Happy Adventure Fiction

I step out of my cozy shed and enjoy a big stretch. The wonderfully scrumptious fish dinner is still keeping my belly happy, and today, I'm going to venture out to the outskirts of my territory, where I last spotted a precious prey. I haven't been around there in a while, so I must be cautious.

Strutting through my usual route, I start to recall on how I found myself in my lovely situation.

It was not too long ago when my mother left my siblings and me, “Go explore this wonderful world now, my dear children,” she said. And so, one by one, my siblings and I started to venture out a little further each day, carving out new territories; until one day, I suddenly realized that I was quite far away from where I was born, and there was no point in returning.

The days went by quickly. I hunt when I please and I nap in the sun, constantly. I do pride myself on being a decent hunter, just like how Mother taught us. But one day, there was a constant pouring of rain, as if the sky was dumping buckets of water down at us, and I found myself cold and miserable and terribly hungry. I burrowed deep under some thick bushes to try to find a dry spot and came out the other side, into a nicely kept backyard. That was when I first spotted her.

She saw me right away, then bent down and made the softest sounds I've ever heard a human make, gesturing her hand toward me. My first instinct was to dash, but I was drenched and helpless, so I sat and watched her cautiously. Mother had told us to be careful with humans; they are highly unpredictable, although some of them do enjoy engaging with us; the trick is to be able to tell them apart.

After a while, she left and went inside the house, and I resumed my search for a dry spot to sleep. When I finally found shelter behind a garden Gnome who was holding a big mushroom over his head, I smelled something that instantly got my attention.

The lady had gotten back out, and she set down a bowl under the awning. It smelled like food; like the most delicious food ever. Her eyes found me at my new spot, and she started making soft noises again. I really wanted to run over and devour whatever was in that bowl, but my mother's lessons kept me at bay; I watched the bowl, and I watched her. Perhaps my helpless desperation had registered with her as she walked away and left the bowl. Still, I waited a few moments before I gently walked over to the bowl; it was the best meal I'd ever had.

I slept next to the Gnome, and when I woke up, I could smell that the bowl was filled again. Cautiously, I went over and ate some more of the yummiest food I've ever had. Then I saw her looking at me through her patio door, I instantly turned to start to run, but the scent of the food was so intoxicating that my feet were glued to the ground. Since she made no movements, I decided to keep eating. I'll just be on my way after I finish this, I said to myself.

The sun was out again and I resumed my daily routine, but very quickly I found that the food I caught for myself was no longer satisfying. I ventured over to that backyard, feeling careful and hopeful. And there it was, the bowl filled with the most wonderful meat. This time I simply did a quick scan around me before I dived into the bowl. Satisfaction achieved.

Afterward, the lady would leave me food in the bowl every day. Slowly, I began to think that she was one of the humans who liked us, and I started to let her come closer to me each day. One day, she was able to reach out her hand and set it on my head, she glided down her hand toward my back, and repeated this motion; It felt so soothing, like I was being groomed by Mother. I do believe I started purring rather quickly that day, which was a little embarrassing.

And then, one day, she presented me with a shed. It is a shed that no cat will sneer at, just the right size for me to sprawl out or curl up inside, complete with warm blankets and cushions, and an entry that's designed for just me to get through. It was the best sleep I've ever had, and I greeted her the next morning with purrs and rubs. I think that pleased her, too, for she was making a lot of gentle sounds and petting me continuously. I think she might have named me that day.

I jump on a fence and head towards the streets. At the end of this corner, I'll attempt to cross the street and enter an area that I'm not super familiar with. Crossing the street could be very dangerous business, but I'm on a mission today, and I will not settle for any mouse or squirrel. Surely, my lady deserves a gift with feathers.

I jump down off the fence and run under a parked car. From under here, I peeked out to the street. Giant machines zoomed by, making lots of noises. Cars, I'm glad Mother had taught us how to look out for the signs of them coming or going. It's not too hard once you get the hang of listening to them.

There are a few minutes when I couldn't hear anything, so I look to both sides and quickly dash to the other side of the street, under another parked car. From here, I could see my destination, an open space of grass, trees, and bushes.

I walk along the bushes, keeping my ears open. And there it is, hopping around and pecking at the grounds, the feathers jolting tantalizingly. I instantly lower my body, and I slowly stalk from under the bushes. It hasn't noticed me yet, and I get closer. I observe its pattern of hopping and pecking. When I believe it has stopped for a moment before pecking again, I raise my behind and hind legs, wiggle it a little for good measure, and pounce directly onto the bird. Success. How wonderful.

