The colorless guise in the midst of peril was I, Zara Antonelli.
It was a cold April day in Craco, Italy and the clock struck five. The death hour. The hour that reminded me why I spent my days alone in my lodging. I had no life anymore, at least not after the abiding reminiscence of my past. Vincent was truly such a pure, young spirit. No soul would dare end a life like his. Yet here I am. Unable to escape the torture nor face it, I live lifeless.
I noticed a familiar person approaching through the window. The woman bearing mail tapped my door and stood patiently until I opened it. I dragged myself to the door and unwillingly greeted her.
“Zara ma’am. How do you do?” She smiled warmly.
That was something miraculous about this woman, Gina. No matter how terrible the weather was, she would deliver your papers with a smile on her face. Furthermore, she would ask about your day and oftentimes her words could lift even the heaviest sorrow. However, her enthusiasm couldn’t do anything for me today.
I inhaled strongly, “All right, and you?”
“The usual duties of my job live on.” she let out a quick chuckle, and handed the stack to me, “It was nice chatting with you but the sooner I finish this, the better.”
With that, she left towards her truck and hurried off. I closed the door behind me and there I was again, all alone. I realized how slight interactions could potentially change my day. Now I wished I had someone to talk to. Sitting beside me, sharing my passions, perhaps even gently fondling my hair. Alas, those kinds of people only exist if you’re a sincere person. Far from the reality of my existence.
I dragged myself to the kitchen and pulled my refrigerator door open. There lay nothing but two oranges and an empty carton of milk. Nothing sufficient for dinner, yet again. A moody groan escaped my lips as I closed my. Tears ambushed me swifter than I could stop them. My flushed cheeks felt as though they could stick to anything. I reached for my mail and picked up the letter on top. To my surprise, inside it was a first use coupon for a brand new restaurant. Having never eaten at a restaurant before, my mind raced back and forth. Truly I had no other choice but to discover this new place. I was starving. The side of my forehead became numb, then my stomach.
I knew eating at this place meant I would have to converse with others. What if they speak rudely to me? What if they misunderstand me? Who would understand anything I say when I barely know how to speak. I forced myself to disregard these thoughts. Trying something new could be a good experience for me. I extended my arms to grab my handbag, and slipped my loafers on. Then I was out out in the cold, empty, desolate world.
The walk felt interminable, each step of the way I kept my head down and glared at the road ahead. Soon enough, chiming bells jingled in my ears, over and over again. For the first time, I lifted my head up. There it was. There it stood, the beautiful restaurant, decorated with colorful lights. The merry bells greeted me with a hymn.
As I approached the door, it was whipped open by a slim man standing nearby, “Good day. Do you have a reservation for Leonardo’s Ristorante?” he said.
He wore a green apron with red stripes. Leonardo’s Ristorante was printed in fine white letters in the shape of an apron.
“I do not, but I received this coupon. I live near here. Do you mind if I dine here? I hope it’s not much of a bother. I can’t seem to do anything right these days. It’s okay if you don’t accept me,” I paused and sniffled, “I won’t feel bad. These kinds of things happen for people like me. I agree I’m not in the best state but-”
“Madam, do not worry you mustn't explain yourself to me. We believe anyone is welcome. Please follow me.”
I did as he said. The moment I entered the restaurant, it felt as though a mountain of bricks collapsed from my chest. I felt a sense of relief here, and that was just what I needed.
Once I ordered pasta from the menu for takeaway. I took a seat and gazed around. My gaze rested on a pepper shaker in front of me. Tap. Tap. Tap. Time passed slower than my drumming of the innocent thing. I pondered for a while, until I noticed two men lurking, staring into my soul without uttering a word . The slim man reappeared and handed me my food. I thanked him and knew I needed to leave immediately. Something didn’t seem right, and my intuition never lies. I began walking towards my home. Less than a minute later, the bell chimed again. I twirled around, and there they were again. Two men.
Searing bubbles arose in my body, and fear soon after. I wasn’t able to take a close look at the men, but their presence was enough to send me into a panic. What if this was because of Vincent? I could almost see his smile, it was one that shone like a golden sunset. When we were younger, I would drive him to and fro whenever he asked. That's when I would admire the luscious blonde hair which danced against his head.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Each footstep was more audible than the last. I began walking swiftly. Despite my puffing, I could hear louder footsteps behind me. All of a sudden, I bolted. Without thinking, the first thing I did was the universal instinct. Faster than lightning, I ran with a great deal of air filling my lungs. The world never felt more frightening. I whipped my head around, and to my surprise the men were no longer there. So I found an area behind an alley to catch my breath.
I lay legs crossed, sulking in despair, upon the unwelcoming earth of Craco. All of a sudden, piercing screams echoed in the dark alley. I took many breaths before noticing the potent whiff of blood, only to discover it was on my legs. My gaze diverted to the icy, concrete walls above me in the alley. I brushed my hands against them eagerly, but its unwelcoming nature elicited a chill through my spine. The scent of dust and faint dampness urged me to explore further. I massaged my fingers together, chalky dust marred my palms. Through the hollow walls, I overheard the voices of the men, their murmurs lingering in the air. I knew they were coming, but all I could focus on was my continuous heavy breathing. It wasn’t until this very moment that I was compelled to believe my life was nearly about to end. Such events are exactly what I seek to avoid.
Thump, thump, thump. My heart aligned with my feet as they both sensed danger gaining. Vincent flashed back into my mind, is this the price of my actions? I must believe I haven't run out of time just yet.
The voices inched closer and closer to me. I glanced around and finally considered leaving my hideout. I could see another almost identical alley a few meters away from me. To my surprise, everything became silent. No footsteps, no men. I noticed a large sable waste bin perched at the corner of the identical alley I had planned to approach. This was perfect, I could conceal myself behind the bin. So I took the opportunity, and darted there..
I rushed into the alley, the cold bit at my cheeks turning them a flushed pink. Perching myself behind the waste bin, I concentrated on hearing, like an impatient hawk. It was pin drop silent, especially after I made the intelligent decision to hold my breath. Nipping my nose tightly, I used my heightened sense of sound to try and uncover the men’s location. It seemed the only thing audible was the occasional wind.
I relaxed my nose and looked around. Nobody was in sight. I placed a foot beside the dustbin, then the other. Nobody was in sight. I took another step forward and looked around again. Nobody was in sight. I walked to the middle of the street, peering into the distance. Still nobody was in sight.
A grim voice shouted out from behind me, “Grasp her, Romeo!”
“Get your gun, Giuseppe!” another replied.
I pivoted around and nose-to-nose, all I could see was a blurry shadow of a man. He stood confidently, covered in an FBI vest and clutching two guns assertively at me. His broad shoulders and his trim waist seemed to indicate his dedication towards his job. But something about him was certainly off. The way he watched menacingly at me filled my arms with goosebumps. Is he the reason for the screams I heard before? My whole life led up to this moment, I was not going to die here. Not for Vincent.
Before I could think further, I felt a pair of hands from behind me wrap around my waist and squeeze tightly. A gasp for air escaped my desperate throat before it retaliated with violent coughs. Each spasm sent a jolt through my body so sharply, I couldn’t process my burning throat. I felt my limp body be lifted into the air, helpless and lost. My head thumped against the man’s chest. My heavy eyelids gave up on me, but the darkness did not. Vincent’s death wasn’t the end. It was only the beginning.
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