Drama Romance Sad

It had been thirty-five years. Thirty-five years since Daphne had made her fatal commitment to her high-school sweetheart, Charles.

How could this have gone so wrong? She loved him, didn't she? Gambles, gambles.....

Daphne Adair.....No. No. Daphne Miller. Daphne hated Charles for what he had become, the sweet-voiced liar who had twisted and turned her life using his lovely eyes and gentle voice, to ride her through the biggest rollercoaster she had ever been on.

Well, the drop was near.

Beginning of Act I

"Daffy!" called Laurel Parker, her best friend. It was a simple party, a bunch of kids from high school, what could go wrong? Well, until Katrina found the drinks from Laurel's dad's cellar. Now they were all stumbling around, bleary-eyed, drunken.

Daphne Miller was a quiet girl, very contrasting with the salmon-pink wallpaper of the Parkers' living room. She spent most of her time shoved in the corner anyway.

The girl had softly curling brunette hair, pale grey eyes and a slightly crooked nose, which she hated. She wore a dark green ruffled gown, which hugged her thin little body a little too tight for her liking.

"Daff, you HAVE to try his wine. It's intoxicating!" gushed Laurel, clinging to poor Daphne's shoulders.

"I-I don't know-" stammered the dumbfounded eighth-grader, hopping backwards from the clear glass brimming with blood-colored liquid.

"DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!" Laurel began chanting, as Parvati, Jess and Darla joined in.







Daphne clutched the glass, tipped it backwards and downed it in one go. The sour taste of alcohol permeated her tongue and she gagged.

"YEAH! SAINT DAPHNE DRANK!" screamed Laurel.

Daphne drank.

And drank.

And drank.

Finally she was swaying from the strong, heady scent, when Charles Adair stepped out into the living room, and Daphne's heart stopped.

Well, nearly.

Charles had floppy dark hair that swung into his eyes, which were a clear blue where Daphne would gladly get lost forever. He glared at her with his cold eyes.

"Miller. What are you doing?"

"Oh hey, Adair!" She laughed crazily. "Glad the hottest boy finally joined us, eh?"

He gave her a scathing look, and opened his mouth. However, before he could reply, Laurel yelled. "TRUTH OR DARE IN THE HOUSE!"

Everyone howled their excitement. Charles, the only sober one, scowled at them, but joined them without comment.

They popped another bottle of whisky open, and Laurel greedily took a chug. Daniel Perkins shrieked "PARKER, WE DON'T YOUR SPIT ON OUR LIPS!" Making them all howl with laughter again.

They spun the bottle. It landed on Parvati. "Truth or dare, Perry?" grinned Laurel, smiling slyly. Parvati went pale. "Er.....Dare!"

"French kiss Danny." Answered Laurel with a cackle.

Going as red as Ariana's scarlet boots, she shifted onto his lap, and began enthusiastically. After they finished sticking their tongues down each other's throats, the others cheered.

"Damn, Perry, you kiss well." Laughed Danny, sliding her his number. She blushed and cuddled up closer.

After another hundred rounds, Charles lazily spun. It landed on Daphne. Making her heart miss a beat again.

He locked his gorgeous eyes on her own bloodshot ones. "Miller. Truth or dare?"

She giggled foolishly. "Dare!"

"Kiss me."

Daphne's eyes widened so much they looked about to pop out of her sockets. "Wh-what?"

Charles growled back. "I'm not repeating that. Just DO it."

She moved up onto his lap, beads of sweat trickling down her brow. How were they supposed to? Was she even ready? Was HE ready? Oh god, what if he didn't like it-

Before she could bat an eyelash, he captured her lips with his. That was it. She was going to pass out.

His lips were UNBELIEVABLY soft. He tasted strangely of mint toothpaste and cherries, but Daphne thought she would get high off that taste. The lights seemed to dim, and she could distinctly hear her own heart beating wildly behind her left eyeball. After what seemed like the entire timeline of the Roman Empire, they moved back for that wonderful thing known as oxygen.

"That was......nice." She wheezed, looking deep into his periwinkle orbs. He snorted in derision. "After snogging for two whole minutes, which was probably the best event of my entire life, you say that it's NICE?"

Giving another drunken snicker, she answered "Pretty much."

His face split into a wide grin. "Sassy. I like it."

"Well, I like YOU." Daphne answered without even a single thought. She was saying the truth, and she sounded so sincere, Charles gently traced her cheekbone with his thumb. "I do that too. In fact, I love you, Miller. Be mine?"

"Only after you stop calling me Miller."

"Change your last name."



"Smooth move, Charles."

That was the best night of her life.

Well, until her life had become fabricated, and as fake as Laurel's new hair extensions, she thought, sipping her cocktail. Another Friday night spent sitting at home, while Charles was "at work."

The hideous lies he told her.

"Honey, I will always love you."

"I'd never cheat on you."

"You're my beautiful dandelion."

They were man and wife, according to the church, but it was all a lie.



He'd never love her because he'd never loved her in the first place.

As her thoughts stilled, Charles crashed through the door of her apartment. His bangs were all over the place, and he smelt of alcohol and.....something else. Ladies' rose perfume. There was a lipstick mark on his nape.

Her bright orbs dulled at the sight. Of course.

"Daffy!" he cried at the sight of his wife clad in a simple dark top and jeans, holding a cocktail in her small slim fingers.

"Charles." her voice was hard.

"My beauty, why aren't you in your new dress? I bought it specially for you....." His soft voice was musical and forlorn. Daphne felt her heart turning into a tiny chip of ice. His stupid words could no longer reach her, as she now knew and cherished the hurtful truth.

Because it was true.

"Daffy, do-do you still love me? Tell me you do, my flower....." he wrapped his long arms around her torso, seeking some solace in her.

"Of course I do." She answered blandly.

"I will always love you, Charlie."

November 20, 2020 15:50

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