Christmas Feelings

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Begin your story with somebody watching the sunrise, or sunset.... view prompt


Christmas Fiction Romance

I was watching Sunrise when I met him. If you’re thinking that it was love at first sight and that we instantly fell in love. You're absolutely wrong. He had blue eyes, dark brown hair, and was 6 feet from what I could tell. I was home with my dad for the holidays. It was Christmas week and I loved the view from when I was little. He sat on the ground right next to me watching the sunrise. I was furious that this random guy who looked about the same age as me and sat right next to me without asking. I looked at him and asked him, “Why are you sitting next to me?” The moment I said it I regretted it. He looked at me and said, “You are not the only person who likes to see the sunrise.” I sat there silently and a few minutes later he said his name was Nicolas and he was here on vacation for the holidays. So I replied, “My name is Anabella and I am home for the holidays with my dad.” Me and him talked until it was 9 in the morning. That’s when my phone started ringing. It was my dad. The second I answer he starts asking questions like, “Are you okay?, Where are you? I was worried sick.” I told him that I was fine and I was at my favorite place watching the sunrise and time just slipped away. I said I was on my way home and I was sorry. I hung up the phone and told Nicolas I had to go. We went our separate ways. Later that night my dad and I were decorating our tree and listening to Christmas carols. I was so tired I went to bed early after that. But up in my room I couldn’t stop thinking about Nicolas and how odd he was. The next day was the 22nd of december. My dad left early to volunteer at a homeless shelter so I had the whole day to myself. I decided I was going to just stay home and watch christmas movies when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and there he was 6 feet and everything. It was Nicolas. I told him to come in and asked him how he knew where I lived and he said, “It's a small town and word goes around fast that the famous hometown lawyer Anabella was home for the holidays a few blocks away from the park where we met.” I just laughed and then I realized I was still in my pajamas. I was so embarrassed. So I told him to have a seat while I go change. I came back downstairs and we talked a lot. He said he was 29 years old and that he worked as an accountant of a huge company back in the city and he wanted a vacation so he came here. So I was correct, he was the same age as me. When my dad came home I introduced him to Nicolas and they talked about soccer while I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Nicolas was staying at the inn a few blocks away so my dad said, “Why don’t you check out and come here. We have a very cozy room that we don’t use, right Anabella?’’ I said yes and Nicolas said he would do it. 10 minutes later he came back and settled in. I went to sleep that night thinking I was crazy because I was falling in love with a guy I had met two days ago. The next day Nicolas offered me a nice breakfast at the diner. I said yes and we went. When we were there the song Silent night was on. Nicolas asked me, “Would you care to dance” and held his hand out. I smiled and grabbed his hand. We danced to the song and I knew I was not falling in love. I was already in love. When the song ended we looked at each other and well we did what people do when they fall in love, we kissed. After we ate, Nicolas asked me to be his girlfriend. I said I had to think about it. We went back to the house and my dad was there waiting. I told him everything, I mean everything. He smiled and said, “You should go for it honey, you don’t fall in love everyday and you deserve to be happy.” He was right so when Nicolas came to the kitchen I told him yes. He hugged me with so much joy and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We spent the rest of the day together watching movies. Then he said he had a surprise for me. He blindfolded me and walked me somewhere. When he took off the blindfold I saw we were in the same exact spot where we first met. It was a picnic and watching the sunset. We stayed there all night talking. The next day was Christmas Eve. My dad and I have a tradition where we open one gift on Christmas Eve night. So all three of us that evening had dinner and opened one present. Nicolas didn’t want to interfere in our tradition so he left us to do our thing. My dad got me a blue emerald necklace with small diamonds on it. It was beautiful. I got my dad a picture of him, mom, and me. It was the last picture we took all together before she died. It was also the first Christmas without her so it was extra special to him. Then Christmas morning came and me and my dad exchanged more presents. He gave me a pair of earrings to match my necklace and I gave him a ticket to go to Spain to see his favorite soccer team, Real Madrid. Then Nicolas came and got down on one knee and proposed it was one of the best gifts I had ever received. I said yes. My dad said, “By next Christmas I will have a son in law!” He was so happy for us his eyes sparkled. And to think I met my true love in my favorite place watching a sunrise.  Next Christmas was our wedding right in the park where we had met. That was the best Christmas I have ever had.

June 25, 2021 20:26

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05:53 Jul 02, 2021

This was a really fun feel-good story! I love Christmas so I like it being a central aspect of the story. The only thing I might say is that the story could maybe be broken into different paragraphs to separate different scenes. Great job!


Emily Rodas
12:16 Jul 02, 2021

Thank you Natania Kurien! I'll keep that in mind the next time I write a story.


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