Adventure Christian Teens & Young Adult

Sound fun?

Prerequisite: Quick reaction time😏

The crack of the bat.

The crack of the back🤓

Goal: It is an elimination game🤓

It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurts.

Let’s not so much call it stealing a chairs.

Per Francis, let’s keep “things” in a positive perspective!

Quick reaction time can or may be subjective.

(Depending upon provider notes and who and whom they “like”)

To some, the word eliminate. A word of profoundness that does not sound fun.

Ironically. We learn this in childhood and in different, insidiously, throughout our life.

We may be left standing, for very long time.

By choice. Is always a better option.

However. Life. Well. You know. The game of life DOES keep us on our toes, 🙂wondering when the next escape artists jumps over their limit……leaving others to pay the heavy price of their own doing, their own disaster.

On that beautiful spring day of youth.

Cathedra approached the crowd of people with trepidation— curiosity, but trepidation. She wondered what all the fuss was about and wondered what the people were doing. Music, chairs, laughing, it all seemed so inviting, yet there was a feeling of doubt.


When Cathedra approached the group, she was if she would like to “play”. Little did she know this would be a re curring theme throughout her life. Little did she know this silly game in a beautiful spring day would teach her about persistence.! Through out life!

She nodded in agreement as the leader, the “DJ” explained the rules of the game. Players. Chairs. Music. Seems easy enough. Cathedra noticed there were fewer chairs than people playing the game and knew then and there the object of the game. How, though would the game be? While the DJ plays the music, participants or contestants walk around the set of chairs. Usually the chairs are set up in a circle. When the music abruptly stops, quick reaction time), all players must find their own chair to sit on.😉


The player who fails to sit on a chair is eliminated.


One chair is then removed for the next round, and the process repeats until only one player remains and is declared the “winner.”

Winner, winner chicken dinner?


”Where’s the beef?”


The defeats of the purpose. Of the elimination game.


Why sit alone when another’s chair is so much more delicious. What some will do for a seat at the table.

In regular, more sane times:



In simpler times.

Interestingly. In the country of Wales, the game had a “twist”. the custom was similar, however with slight differences. The boys would always sit whilst the girls would skip around, always outnumbering the boys. (wk)

(As our minds now wrestle with the hows and the whys) If a girl didn’t sit fast enough on the boy’s lap, she would have to forfeit. this would continue until the end when the winning girl would kiss the last boy.

(Not to be confused with lap dancing)……Never mind…….

Interestingly.. musical chairs name was known as: “A Trip to Jerusalem”. One theory suggests that the name was inspired by the Crusades. Wherein several heavy losses were incurred. Another theory suggests it was inspired by Aliyah, the immigration of the Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel wherein it is stated that spaces on ships taking the Jews to the said land were limited.(wk)

None of these theories have been officially confirmed or denied.🙂

Nor the part about the lap dancing.🤸🤸

Life is like a deck of cards, playing cards. Like people being repeatedly and usually pointlessly shuffled. In the game of life. In the game of musical chairs.

The idea of the game seems childish at best. But. When adu,ts never learn the rules, recurring themes of it can be present in life. People can be repeatedly and usually pointlessly shuffled. Used.

The object of the game?

I dunno.





What fun is there in bumping another off of a chair?

To some. It IS fun. To others. Not so much. (I am guessing the modern day airlines has a thing or two to say about how they manage the musical chair nature of their contestants and seats.)

Chairs. Tables. Desks. Music.

Little did she know Cathedra would grow up and play a new game, related and unrelated at the same time.

Hot desking. Another game of space shared by multiple people. With bumping and potential grinding of the tortuous nature of my space and he space, she space etc.

The name of the game


Fast Forward.


The Musical Chairs version of life: Hot desking.

Shared space? Face to face.

With our maker. (Well, whoever made you is up to you)

Whatever and whether you choose to practice………

None of my business.

Before the mobs run to the altar of the next best thing. The safety in numbers mentality. Perhaps. You wish to have been praying long ago…..For real.


Sitting in one’s own pew and the stink begins to permeate—those around who smell like a rat🐀. or a skunk.

I digress.

Taken even further in modern times there is a game called hot-desking.

The Bed Bug Brigade. Knowingly. Must. Spring into action.

While the rest sit in the fumes of another’s lies and fake ess. No amount of make up to cover up the stench. No amount of niceties, pleasantness.

The stink..

Back to reality.

Now. As Cathedra sits back and ponders the simpler times of stealing a chair from another, or skipping around the potential to sit on a boys lap.

The stakes have changes.

The stakes are higher.

The stakes may smell yummy.

But are never nor worth the price to pay in “meats”.

Hunks. And all related hunks of it.

The meat and green.

And all the rest of the story.

What a wicked web we weave when we choose to deceive.

Dialogue. Schmialogue.

”Can we talk?”



We cannot.

What bubbles below the surface may be far more troublesome than what is “let out.”

Pain that lasts a lifetime.

Oftentimes. Lasts a lifetime.

The more the evil doer knows this, the more the Bed Bug Brigade is needed and necessary.

Need. Necessary.

The Pinnacle of Pinacle. The shuffling of the deck. The flipping of the coin. The coin toss. Is all just that.

A toss.

A puke.

An upchuck of dizzying proportions.

Portion Control.

Poison Control.

Cathedra’s mind brought her back to the present.

Back to reality.

Cathedra remembers fondly the musical chair approach.

The game.

She chose to stand. Alone.


Not to play the game.

That others insisted upon playing under the radar, under the sheets, on the laps and elsewhere.

With that.

She took a giant bite of baloney sandwich. 😎

Smiled. Satisfied.




We cannot talk.


That uncomfortable, four letter word.

As uncomfortable as uncomfortable as stealing another’s chair.

Another’s life.

With that, I say to you:

Get a life.

Get one of your own.

And if you choose not to.

The Bed Bug Brigade is armed and ready for action against your methods and your madness.


April 14, 2024 14:14

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