speechless, taking in what was happening that very moment, and convincing myself that it was real, that I was on a date with this sweet and thoughtful guy-- my prince charming.

“It’s more than enough. Thank you,” I said smiling as I put my head on his shoulders.

And we stayed like that until the closing credits.

“Thank you for a wonderful time, George,” I said, looking at him as we pulled over in front of my house.

“Are you happy?” he asked.

“Yes, very much,” I answered.

“I’m happy that you’re happy because that’s all I want to do for you--to make you happy.”

I smiled in reply, got out of his car, and waved him off as he drove home.

“So how was your date?” Mama asked as soon as I entered our front door.

“It was everything that I expected and more,” I replied dreamily. “What did you guys do? How was the movie?”

“The movie was amazing! And after that, we sat by the bay and just watched the sunset while waiting for our dinner reservation. It was so magical, Mama!”

“I’m glad you had a good time and that you had a happy birthday.”

“This might just be the best one yet.”

“We’re happy that you’re happy,” Papa said 

“Did you teach him to say that?” I asked Papa, startled at what he said.

“I just might,” Papa replied, teasing me with a wink.

I laughed at his remark.

“I’m going upstairs now to prepare for bed. Good night, Mama and Papa.” I said and gave each of them a goodnight kiss before going to my room.

As soon as I was done preparing for bed, my phone rang, and I smiled at the sight of his name.

Really? George? Already? We were just together. Did you really miss me that much?

“You seem to know the right moment to call. I just finished preparing for bed,” I said as soon as I answered his call.

“Well, what can I say, we’re connected like that,” he replied.

“Sleepy already?” he then asked.

“Nope. Not yet.” I didn’t think I could sleep right away after everything that happened today. “I would like to stay up and wait for my birthday to be over and done.”

“Can I join?”

I smiled at that sweet remark of his and said, “Yeah, sure. Don’t end this call until this day is over.”

And we both stayed up and talked about a lot of things that made me want him to be a part of my life forever until the clock struck 12, signifying the end of my birthday and of our conversation that night.

To: George

sent: 12:01 AM

Thank you for staying up with me. Talk again tomorrow?

Smiling, I put my phone down and started drifting off to dreamland.

This is officially the. best. birthday. ever.


Or so I thought.

I did not know that when he asked me the question that night, he was actually talking about him – if he could join my birthday to be over and done that night.

Because we ended just as my birthday ended that one hot summer night… oh wait, there was never an us and I never heard from him ever again.

It was indeed a birthday to remember because of all the tears I shed and the questions that ran through my mind the following days. So, a birthday to remember is really not always a good thing, I guess.

I am still thankful for the memories, though, for he made my 18th birthday something to smile about.

Dear George, wherever you may be right now, thank you for giving up your space because it is now filled by someone who truly matters.

I was awakened from my reverie with a tight back hug from Nathan as he whispered, “Happy Birthday, love”.

The sun had just risen and it was now shining bright, I turned to look at him as I kissed his cheek and said, “Good morning. Thank you love!” with a huge smile on my face.

As I face him, I noticed that he just got up from the bed as his chestnut hair is still a mess and looking at his deep-set brown eyes says that he still isn’t fully awake yet. He just stood there looking at me for a few seconds before saying,

“Love, thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for making my life 100% better with your presence – the world, my world, is a better place with you in it and I cannot even begin to fathom how it would look like if you left.”

He grabbed a small box in his pocket, opened it, and knelt as I stood there speechless and dumbfounded with what is happening this early in the morning.

“Love, I would not want that to happen. I want you to stay in my world for the rest of our lives and I hope you would want me in your world too. Will you marry me?”

The tears that were threatening to fall when he started his speech now fell like Niagara Falls and there was no stopping them. I held out my hand to him and nodded as I said,

“Yes, love. You’ll have me. Forever...”

“and Always” he continued as he stood up, placed the ring on my finger, and kissed my forehead.

Holding my hand, he led me towards the railings as we stepped out further and into the sun and we just stood there quietly for a while taking in what just happened and very much excited for this next chapter of our lives.

This is officially. The. Best. Birthday. Ever. For now.

June 19, 2021 05:57

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