Holding the poor lifeless bird in my mouth, I start to head back. Through the parked car, and the same careful method to cross the street, onto the long fences, down to the bushes, and back into my backyard.

I drop the bird in front of her patio door. I do believe it makes a fine present.

I really hope she loves it. 

August 02, 2024 20:35

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Mary Bendickson
18:03 Aug 06, 2024

Super creative answer to prompt. Dear kitty was trying to show gratitude the only way it knew how. Hope the kindly human understood that and didn't freak out😄. My spider story is 'Interrupted'. I wrote a cat story in 'Blacktop and the Bucket Babies'.


Pei Pei Lin
19:11 Aug 06, 2024

Thank you so much! In my mind, the lady definitely loved her gift. :) Yes, I loved 'Interrupted'! And now I'm excited to read 'Blacktop and the Bucket Babies'. Thank you for sharing!


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10:29 Aug 06, 2024

Thanks for reading and liking mine. I had to keep reading this story to see if it was about a cat. I love cat stories and yours is super cute. I loved it. I've written a few cat stories too. I realize that English is your second language. English is a difficult language and writing stories is on a whole other level of skill. You have done well. A belated welcome to Reedsy. A few points to help you. Think 'concise' (less words) when writing. there was a constant pouring of rain, as if the sky was dumping buckets of water down at us, - A con...


Pei Pei Lin
19:06 Aug 06, 2024

Thank you so much for reading my story and for taking the time to give me constructive feedback! It is SUPER helpful and what I'm looking for on this site. And thank you for the welcome!! I used to write in Mandarin all the time, but I stopped because I was focusing on being an "American" actor. Years later, my expressions and thoughts now are mostly in English, so I thought I'd give writing in English a shot. I also write scripts, where I enjoy writing dialogues based on how people converse. But I want to get better at writing stories! I...


23:11 Aug 06, 2024

Thanks for your reply. A few weeks ago, one sub-prompt was for a play script. (Shakespeare prompt). I did a meta-story called Being Anna. Part of it is as a script. You may want to give it a read. In fact, several Reedsy writers wrote scripts for this prompt. Click on that prompt (down the list a bit), click on that particular sub-prompt and several script stories come up. It is impossible to format properly in Reedsy, but the entries were done very well despite that. They may interest you.


Pei Pei Lin
03:50 Aug 07, 2024

Thank you for the suggestion!


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Kristi Gott
01:54 Aug 03, 2024

Clever story where the identity of the main character slowly unfolds. Writing as a character who is a cat takes us into the cat's thoughts and feelings. I love animals and I enjoyed this approach. Unique idea. Skillful writing and well done! Many years ago I wrote a light hearted cat story as the cat and called it "Some Catty Remarks." Lol.


Pei Pei Lin
18:37 Aug 03, 2024

Thank you so much! And your cat story’s title is super cute and clever! I’m always happy to connect with a fellow animal lover. :)


Kristi Gott
20:00 Aug 03, 2024

You are welcome! But I have not written a story about a spider. That must be someone else. :-)


Pei Pei Lin
04:47 Aug 05, 2024

I’m so sorry!


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09:55 Aug 06, 2024

It is easy to get mixed up! So many stories. Mary Bendickson wrote a horrific spider story. So scary and a superb twist at the end. Had to chip in here, sorry.


Kristi Gott
14:06 Aug 06, 2024

Thank you for letting us know who wrote the spider story! I'll check it out now!


Pei Pei Lin
19:09 Aug 06, 2024

And I promise I won't make the same mistake again! :)


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Pei Pei Lin
19:08 Aug 06, 2024

That was the one I had in mind! Yes, it's a great story. Thank you for clarifying!


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23:46 Aug 06, 2024

Just a thought. If you like cat stories, one of mine is based on a true story and is on page four of my list of stories (from ages ago). And darn, I forgot about it for the Twist prompt.) It is called The Three Lives of Oscar. It is one of the craziest stories I've ever heard. (or written about) The POV is from a lady who doesn't own him. I recommend it. Shame that the Judge who read it missed the 'key prompt words' - or at least I believe that happened. It was entered later, and the reason it didn't initially, remains a mystery. I believe R...


Pei Pei Lin
03:48 Aug 07, 2024

I just read it. Thank you for sharing! I agree that an animal genre would be a lot of fun!


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Kristi Gott
00:41 Aug 07, 2024

The Catty Remarks story was 20 years ago and is not on my page. Sorry!


Pei Pei Lin
18:54 Aug 07, 2024

No worries :)


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